The date 8th Dhul Hijjah starts after the Maghrib prayer of 7th Dhul Hijjah. The Sunnah is to travel on 8th Dhul Hijjah after. Fajr Salah. Take the best option that is

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STEP 1 Hajj The night of 7 th Dhul Hijjah Your group may decide to travel to Mina on the night of 7 th Dhul Hijjah for the convenient and to avoid the rush. Note: This is permissible . The date 8 th Dhul Hijjah starts after the Maghrib prayer of 7 th Dhul Hijjah T he Sunnah is to travel on 8 th Dhul Hijjah after Fajr Salah. Take the best option that is convenient for you. IMPORTANT: Follow step 2 to Step 4 if you have decided to travel on the night of 7 th Dhul Hijjah .

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STEP 2 Hajj Preparations for Hajj Pack all your necessary items for the duration of your stay in Mina . Spare Ihram. Ihram belt. Good comfortable walking sandals. Perfume free deodorants, cream etc . Sleeping bag (for Muzdalifah may be required). Shaving equipment . An Umbrella . Good water bottle/flask . 2/3 sets of normal wearing clothing . Any other items according to your need . NOTE: There is no specific clothing for the women; they may wear any comfortable clothing like the Burka.

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STEP 3 Hajj Before travelling to Mina (7/8 Dhul Hijjah) Take a shower. Remove all un – wanted body hairs . Clip your nails. Trim any facial hairs . You may use perfume before wearing Ihram. Recommended You may perform 2 Raka’ah Nafl with Sura h Kafirun and Ikhlas at home or at the airport. (Before or after wearing the Ihram). If time permits (Optional) You may also perform a Nafl Tawaf.

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STEP 4 Hajj Wearing Ihram for the Hajj (7/8 Dhul Hijjah ) WARNING: Before travelling to mina you MUST be in Ihram. Wear Ihram (Men). Women are allowed to wear any clothing. Make Niyyah for the Hajj. Do not cover your head, not even with your Ihram. towel WARNING: All Ihram restriction will now apply . NOTE: The Niyyah can be in Arabic or in your own language. Labbayk Allahumma Hajj. ” O Allah, here I am to perform Hajj . ” Perfumes are not permissible after wearing the Ihram. Start and continue reciting the Talbiyah.

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STEP 5 Hajj Arrival in Mina – 8 Dhul Hijjah You should arrived around mid – day in Mina . Go to your designated tent. Find/choose your sleeping area in the tent. Get freshened and take shower if necessary. Have breakfast/lunch (depending on arrival) NOTE: The Hajis who arrived on the night of 7th Dhul Hijj ah, would have already taken the steps above . ADVISE: If time permits, get famil iar with your tent surroundings. If you get lost you can spend hour s looking for your tent.

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STEP 6 Hajj How to prey Salah in Mina You need to shorten your Salah (Qasr) for all your Mina stay. Fajr: 4 (2+2) Dhuhr: 2 Asr: 2 Maghrib: 3 Isha: 5 (2 +3) Pr ay in Jamm’ah either in your tent or you may join other Jamm’ah from different tent. NOTE: Some Jamm’ah may not shorten the Salah, do not get into any dispute, you have the option to join or not to join. IMPORTANT: Relax and rest often , today is a day of preparation for the Arafat tomorrow. Spend a portion of day and the night in (Ibadah) Dhikr, Azkar and Istighfar. ADVISE: For Arafat and Muzdalifah , pack some energetic dry fruits and dates.

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STEP 8 Hajj Dua of Arafat Dua for Arafat: La ilaha illa allahu wah dahu la shareeka lahu, Lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu, Wa huwa ‘ala kullee shay’in qadeer Also recite: Rabbana atina fid – dunya hasanatan wa fil ‘ akhirati hasanatan waqina ‘adhaban – nar Open your heart and shed tears and make sincere Tawba, Dhikr I stighfar in your own language at every opportunity.

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STEP 9 Hajj Arafat until sunset Rec iting Talbiyah and Duas of Arafat are to be continue d at all time s . After Salah (Dhuhr/Asr) have lunch and get some rest. to be nearer to Jabal Al Rahmah, otherwise follow your group instruction s . R emember Allah SWT immensely , make lots of Dua, Dhikr and Istighfar either in Arabic or in your own l anguage by raising your hand s and facing the Qibla (Sunnah) . It is also permissible to make Dua’s from authentic book s (Group d ua’s are not recommended) . T his day is between you a nd your Lord, no one knows what is in your heart better then you! Remain in Arafah until sunset (Maghrib) IMPORTANT: DO NOT pra y Maghrib in Arafat (Maghrib and Isha are delayed . P ray together in Muzdalifah) . Now proceed to ward Muzdalifah .

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STEP 10 Hajj Going toward Muzdalifah You can walk or take transport arranged by your group ( Mu’allim) . Continue reciting Talbiyah, Dhikr and Dua on the way. DO NOT delay your Salah past half of the night. If delayed or stuck in traffic, pray wherever you are on the road .

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STEP 1 1 Hajj Upon arriving in Muzdalifah Your group (Mu’allim) may have set up or arrange a tent/area for you to stay the night. If not, find a suitable area to spend the night. Offer your Salah, Maghrib and Isha (combined) For both prayers there is one Adhan and one I qamah . Pray in Jama’ah. For Maghrib – 3 Rak’ah Fard. For Isha – 2 Rak’ah Fard and 3 Witr. Have food and rest. Collecting Pebbles Collect 49 pebbles . 70 pebbles if spending 13th Dhul Hijjah in Mina. 10 Dhul Hijjah, 7 Pebbles. 11 Dhul Hijjah, 21 Pebbles. 12 Dhul Hijjah, 21 Pebbles. 13 Dhul Hijjah, 21 Pebbles (Optional/Sunnah). IMPORTANT: This is a blessed night, s pend some part of the night in Ibadah, Dhikr , Dua and Azka r. Prey Fajr in Jama’a h. Spend time in Dhikr or Azkar and make long Dua’s facing the Qibla until dawn. Now proceed to Mina

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