ot a ~’tae llere, abo•’ the 41eora1DaUon acuan lepooee. running into some difficulty in the mattress program due to a ohortage of ticking.

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-·-Autralla Colao a1DU4 117 UDUe4 Stat .. , hll’bt tor: Cable tra jaorie&D Coooulate, lrdAŁr-5/7/42 ŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁ..ŁŁ.ŁŁ -B-Britioh Purohaoing Miooion a ŁŁ Lond-LIIIII United. XincdoD -c-CIMdl . 0&na4i&n tacilitieo tor production of war materialŁ &nd dollar pooition -affect of propooed pooling of C&nadi&n production tbrouch Joint MunitionŁ .t.lliCillltnt Board 1D Yaolalagton: Conforonce; pr .. ont: r.preaentat1ŁŁŁ of Canadian GoŁeraaeDt, Var, State, Board of Jeonoa1c Warfare, Lond-LIIII, &lid ‘rreuuq -oolTtog Canada’Ł lJDited Statoo dollar deficit uoder Joint arrancemento for pooling war production Ł . .. b) Yh1te 11aorandum: “linancio.l hopl1cat1ou of propooed pooling throU!b YaohingtonŁ -5/8/42: See llool< page 314 c) Canadian United Sto.tee dollar pooiticn, firet quarter of 1942 in co-.parioon vith lateot forocaot -5/ll/.42: Book page 173 Canal Zone Soo 7inancing, Qoyernment -D-"Doftllll l.gent levo, United. StateoŁ 111 7inanc1Dg, Gonmamt: War SaŁingo llondo Diotrict Orocarr Storee, Incorporated Ill 7inancing, Gonrulfttl Yar SaYingt llOildl -lll-lxporto 7reisbt Situation-Haao m111orandum-15/7/42 Ł..ŁŁŁŁŁ.Ł -r-7edoral ReterTO Banko S11 7inanclag, Gonmamt: War SaŁincŁ Bondi 311 111 3115 299 PAGE - 3 ============ lloolr Pace JiiiAIIOiJIC, OoYU'IUIŁt P..-Qual, OoY..,.or ofl Baa $1 .UUoo. &Yaila'ble for loŁootaoot in OoŁarnaaat 'bondo-48 !roaoazy -Bell aeaorandua coŁorinc llaf 1942-19112 -5/7/42 112 Var Iondo: $1 'billion a aon\h obJootiYo froa Jul7 on: !roaeur,r lattaro to prooidento of Jedoral Rooar.o Banko -&/7/42 a Trounotina appointed chairaan of Obio Oo.mittoo -lM Bainer, Lulae: Toledo appearance biJbly oucceoaful -35 llhtrict Orocary Stereo, Incorporated: Var llo.nd rall7-OraŁŁŁ report-30 "United Stat .. llofenoe .A«ont llovoŁ: !bird edition oont to lila, Cabinet officoro, Speaker of Houoo, ItO. -6/7/42.. 38 llatlonal .luoclatlon o! Maoutacturoro: 8,200 aoa'boro contacted rolatln to Payroll SaŁ1JI&Ł Plano -5/7/42 , 44 Plano a and Sblpo: .ldoptlon 'b7 Statoo -Ou'blo aoaorandua -5/7/42 .. . .. Ł .. .. .. .. .. Ł Ł .. .. .. Ł Ł 47 JrolJbt, See Intlatlon See aloo ROYooue -I -HMJr1o otat .. onto on, tcgetbor vitb certain oranda on price pro'blemo propared 'by llhiolon of Roooarob and Stathtlco -5/7/42, ,, . , . . -L-Loncl-Loaoo United ltingdo.: federal a. .. rn Bank of llav Torlt otatŁent aboving dollar dh'burooaonto, voole ending 29, 1942 -6/7/42 . -M -Military Reporto . .llritlab operation a -5/7/42 , . Coordinator of Intoraatioo. roporto: llritiob Political Warfare vookly gonoral diroctiŁŁ -&/7/42. 0 ŁŁŁ 0 ŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁ 0 ŁŁŁŁ 0 0 ŁŁ 0 Ł 0 ŁŁŁ tho War !bil ¥111e, 30-llaf 7, 1942 .. . "'""' of Military Situation -'-rclc nport -11/7/42 .. ŁŁ 339 342 343 PAGE - 4 ============ -. -latloaal Aeooola\lon of Manufao\uroro loo llnanctq, OonrnaonU War SaŁtacŁ lolldo -0-Oblo Soo llnancln&, Oonrruoeot: War SaŁin&Ł Bondo Panaaa Canal Soo rtnaneln&Ł Ocnnuoect Pootal SaYlnllŁ Seo llnancln«Ł GoYernmont Price Control Soo Inflation llalnor, Luioo -p --R-Seo llnanclng, Governaent: liar SaŁln«o .Bonde RtYIDUI a tolon Soo aloe Inflation OolllJ)arhon of individual surtax rato o.chedule under prooont law and proposal-5/7/42 Ł.Ł.Ł.Ł..Ł -s-SUnr Additional otocka aŁall&ble for war production purpoo .. vl.tb and vl.lohout additional le&hlatloHMJr'o latter to Meloon-6/7/42 Ł.Ł.ŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁŁ Stat .. onto b7 HMJr 11\flatlon: HMJr' a atataento on, to«othor v1 tb cortaln aeaoranda on price probleao prepared b7 DlŁtaion of Roooareh and Statiatiea-5/7/42 ŁŁŁŁŁŁ.ŁŁŁŁŁ..Ł.ŁŁ Taxation 811 ROYIDUI RoYiaion trounotlno, Pbil J. -'-s ŁŁ rtnancln«· OcŁŁrnmontl War BendŁ 525 PAGE - 6 ============ '!'eel Oamblt: RMJr: G: RMJr: 0: RMJr: 0: IIMJr: 0: IIMJr: G: 0: RMJr: 0: ln!Jr: 0: HMJr: 0: !il!Jr: Yea, sir. Morgenthau. Yea, sir. Good 01orning. Good eir. Ma1 7. 1942 9:27 &.01. Ga01ble, now on theee meetings Ł. Yea. .. I want to be coneulted on all the details. nne. Because I saw thia th.ing from New Iork by this Kudner, or whatever hie name ie, on the munity singe in New York. Arthur Kudner. Yes. Iee. Well, or course, I've asked for him. I'm not getting what I want. Yes. On these Negro things I'm going to get what I want. All right, air. Now, ae a starter, I w1eh you'd speak to that -the Negro that you told me laat night Ł.ŁŁ. Thoma a. Thomas. Ł PAGE - 8 ============ G: HMJr: G: HMJr: G: HMJr: G: f!MJr: G: RMJr: G: HMJr: G: IIY.Jr: G: I!MJr: 0: HMJr: G: -3-Fine. Well, we'll have it, I think, maybe before then. And on the same thing, what Yes. Men ond women. Yea. 'o'hat speakers. Yes. you do that? :tee, sir. Beoause I'd like to have what the Negroes think. I know what I think. Yes, I understand. Because I think that -my own opinion ie, I think that they'd rather hear Marion Anderson than anybody else. Probably Anderson and Robeson, but you can't tell. But you don't know. That's right. That's the point. Yee. Well, I'll have that information tor you. Right. All right, sir. ' 3 PAGE - 9 ============ 7, 1942. IIEIIOIWIDUII FOR TilE SECRETARY WU.b reference to -rour for laM action of the colored probJ.a, pleale be Łdn .. d a plan baa been dneloped to aut.tt to lle .. re. Iebe71 Patt.reoa, anol Colllnl for the etat.es of Jli.chl.gan, !lew York, and lllino1a, at a ŁŁt1ng wbich baa been to be held here on Frida7. At time 1 will discuaa plan these Adll1niatratore and I belle .. I will be able to report a .. r'r ravorabla ana"r to ;rour request. Ted R. Gamble. Ł Ł PAGE - 10 ============ llr. ,.4 Clulale 1eereta17 Moraeatbaa I w1eb rou14 talk 'o Łe t1rŁ' 111 'be Łoi'IWIC aboa' .. A tba' I IA14 1e bead ot a llere, aboŁ' the 41eora1DaUon acuan lepooee. I IllŁ aaae 1e lloLMn -wtsa'"er h1e 5 n .. e 1e. VIla' I ban 1n Ł1n4 11 tba' I 'h1nk U woald be belptal 1t JOU ba4 a talk w1 'b h1Ł before JOU eaw the three S'a'e Oba1nen 'oŁorrow, and t1nd 011' wba,, 1t an.J,b1ng, anr o'ber Oonrnaen' Depar,Łenh are 4o1ng help. 5/sr- d/1. PAGE - 11 ============ J. ·:. Peyton. President Federal Bank 73 South 5th Street Hlnnee:)olie, M1nnePOta Cheater C. Da.v1s, President Fe de l'P 1 Reserve Be nk 411 Locuat Street St. Louls, tUssouri 'o1ll1am A. Day, President Federal Bank Seneome ond Sacramento Sts. San FrBnc1aco, Cal1torn1a w. S. McLarin, President Federal Reserve 9ank Y.arietta Street Atlanta, Georgia H. G. LeedJ, President Federal Reserve Bank lOth and Grand Avenues Kensee Clty, Miesour1 R. R. Gilbert, President Reserve Bank ··:ood end Akerd Streets Delln a, Texas Clifford S. Young, Prgeident Federal Reserve Bank 230 S. LaSalle Street Chlcaso, Illinoie Roy A. Young, President Federal Reserve Bank 30 Purl Street 3oaton, Maaaachusetts Allan S.,roul Federal Reserve Bank 33 Liberty Street New York, New York Hugh Leach, President Federal Reserve Henk Ninth and Franklin Streets Richmond, Virginia 6 Altred H. Williams, President Federal Reserve Bank 925 Cbeatnut Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania J. Fleming, President Federal Reserve Bank Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., East Sixth & Avenues Cleveland, Ohio tJ all Reserve banks re objective ot bi111on oer by July in ',iar Saving! Bond Listing 1nstruot1one re dtsirŁed f(lr reportl bon272 KB – 389 Pages