Jan 31, 2018 — Stripping of any length of pipe/coiled tubing is not permitted through a pipe ram preventer that is part of the required BOP equipment (see

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Directive 036: Drilling Blowout Prevention Requirements and Procedures (January 2018) i Directive 036 Release date: January 3, 2018 Effective date: January 3, 2018 Replaces previous edition issued February 2006. Drilling Blowout Prevention Requirements and Procedures The Alberta Energy Regulator has approved this directive on January 3 2018. Jim Ellis President and Chief Executive Officer Contents Overview . 1 Purpose of the Directive . 1 AER Requirements 1 What™s New in This Directive 1 What This Directive Contains .. 1 Alberta Municipal Affairs . 1 Waivers 2 Conducting a Drilling Rig In spection . 3 Introduction 3 AER Inspector™s Role .. 3 AER Inspector™s Fo cus 3 AER Inspector™s Safety 4 Industry™s Role . 4 Drilling Inspectio n Report 5 Completing the Drilling Inspection Report . 7

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Alberta Energy Regulator ii Directive 036: Drilling Blowout Prevention Requirements an d Procedures (January 2018) Inspection Items Detailed . 10 1 Blowout Prevention System 10 1.1 Blowout Preventer (BOP) Equipment .. 10 Metallic Material for Sour Service . 10 1.1.1 Pipe Rams 11 1.1.2 Casing Rams .. 11 1.1.3 Ram Locking Device s (Hand Wheels) 11 1.1.4 Double Drilling/Studding 11 1.1.5 Flange – and Clamp -Type Connections .. 12 1.1.6 Redundant BOP Equipment 12 1.1.7 1.2 Casing Bowls 12 Sliplock .. 12 1.2.1 Threaded .. 13 1.2.2 Welded 13 1.2.3 Casing Bowl Flange, Outlet(s), and Valve(s) . 13 1.2.4 Pressure Rating . 13 1.2.5 1.3 Drill -Through Components . 14 1.4 Stabbing Valve and Inside BOP . 14 1.5 Lower Kelly Cock Valve .. 15 1.6 Stripping Operations . 15 1.7 Shop Servicing and Testing of BOPs, Drill -Through Spools, and Flexible Bleed -off and Kill -line Hoses .. 15 2 Bleed -Off System . 16 2.1 Class I Wells . 16 Diverter Line 16 2.1.1 2.2 Well Classes II ŒVI and Critical Sour Wells 17 Bleed -off Line(s) 17 2.2.1 Choke Manifold .. 19 2.2.2 Remote Drill Pipe Pressure Gauge Ass embly at Choke Control . 19 2.2.3 Mud-Gas Separator(s) (Degasser) .. 20 2.2.4 Primary Degasser . 20 2.2.5 Secondary Degasser (Critical Sour Wells) .. 21 2.2.6 Degasser Inlet . 21 2.2.7 Degasser Vent Line . 22 2.2.8 Flare Line(s) . 23 2.2.9 2.3 Flare Pits . 24 2.4 Flare Tanks 25

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Alberta Energy Regulator Directive 036: Drilling Blowout Prevention Requirements and Procedures (January 2018) iii 3 Kill System .. 26 3.1 Class I Wells . 26 3.2 Well Classes II ŒIV and Critical So ur Wells 26 3.3 Well Classes V and VI and Critical Sour Wells 27 4 Flexible Hoses .. 29 4.1 Bleed -off, Kill, or Diverter Line(s) 29 4.2 Flare and Emergency Flare Line(s) .. 30 4.3 Degasser Inlet Line(s) .. 30 4.4 Degasser Vent Line .. 31 5 Winterizing .. 32 5.1 Winterizing BOP, Accumulator, Bleed -off, and Kill Systems 32 6 BOP Control Systems 33 6.1 Accumulator System . 33 Additional BOP Equipment .. 35 6.1.1 6.2 Backup Nitrogen (N 2) System .. 35 Additional BOP Equipment .. 37 6.2.1 6.3 BOP Controls 37 Floor Controls . 37 6.3.1 Remote Controls 37 6.3.2 Master Hydraulic Control Manifold Location 38 6.3.3 6.4 BOP Function Test . 38 Procedure . 38 6.4.1 Daily and Weekly .. 40 6.4.2 Recording . 40 6.4.3 6.5 Accumulator Sizing Calculations 40 System Specifications . 41 6.5.1 Determining Precharge Pressure . 43 6.5.2 Determining Usable Accumulator Hydraulic Fluid Volume at a Minimum Pressure of 6.5.3 8400 kPa 43 Method 1 43 6.5.4 Determining BOP Component Hydraulic Fluid Requirements .. 44 6.5.5 Completing the Sizing Calculation 44 6.5.6 6.6 Backup Nitrogen Sizing Calculations 45 System Specifications . 46 6.6.1 Determining Usable Backup N 2 Fluid Volume at a Minimum Pressure of 8400 kPa . 46 6.6.2 Method 1 46 6.6.3 Determining BOP Component Backup N 2 Requirements 47 6.6.4

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Alberta Energy Regulator iv Directive 036: Drilling Blowout Prevention Requirements an d Procedures (January 2018) Completing the Sizing Calculation 47 6.6.5 7 Pressure Testing .. 50 7.1 Class I Wells . 50 7.2 Well Classes II to VI .. 50 7.3 Alternative Method . 52 8 Engines . 54 8.1 Shutoff Devices 54 Diesel Engine(s) 54 8.1.1 Gasoline Engine(s) .. 54 8.1.2 Vehicles Without Shutoff Devices . 54 8.1.3 Testing and Recording .. 54 8.1.4 Conducting Engine Shutoff Test(s) .. 55 8.1.5 8.2 Engine Exhaust 55 9 Mud Tanks and Fluid Volume Monitoring Systems 56 9.1 Mud Tanks . 56 9.2 Mud Tank Fluid Volume Monitoring System . 56 Nonautomated (Nonelectronic) Fluid Level Monitors . 56 9.2.1 Automated (Electronic) Mud Tank Fluid Volume Monitoring Systems .. 57 9.2.2 Automated (Electronic) Mud Tank Fluid Volume Monitoring Systems Š 9.2.3 Surface Casing Reductions . 58 9.3 Trip Tank ŠDesign and Fluid Level Monitoring .. 58 Well Classes I, II, and III 58 9.3.1 Well Classes IV, V, and VI 59 9.3.2 Critical Sour Wells 60 9.3.3 10 Well -Site Supervision and Certification 61 10.1 Well -Site Supervision 61 Tripping and Well Control Situations .. 61 10.1.1 10.2 Blowout Prevention and Well Control Certificates . 61 Drille r Certification 61 10.2.1 Licensee Representative and Rig Manager Certification . 62 10.2.2 11 Well Control, Crew Training, and Tripping . 63 11.1 Well Control .. 63 Maximum Allowable Casing Pressure (MACP) . 63 11.1.1 Reduced Speed Pump Pressure (RSPP) . 63 11.1.2 Blowout Prevention and Well Control Procedures .. 63 11.1.3 STICK Diagram .. 64 11.1.4

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Alberta Energy Regulator Directive 036: Drilling Blowout Prevention Requirements and Procedures (January 2018) v 11.2 Crew Training 64 BOP Drills . 64 11.2.1 Crew Alert Meth od 65 11.2.2 Conducting Crew BOP Drills ŠInspector™s Involvement 65 11.2.3 Crew Assessment and Procedures . 65 11.2.4 Recording BOP Drills .. 65 11.2.5 11.3 Tripping 65 Flow Checks 66 11.3.1 Hole Filling 66 11.3.2 Trip Records 66 11.3.3 12 Electrical and Flame -Type Equipment .. 68 12.1 Electrical Appliances and Electrical Devices 68 12.2 Electrical Motors and Electrical Generators . 68 12.3 Flame -Type Equipment .. 68 12.4 Incinerators and Burn Pits . 68 12.5 Smoking .. 69 13 Casing Inspection 70 13.1 30-Day Casing Inspection .. 70 13.2 Casing Integrit y 70 Test Methods .. 70 13.2.1 Pressure Testing the Casing .. 70 13.2.2 Logging the Casing .. 72 13.2.3 14 Drillstem Testing .. 73 14.1 Drillstem Testing (DST) .. 73 15 High -Hazard Area and Surface Casing Reductions .. 74 15.1 High -Hazard Area ŠSoutheastern Alberta 74 Surface Casing .. 74 15.1.1 Drilling Fluid Density 74 15.1.2 Emergency Flare Line . 74 15.1.3 15.2 Surface Casing Reductions .. 75 Emergency Flare Line . 75 15.2.1 15.3 High -Hazard Area/Surface Casing Reductions ŠWell Cont rol Equipment 75 16 Sour and Critical Sour Wells .. 78 16.1 General Information .. 78 16.2 Emergency Response Plan (ERP) 78 ERP Notification . 78 16.2.1

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Alberta Energy Regulator vi Directive 036: Drilling Blowout Prevention Requirements an d Procedures (January 2018) 16.3 Warning Sign in H 2S Area .. 79 16.4 Critical Sour Well 79 Drilling Plan .. 79 16.4.1 Intermediate Casing . 79 16.4.2 BOP System and Choke Manifold 79 16.4.3 Shear Blind Rams . 79 16.4.4 Drill Pipe 80 16.4. 5 Indicators and Recording Devices 80 16.4.6 H2S Monitoring 80 16.4.7 Sulphide Monitoring . 80 16.4.8 Drilling Fluid Volumes . 81 16.4.9 Testing and Coring .. 81 16.4.10 Underbalanced Drilling .. 81 16.4.11 Personnel .. 82 16.4.12 Ignition Criteria 82 16.4.13 17 Well -Site Records and Reporting 85 17.1 Notification of Commencement of Drilling (Spud) .. 85 17.2 Drilling and Completion Data Recording . 85 17.3 Loss of Circulation, Kicks, and Blowouts 85 Loss of Circulation ŠRecording and Reporting . 85 17.3.1 Kick ŠRecording and Reporting 85 17.3.2 Blowout ŠRecording and Reporting 86 17.3.3 17.4 Deviation Surveys .. 86 17.5 Directional Surveys ŠCritical Sour Wells 86 17.6 Well Licence Posting 87 18 Licensee and Contractor Inspections 88 18.1 Daily Inspections . 88 Recording Inspections 88 18.1.1 18.2 Detailed Inspections . 88 Recording Inspections 89 18.2.1 19 Well -Site Fluids and Environment .. 90 19.1 Oil -Based Mud Systems . 90 19.2 Crude Oil Used to Relea se Stuck Drill String .. 90 19.3 Oil Storage Tanks .. 90 19.4 Temporary Aboveground Storage Tank Dik ing Requirements 91 19.5 Sump Construction and Operation 91 19.6 Drilling Fluid Disposal .. 91

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Alberta Energy Regulator viii Directive 036: Drilling Blowout Prevention Requirements an d Procedures (January 2018) Appendices 1 Ope rational Noncompliances . 109 2 Equipment Symbols . 145 3 Blowout Preventer Systems 146 4 NACE Requirements for Metal lic Materials Exposed to H 2S .. 152 5 Shop Servicing and Testing of BOPs, Drill -Through Spools, Drill -Thro ugh Adapter Flanges, and Flexible Bleed -off and Kill -Line Hoses 154 6 Well -Site Spacing ŠMinimum Distance Requirements . 158 7 Acc umulator Sizing Calculations .. 159 8 Nitrogen Sizing Calculations 164 9 BOP Fluid Volume R equirements . 169 10 Crew Shut -in Procedures . 186 11 Crew Training Assessment Form . 189 12 Fluid Level Drop From Surface .. 191 13 Electrical Inspection of Drilling Rigs 194 14 ERP Review . 197 15 Public C ontact Form 199 16 Reference Cited and Further Reading .. 201 Figures 1 Usable accumulator fluid volume above 8400 kPa 44 2 Usable nitrogen fluid volume above 8400 kPa . 49 3 High -hazard area for southern Alberta . 76 4. Emergency flare line configuration for high -hazard area (southeastern Alberta) and for type 3 and type 4 surface casing reductions . 77 5 BOP stack configurations Šcritical sour w ells .. 83 6 Choke manifold Šcritical sour wells 84 7 Surface mineable areas 97 8 Coiled tubing, Class I Šminimum pressure rating 1400 kPa .. 101 9 Coiled tubing, Class II Šminimum pressure rating 7000 kPa . 102 10 Coiled tubing , Class III Šminimum pressure rating 14 000 kPa 103 11 Coiled tubing , Class IV Šminimum pressure rating 21 000 kPa .. 104 12 Coiled tubing , Class V Šminimum pressure rating 34 000 kPa 105 13 Coiled tubing , Class VI Šminimum pressure rating 69 000 kPa .. 106 Tables 1 Vessel sizing and vent line specifications .. 20 2 Accumul ator bottle capacity 41 3 Manufacturer™s recommended precharge pressures . 43

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Alberta Energy Regulator Directive 036: Drilling Blowout Prevention Requirements and Procedures (January 2018) ix 4 Low -pressure testing requirements befo re drilling out the surface, intermediate, or production casing. 51 5 High -pressure testing requirements before drilling out the surface casing. .. 51 6 High -pressure testing requirements before drilling out the intermediate or production casing. .. 52 7 Low -pressure testing requirements prior to drilling out the surface casing. .. 52 8 High-pressure test ing requir ements prior to drilling out the surface cas ing. . 53 9 High -pressure testing requirements after intermediate casing is set. .. 53

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Alberta Energy Regulator Directive 036: Drilling Blowout Prevention Requirements and Procedures (January 2018) 1 Overview Purpose of the Directive Directive 036 : Drilling Blowout Prevention Requirements and Procedures details the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) mini mum equipment and procedure requirements that the licensee must follow when drilling wells in the Province of Alberta. In addition, the directive provides a reference for AER drilling rig inspection staff to assist in completing the AER Drilling Inspection Report. AER Requirements Following AER requirements is mandatory for the responsible duty holder as specified in legislation (e.g., licensee, operator, company, applicant, approval holder, or permit holder). The term fimustfl indicates a requirement, while terms such as fishould,fl firecommends,fl and fiexpectsfl indicate a recommended practice. Information on compliance and enforcement can be found on the AER website. What™s New in This Directive In this edition of Directive 036, Energy Safety Canada (ESC; the s uccessor of Enform) , the International Well Control Forum (IWCF), and the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) are recognized as adequate providers of training and certification on well control and well blowout prevention; all reference s to Enform have been replaced with ESC; and Directive 036 Œ Addendum 2015 -05-19 has been incorporated. What This Directive Contains This directive contains 25 sections that detail minimum equipment and procedure requirements for drilling wells in the Prov ince of Alberta. In additio n, there are 16 appendices of supplemental information. The directive also describes the role of the AER field centre inspectors and includes the AER Drilling Inspection Report that AER field inspectors complete for each site in spected. Alberta Municipal Affairs Both the AER and Alberta Municipal Affairs (AMA) have responsibilities regarding electrical systems at drilling rigs. An agreement between the AER and AMA (see appendix 13) describes and formalizes the expectations of t he AER and the AMA with regard to electrical systems at rigs.

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