Dear Prof. I would like to introduce myself as XXX from YYY. I am keen to take up a post-doctoral position in your research group, for which,
19 pages

74 KB – 19 Pages

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Dear Prof. Daugulis I would like to introduce myself as XXX , pursuing Ph.D. in the work group of Prof. Recently I visited your website and found your research work very appealing. I feel that with my background knowledge in synthetic organometallic chemi stry, I will be able to w ork well in this field. I am herewith enclosing my curriculum vitae Thanking you Note how there is no description of why work is appealing. It is clear that this application was sent to hundreds of addresses. Dear Prof. I woul d like to introduce myself as XXX from YYY . I am keen to take up a post – doctoral position in your research group, for which, herewith I gladly furnish a brief summary of my research achievements for your consideration. Having studied the research interest s and the recent publications of your group, I am keen in exploring an opportunity to work in your group, which unambiguously would further my knowledge and skills. Considering the interest to reach new heights in the field of and with all the confidence t hat I shall be a potential competitor for a post doctoral position in your research group, herewith I am enclosing my curriculum vitae and summary of the work done for your kind perusal and would be glad to furnish further details, which you may desire to know. Looking forward to a formidable response from your end. Too flowery language

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Respected Sir, I am XXXX , doing my Ph.D in Organic Chemistry from University of YYY , under the guidance of Prof. ZZZZ . I feel that I am quite compititive/suitable to yo ur requirement for Postdoctorate position in your research group. Waiting for your positive reply, Yours Sincerely, No name of professor this individual is applying to obviously mass fishing operatio n, spelling errors Dear Professor Daugulis, I would like to introduce myself as XXX , Senior Research Fellow from ZZZZ . I am writing this letter to explore the possibility of a Post Doctoral Position at your research group. A brief exposure to the research at your esteemed group would help me further sharpe n my synthetic skills in the area of organic, bioorganic and medicinal chemistry. Having studied the research interests and the research publications of your group, I am keen to join in your group, where I can explore my knowledge and skills. Herewith I am enclosing my curriculum vitae for your kind perusal and would be glad to furnish further details, which you may desire to know. I will be grateful if you can evaluate my chances to work in your esteemed research group. Looking forward to hearing fr om you. Thanking you Yours sincerely Individual is not aware what kind of chemistry we do

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Respected Professor, Kindly permit me to introduce myself as XXXX , presently work ing as a Senior Research Fellow . I am looking out for a challenging p ostdoctoral position in synthetic organic / inorganic/ polymer chemistry . I would like to explore my research career under your guidance. I would be greatly delighted if you consider my candidature. I am enclosing herewith my curriculum vitae with the summ ary of my research work as an attachment file for your kind perusal. Yours sincerely Only thing missing from interests is physical chemistry, anything else will apparently be fine Dear Prof. Olafs Daugulis, I would like to introduce myself XXX , pos tdoctoral Research associate in Y YY . I am keen to take up a Post Doctoral Position in your esteemed research group, for which, herewith I gladly furnish a brief summary of my research achievements for your consideration. Having studied the research interes t and the recent publications of your group, I am looking forward to work in your group. This unambiguously would provide me an opportunity to further explore my knowledge and skills. Considering the interest to reach new heights in the field of organic ch emistry and with all the confidence that I shall be a potential competitor for a post doctoral position in your research group, herewith I am enclosing my curriculum vitae for your kind perusal and would be glad to furnish further details, which you may de sire to know. Looking forward to a formidable response from your end. Thanking you, Yours sincerely, Way too flowery and low on specifics mass

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Dear prof. I am writing this letter to you inquiring in to the p ossibility of obtaining a Post – doctoral position within your esteemed research group. I would like to introduce myself as XXX Senior Research Fellow at YYY . I am having excellent academic background through out my study career. I gladly furnish a brief sum mary of my research achievements for your kind consideration. I am looking forward to work in the frontier areas of organic, bio – organic and medicinal chemistry. In this context, I feel privileged in seeking a postdoctoral position in your esteemed researc h group. I am herewith, enclosing my curriculum vitae as attachment file for your kind perusal and consideration. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanking you sir, yours sincerely, Flowery language, no idea what is done in group person is applying t o Dear Sir, I have recently completed my Ph.D thesis and highly interested to broaden the horizon of my knowledge under your able guidance as postdoctoral/research associate. I am enclosing a copy of my resume/CV/Biodata as an attachment for favor of your kind consideration and necessary action. I shall be highly thankful if I am given a chance to work & prove my ability under your noble guidance. With best regards. Noble guidance beats everything

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Dear Professer, I am highly encouraged with the research work going on in your laboratory. So in this context i request you to kindly consider my candidature, given a chance i will prove myself as an active member in your research group. Herein i am attaching my detailed bio data and synopsis for your kind perusals. i have submitted my thesis. Thanking you yours sincerely Capitalization and spelling are apparently irrelevant . Professer!!! Application for a Post Doctoral Position in Your Gracious Research Group Dear Professor, I take this opportunity to introduce myself as a recent Ph. D. in th e synthetic organic chemistry. I have been working on the topic ” AAAAA ” under the guidance of Prof. ZZZZ in the Department of Chemistry, YYYY and published six papers in the international journals of repute. A brief account of my research activities has b een incorporated in my curriculum vitae for your kind perusal. Since I desire to further broaden my experiences in the area of organic synthesis, I am looking forward to the opportunity of working in your research group as a postdoctoral fellow. Given the chance, I will devote myself to contribute to the best of my ability. Eagerly waiting for an early favorable reply, With best regards, Sincerely Yours, Gracious research group!!!

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Dear Prof. Olafs Daugulis, Let me take the pleasure of introducin g myself as XXXX , completed the Ph.D. work under the supervision of YYY , ZZZ . I am writing this letter to explore the possibility of working with you as a postdoctoral fellow. I would be extremely grateful if you consider myself in your esteemed group as a Postdoctoral Fellow. I humbly promise that if given an opportunity, I would try my level best to make a real contribution as a member of your group. I enclose my C.V. and work summary for your kind persual. Looking forward to hear a positive response from you soon. With best regards Humbly promise! Esteemed group! Dear sir, I am XXX , and i have been admitted into the university of Houston in the computer science dept. I would like to work under you as a part time student at a position that suites my profile. It would be a pleasure working under you. I have placed my resume below. Please do consider my request by reviewing it. Thanking you, XXX Why should chemists hire computer science students in chemistry, and spelling apparently does not matter ag ain

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Dear Pro fessor, Sub – To pursue a post – doctoral position in your esteemed group to upgrade my knowledge in Synthetic Organic Chemistry / Medicinal chemistry/ Catalysis . I would like to introduce myself as XXX , Senior Research Fellow f rom ZZZ . I am keen to take up a post – doctoral position in your research group, for which, herewith I gladly furnish a brief summary of my research achievements for your consideration. I believe that my knowledge in organic chemistry / catalysis combined w ith my research experience in organic chemistry background makes me a strong candidate for this position. I am confident that my research experience and communication skills, writing skills, logical thinking would be an asset to your group. I wish to gain more knowledge and professional experience in the field of synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry and frontier areas of catalysis. I find your work to be inspiring and would appreciate the chance to work with you and your group, to learn more about, and contribute to this fascinating area of research. In this connection I would like to state that I can carry out several organic reaction and also capable of structural determination using various spectroscopic methods for unexpected products . When faced with challenges, I succeed in utilizing different strategies in conducting reactions, purification of compounds, and structural elucidation. With over four years of experience in research field, I strongly believe that my qualification will ma tch your requirements. I have always been committed to continuing my efforts towards research. I am an effective organizer and planner. My outgoing and friendly nature allows me to interact with my colleagues and with my supervisor. Yours sincerely Any chemistry will do

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Dear Prof. Daugulis, Olafs I am writing this letter to explore the possibility of a postdoctoral fellowship. I am aware of the high standards of research being done at your group. A brief exposure to the research at your esteemed group help me further sharpen my synthetic skills in the area of organic, bioorganic and medicinal chemistry. I have been working for my Ph.D in synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry . During the course of my work i have involved in the pilot plant sc ale synthesis of XXXX . I have also developed various methodologies in organic reactions involving preparation of QQQQ . I have also done ZZZZ. This training has given me a sound knowledge to undertake research problems of contemporary interest involving sy nthetic organic and medicinal chemistry. I am very much interested to seek a postdoctoral position in your esteemed research group, which would give me further exposure in the challenging frontier areas of organic and medicinal chemistry. Please find enc losed a copy of my curriculum vitae. Hope my experience and skills meet your requirements. I feel privileged to furnish more information if needed. I will be grateful if you can evaluate my chances to work in your esteemed research group. Looking forw ard to hearing from you. S kills will be sharpened mostly in areas that we do not work in Prof. Olafs Daugulis Sir, I am very much interested to work under your esteemed guidance. I have gone through your fantastic research and publications. kindly give me an oppertunity to work with you sir. Please find attached the covering letter and my CV and oblige. Anticipating the needful. Thanking you Sincerely, Spelling is irrelevant yet again, as applying for job is of the same importance as texting ur friends,

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Respected Sir, I am XXX . I am currently doing my PhD in ” FFFF ” from ZZZ . The purpose of writing this mail is to find a post doctoral position in your group. I have good experience in developing synthetic methodolog ies for various functional group transformations and multi step synthesis of GGGG . During my PhD career, till now I could publish NN papers and N more communicated. Sir, now I strongly wish to develop my knowledge and skill further through the postdoctor al experience. I have already read your recent papers, which I can access and I am sure I can learn a lot from you if you give me a chance to work. I will be thankful to you if you can give me a postdoctoral position in your group. I will be sincere and d edicated and can assure you my hard work if you give me a position. I know from your busy schedule it may be difficult to find some time for my mail. Still I am humbly expecting a reply. Here I am attaching my Biodata Yours faithfully, Extra – flowery no one cares about applicants verbally prostrating themselves such as in

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Dear Sir Good morning. I am Dr. XXX , a YYY National. I am looking a jobs/fellowship. My specialty is on synthetic organic Chemistry (Flavonoids Chemistry) and Natural Products Chemistry (Isolation and Characterization of the chemical constituents of medicinal plant or fruits and vegetables such as flavonoids, terpenoids and caffeic acid derivatives; i. e. polyphenolic compounds). I have already finished my 2 years Visiting Post – Doctoral Fellowship on medicinal plant in the ZZZ . I have also finished my doctoral degree on flavonoids chemistry. On the other hand, in my country I am working in the YYY Atomic Energy Commission as a DDD on the same field. In addition, in my institute I am also working on the environmental chemistry on the identification and quantification of SSSS and also on natural products chemistry. I have about NN publications (both nationa l and International Journals) is my credit on the same field. Now I am very much interested to perform more advanced research on the same field or any other related field. I have seen your on going research area is more related to my field. For your inform ation, I am sending herewith my details bio – data with attached file for your kind consideration and necessary action. In this context, I am requesting your good selves to consider my appeal. Hence, I pray your highness to kindly grant my appeal and oblige thereby for which act of kindness I will be ever grateful to you. Looking forward to hearing from you as early as possible. Thanking you Sincerely yours, Perhaps the most extra – flowery application known to humanity

74 KB – 19 Pages