pdf. • NRA Open Air Pistol Postal. The NRA offers an annual postal with 60- shot junior men and 40-

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Cover Photo: The athlete on the cover of the CMP Guide to Junior Pistol Shooting is Lydia Paterson, one of the leading young USA pistol juniors who have emerged in the last few – eral international competitions and in 2015, she won an Olym – pic Games participation quota for the USA at the age of 18.

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INTRODUCTIONA primary purpose of this CMP Guide to Junior Pistol Shoot -ing is to promote greater participation by junior shooters in the discipline of target pistol shooting. The Guide seeks to do this by providing information and instruction to inspire and motivate youth, parents and club leaders to become active in junior pistol pro-grams. This Guide provides a foundational knowledge for getting started in pistol shooting and gives detailed instructions for pistol marksmanship skills that young pistol shooters must master to become successful competitive pistol shooters.Instructions in this guide are based on pistol techniques prac-ticed by the best pistol shooters in the world. Most of the pho-tos in this guide depict leading junior athletes who have already achieved notable successes in open competitions. They provide proof that the best junior pistol athletes can compete at the high-est international levels.Credit for sources that were used in preparing this Guide must be given to the USA Shooting staff, including National Pistol Coach Sergey Luzov and Youth Programs Manager Mike Theimer, to an unpublished manuscript on pistol shooting by the Russian marksmanship professor Lev Vainsteyhn, to a book by former USSR coach A. A. Yur™yev titled Competitive Marksmanship that was published by the NRA in 1973 and to a series of recent works published in Germany. These German works included Olympisches Pistolen Schiessen by Heinz Reinkemeier and Gaby Buhlmann, Ich Lerne Sportschiessen by Katrin Barth and Beate Dreilich and Ich Trainiere Sportschiessen , also by Barth and Dreilich.The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is a federally to promote .fl CMP marksmanship programs include national, regional and local –grams to train and certify instructors and publish training resourc-es. This CMP Guide to Junior Pistol Shooting is published as part of the CMP™s effort to promote safety and marksmanship instruction for youth in the sport of shooting.

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The CMP Guide to Junior Pistol Shooting By Gary Anderson Published by the Civilian Marksmanship Program, © 2016Table of Contents: PART I Œ TARGET PISTOL SHOOTING Introduction to Target Pistol Shooting 1Classical Bulls-Eye Pistol and the Olympic Path .2Classical Pistol History .3Pistol Events for Juniors .5Programs for Learning Pistol Shooting .7Junior Pistol Competitions .9National Junior Pistol Championships .12The Best Pistols for New Shooters .13Gun and Range Safety 14How to Clear, Load and Unload the Pistol .15Safe Range Procedures .16PART II Œ PISTOL TECHNIQUES AND TRAINING Right or Left Handed Shooting? ..17Pistol Stance and Grip 18Preparing to Fire the Pistol Shot ..19Firing Precision Pistol Shots ..22Firing Rapid-Fire Pistol Shots 25Pistol Training ..26Shooting in Pistol Competitions ..29It™s Time to Get Started ..32About the Author: Gary Anderson – – – –

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– 2 -Junior target pistol shooting also faces daunting challenges. Developing high performance pistol skills requires more training time and hard work than it takes to -ing. Pistol shooters don™t have performance aids to boost their scores like the supportive constraints in that prevent youth from shoot- popular school sport, but pistol shooting is not. Many shooting clubs sponsor junior pistol. While there are a growing number of pistol opportunities for juniors, there are still too few junior pistol programs and too few junior pistol shooters. On the positive side, pistol shooting offers some appealing advantages. Equip -ment costs for a fully equipped pistol shooter are one-fourth or less of the costs for a fully starting to work. Coaches, juniors and their parents should also realize that one of the advantages of junior pistol participation is that with fewer participants the chances for a young athlete who wants to work really hard to make the National Team or Olympic Team are actually better. Classical Bulls-Eye Pistol and the Olympic PathThere are two fundamental types of target pistol shooting in the USA, classical bulls-eye pistol shooting and two-handed practi-cal, defense, silhouette or speed shooting. An insightful analogy for comparing the two is to com- pare soccer with American football. American football is popular in the USA and Canada. Soccer is popu -lar all over the world. Two-handed pistol events are usually shot on steel or hit-miss targets and have competition events in the USA and a few other countries. Classical

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– 3 -one-handed stance and has competitions all over the world.This article focuses on classical bulls-eye pistol shooting because this form of pistol shooting embraces the world™s oldest, most challenging and most re -vered traditions of target pistol marksmanship and it fully supports following the Olympic Path. The features that distinguish classical pistol shooting are: Ł SHOOTING WITH ONE HAND. The classical pistol design concept is of a gun that is held and shot with one hand. Ł SHOOTING STANDING . Shooting is done in the standing position while holding the pistol with one extended arm.Ł PRECISION SHOOTING. Shooting is done on graduated bulls-eye or ring targets that award higher scores for greater precision.Ł SHOOTING WITH OPEN SIGHTS. Accurate aiming with traditional open sights is an added challenge; optical aiming aids are not permitted. Ł SHOOTING AS A SPORT . Classical pistol marksmanship skills are prac-ticed strictly as a sport and not as military, police or personal defense skills. A key distinction for bulls-eye pistol shooting is that it offers participants op – where they can pursue the supreme challenge in sports. Pistol is one of three Olympic shooting disciplines and is prac-ticed in more than 150 countries. In the USA, the Olympic Path is a succession of training and competition programs that instruction through progressively more challenging steps that could ultimately lead to winning a place on USA National Teams that compete in World Cups, World Championships and the Olympic Games. Junior pistol programs should give youths the possibility of following the Olympic Path. Classical Pistol HistoryFlintlock target pistols with rear sights to facilitate aiming began to appear in the second half of the 18th century. 18th and 19th century target pistols were closely related to dueling pistols. Percussion dueling pistols and dueling practice on targets became forerunners of early were developed in the late 19th century with target pistol features such as ad- used in 50 meter and 50 yard precision pistol contests.

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– 4 -Pistol shooting in the USA at -tracted much early fame from exhi–falo Billfl Cody and Annie Oakley brought attention to accurate pistol Westfl exhibitions. Both Cody and Oakley accomplished their marks-manship feats while shooting pistols with one hand. There is evidence that women enthusiastically participated in tar-get pistol shooting as early as the mid-1800s, particularly in France and Germany. National shooting federations, however, did not ac – tively encourage women™s participa -tion with women™s pistol events until well after World War II. Change began in -rate women™s pistol event. The biggest change came in 1984 when separate women™s pistol events were added to the Olympic program. In the late 19th century, target pistol shooting became popular in many Euro-pean countries including France. One famous early pistol shooter was French nobleman Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who was a seven-time French national pistol champion and founder of the Modern Olympic Games began in 1896, de Coubertin supported the inclusion on shooting events. The World Shooting Championships were inaugurated one pistol event was added to that program Championship pistol event took place in pistol events were in 1970. The Olympic program change that had the biggest impact on the worldwide growth of pistol shooting was the introduction of 10m air pistol events for men and women in 1988. – – –

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– 5 -CMP), the United States Revolver Association, the NRA and, most recently, USAS have governed and promoted USA national target pistol programs. The – tional Match Course was standardized in the 1920s. The NRA inaugurated its National Pistol Championship in 1936. The United States Revolver Association, which was founded in 1900, was the USA™s early promoter of international and Olympic pistol events. After World War II that responsibility transferred to the NRA and in 1994 to USAS. The greatest pistol shooters in modern Olympic and World Championship history were Ralf Schumann of Germany, who won three Olympic gold medals -als in 10m and 50m precision pistol events. Pistol Events for Juniorsjunior pistol programs. These events include two types of shooting, precision or PISTOL EVENTS FOR JUNIORS EventDistancesPistolType of FireCourse of FireAir Pistol10 meters4.5mm air pistolPrecisionInstructional matches: 20 or 30 shotsCompetition: 40 shots (W) and 60 shots (M)Sport Pistol25m or 50 ft..22 semi- autoPrecision and Rapid-Fire30 shots precision plus National Match Course50 & 25 yds. or 50 ft..22 semi- autoPrecision, Timed and Rapid-Fire30 shots: 2×5 shots in 20 sec. 2×5 shots in 10 sec. Precision Pistol50m, 50 ft. or 25 yds. .22 pistolPrecision20, 30, 40 or 60 shots

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