by I Mallipa · Cited by 1 — Na ada yang kosong harus di isi, kemudian ada pilihannya disitu seperti go, went, jadi itu untuk kasih masuk itu harus bisa kira-kira, ini teksnya lampau

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Linguistic , English Education and Art (LEEA) J o u r n a l Volume 2 No mor 2 , Juni 2019 e – ISSN :2597 – 3819 p – ISSN:2597 – 9248 DOI: 116 IN UTILIZING TEXTBOOK IN THEIR CLASSROOM Imelda Mallipa 1 UNIVERSITAS PAPUA Riana Murianty 2 UNIVERSITAS PAPUA 1 Submit , 1 8 – 0 3 – 201 9 Accepted , 0 4 – 0 6 – 201 9 Publish , 0 4 – 0 6 – 201 9 ABSTRACT This study was conducted at SMAN 1 Manokwari, West Papua. The data were collected through classroom observation and interview with two qualified English teachers in the school. The results showed that the English textbooks provided were the main learning source in teaching reading comprehension. The teachers contextually modified the sequence of the task s and lessons from the textbooks before assigning them to the students in teaching speaking, listening and grammar. Some factors that were considered by the teachers in selecting materials were the English competence, school facilities and the national exam. The results of these study consider practical implications to give teachers, practioners, other reserachers and author of textbooks in developing teaching materials to be used in different context of classroom. Key words: the 2013 curriculum, decision making, t extbook use INTRODUCTION The educational changing policies regarding the national curriculum demand teachers to reassess their teaching practices in classroom. The catalyst for these changes is the implementation of the 2013 curriculum (K – 13) with new paradigm in teaching and learning all subjects in schools, including English subject. While the previous curriculum only focused on developing the standard of conte nt to equip students with four English skills, the current curriculum emphasizes the standard of graduate competence to equip students with religious, social attitude, knowledge, and knowledge application. The acquired knowledge and skills from learning En glish subject are applied to overcome social problems – cultural values. Thus, to achieve the standards, all component s such as core competences, basic competences, learning materials, learn ing scenario, time allocation, learning

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201 9 . Linguistic , English Education and Art (LEEA) 2 ( 2 ):1 16 – 1 31 117 resource s are provided by the curriculum planners (Basic Frameworks and Curriculum Structure (2013 : 13). In the implement ation of K – 13, the ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia produced textbooks as standard sources of information in teaching and learning in each level of school and as models of practice. The textbook provides the main basis for the curriculum. Research on textbooks had showed that the use of textbooks benefited teachers in their professional development (McDonald, 2016 :481 ) ; Kong & Shi, 2009 :268 ) . Thus, the textbooks can be used as a map and a sense of structure that gives coherence to individual lessons (Jack C. Richards, 2014 :19 ) . Furthermore, According to (Graves, 2 000 :230 ) ; (J.C Richards, 2001 :23 ) & (Basturkmen, 2010 :60 ) , the textbooks can benefited teachers in some ways for it is pr oviding structure and a syllabus for a course. There is no doubt that the authors of the books have observed and investigated the requirement of curriculum in deciding the structure and syllabus of the books. The structure and syllabus of the book enable t eachers to present and develop materials systematically. Thus, The implementation of textbook in classroom are needed to be investigated (Sulfasyah, Bahri, & Saleh, 2018 :495 ) Many other sources are available on internet to be used nowadays as the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) advancement. It might bring changes in the way teachers utilize textbooks in their classroom. There might be some factors that influence teachers to prefer use online materials. Thus, this present study investigated how Engl ish teachers used the provided regarding the use of the textbooks. LITERATURE REVIEW Textbooks are mostly used in English teaching and learning pr ocess. Textbook in this study ref ers to the printed materials that are provided by government to support the implem entation of the 2013 curriculum. The English textbooks are design ed to develop language competence of students. The textbooks are organized based on the Genre Based Approach. Genre is related to type of text. It is the classification of text based on three characteristics: the communication purpose, organization structure , and language features. The communication purpose or social function is the reasons to speak, write or create a text. Organization structure or generic structure is the way text is organized or arranged. Language features refer to grammar, vocabulary and connectors that are used in text. The government provides book for teachers and books for students. The books for teachers are different from the books for students. The books for teachers give guidelines for teachers to design teaching activities in order to lead

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201 9 . Linguistic , English Education and Art (LEEA) 2 ( 2 ):1 16 – 1 31 118 students participate actively in tea ching and learning process. The books can help teachers to figure out the whole process of teaching English subject in each level. Teaching activities and steps are provided to enable teachers in giving clear in struction. The books for student s objectives of teaching the subject in curriculum. A textbook can have advantages in facilitating students to learn. It is supposedly to guarantee students of the same level but in different classes to receive similar content of learning, so that they can be tested in the same way. The roadmap that is offered by the author of a textbook is to ensure s tudents to understand what is expected from them. The materials that are presented in textbooks have been tried and tested appropriately and are based on learning principles. Therefore, the use of textbook in teaching and learning process can help students to expose proper input of knowledge and skills. Textbook provides a variety of learning resources. English Language Teaching ( ELT ) textbooks commonly provide various kinds of activities such as reading activities, listening activities by giving CD, cassettes, writing activities, speaking activities, grammar activities and teaching guides. The various kind activities that are present production. Teaching guides that are provided by the author in textbook can serve as medium of initial teacher training e specially for the novice teachers or learning. Some textbooks include tests or evaluation tools. Some may also include nd videos.) One of the limitations of textbooks in terms of content is that a textbook may not contextually relevant to all the users (Graves 2000 :60 ; Richard 2001 :23 & Basturkmen 2010 :60 ) cteristics as well as the possibility of inauthentic language use can lead to the dissatisfaction of teachers and learners with the textbooks. In other words, need are different from context to context. For instance, the content of reading can make reading activities are difficult for some students but easy for others. The students who are not familiar with the topic of reading text may find difficult to understand the reading text. Th e inauthentic language refers to the language that is not representative of real language. Reading text, dialogs and other aspects of content use language are written to incorporate teaching points. A textbooks may as well contain the idealized view of the world that inform learners how and what they should and understand about the theories and principles of the experts but do

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201 9 . Linguistic , English Education and Art (LEEA) 2 ( 2 ):1 16 – 1 31 119 not encourage learners to think and solve the real issues that exist in their own context. Teachers make various decisions regarding the textbook use since there is no perfect textbooks for a classroom need. Teachers need to decide whether they have to follow the sequence of tasks and lessons presented in the textbooks or they need to make some modification in some activities to meet t heir classroom needs (Kim, 2018 :315 ) . In introducing new knowledge and consolidating the l earned knowledge, the teachers consider which instructions to be followed, which activities in their textbooks to be used and when they have to flexibility construct their own problems. How teachers utilize textbooks can vary in the diverse environments. T he teachers may essentially adopt their textbooks (Huang, Ozel, Li, & Osborne, 2014 :443 ) , follow or modify the sequence of tasks and lessons presented in textbooks (Kim, 2018 :315 ) . (Miguel, 2015 :309 ) in his research found that adaptation of activities was a very frequent process showing while (Qi, Zhang, & Huang, 2018) found that the use of textboo k reaches the level of elaborating and creating but most teachers still focused on elaborating level. The textbooks can be used as main sources or only a reference. Teachers may rely on textbooks or teachers may design their own course book to fulfill thei r classroom needs. Adaptation of materials or activities in textbooks are frequently done by teachers in their teaching to fulfil their classroom needs ( Miguel, 2015 :309 & Bosompem, 2014 :34 ) . Textbook adaptation can take form in modifying content, adding or deleting content, reorganizing content, addressing omissions, modifying tasks, and extending tasks. Teachers may modify content to suit target learners background. When there is too much activ ities or tasks in book, teacher can delete or omit some of unnecessary content and if the activities or tasks are very few for the program, teacher may add some activities from other sources. When the way of the author organize the content of textbook does does not fulfill the classroom need, the teachers can reorder the activities in the activity, in the unit, or in the syllabus level. Teachers may omit and add items such as vocabulary activities and grammar activities for certain reasons. Some activities in textbook can be changed or extended to accomplish the additional focus of teaching and learning. some factors such as the quality of the textbooks, (Grammatosi & Harwood, 2014 :178 ; Pepin & Haggarty, 2001 :158 ) , contextual factors or classroom context s uch as the needs, abilities, and interests of students (Grammatosi & Harwood, 2014 :178 ) (Pepin & Haggarty, 2001 :158 ) , language policy, the social and personal dimensions of classroom teaching, teacher

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201 9 . Linguistic , English Education and Art (LEEA) 2 ( 2 ):1 16 – 1 31 120 knowledge, goals and beliefs (Silver & Steele, 2005 :107 ; Stahnke, Schueler, & Roes ken – Winter, 2016 :70 ) cultural values (Lim & Keuk, 2018 :87 ) ; (Grant & Wong, 2018 :1 ) ; (Sidhu, Kaur, & Fook, 2018 :69 ) ; (Widodo, Perfecto , Van Canh, & Buripakdi, 2018 :34 ) , (Van Canh, 2018 :111 ) , and different years of teaching (Qi et al., 2018 :29 ) . RESERCH METHODS textbooks use in their classroom. The samples of this study were two English teachers at SMAN 1 Manokwari. The two teachers hold teacher professional certificate, had a bachelor degree in En glish language Education, had more than five – year experiences in teaching English at SMAN 1 Manokwari and had joined teacher professional trainings related to the 2013 curriculum implementation. The data were collected by 270 minutes classroom observation, 40 – 45 minutes interviews for each teacher, and 10 WhatsApp chats with each teachers. In book guidance for the lesson observed were photocopied. The classroom observ ation was done to see the implementation of English textbook in classroom. To understand why teachers used or did not use their textbook, followed or did not follow the instructions in textbook, adopted or modified materials/activities provided in textbooks during teaching and learning process, the interview was conducted. The data from classroom observation and interview were compared. The data were analyzed by hand. The hard – copy printouts of the transcript were read, summarized one by one, coded, categorized and identified links between of the codes in which similar codes dropped all together. To have general idea of the data, the literature on was reviewed. FINDING Two teachers who were interviewed and observed their classes utilized textbook in their teaching and learning process. Table 1 summarizes the text book sections that teachers dealt with in their classroom. The sections in green were discussed in classes. Table 1 . Section and activities used Sections in the Textbook Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Warmer Vocabulary Builder Pronunciation Practice

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201 9 . Linguistic , English Education and Art (LEEA) 2 ( 2 ):1 16 – 1 31 121 Reading Text Structure Listening Vocabulary Exercises Grammar Review Writing Speaking T able 1 illustrated that the teachers did not follow the sequence of tasks and lessons presented in the textbooks during their teaching process in classroom . However, the t eachers utilized textbooks in class when the basic competences of learning activities were to understand and to analyze r eading text. In this section, teachers used reading text and its reading comprehension test following provided in textbook. Extract 1 below revealed why teachers used textbook resources. Extract 1 Dalam memilih bahan ajar , kita lebih patokan ke silabus . Ki ta melihat kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai. B uku sangat menunjang terutama biasanya kalau Reading. Kita memakainya untuk Reading. Kalau mengajar text kan ada bacaannya. Disitu biasanya saya pakai bukunya. kalau bahasa Inggris ada teksnya, susah kalau mau ditampilkan di projektor tidak efektif karena terlalu banyak tulisannya kalau mau fokus terus ke projekt or . kalau teks, karena kebanyaan disini kan buku yang banyak jadi pas sama siswa. Jadi kita pakai dari situ. Kan gak mungkin yang lain. Misalnya kel as isinya 40. Kan kita harus memperbanyak sampai 40 sementara kan yang available ya buku . The teachers used textbook in their classroom based on basic competences st ated in curriculum or syllabus . T he basic competences were always the guidelines to choose the teachin g or learning materials. Thus , the textbook was not the absolutely materials to be followed. On the other hand, the teachers admitted that when teaching reading text, the teachers usually decided to use materials in textbook directly. T he textbook was the most available learning materials in school. Teachers would extend task when they thought that students needed more exercises to practice in order to achieve the learning objectives that had been set for them. In observation session, teachers showed instances of adding task during

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201 9 . Linguistic , English Education and Art (LEEA) 2 ( 2 ):1 16 – 1 31 123 blank s of passage with using the right form of verb, students still needed the insight into the sentence structure and function. When teachers used additional material from other sources, they put it in power point or asked students to bring article or materials found from other sources into classroom. Teachers provided some guidelines in choosing material s . Some students came with bringing the requirement material and some did not because they were still confused in choosing the appropriate source, and sometimes they had no internet facility to find online materials . Asking students to find additional materi al was done to encourage students to choose reading text in their own way. When the students found difficulty to do the task, the teachers gave more explanation by giving example using text provided in textbook. Extract 3 sebelumnya kita juga sudah kasih petunjuk yang jelas supaya anak tidak salah bawa teksnya. Magsudnya, misalnya narrativepun saya tidak bilang narrative saja tapi khusunya misalnya legenda. Misalnya kalau descriptive nyari yang toursm object, itu toursm object dipekercil lagi yang ada di Manokwari. misalnya sama – sama mengajar tentang descriptive teks, ada kelas yang kita bisa minta bawa sendiri tapi ada yang kita (guru) kasih (siapkan) memudahkan siswa. Jadi sebelumnya kan kita sudah jelasin. Nanti mereka bisa menentukannya lagi sendiri. Tapi kalau mereka masih bingung ya kita pakai buku dulu. Kadang bisa internet tapi nanti kadang ada yang akan bilang tidak ada pulsa In teaching listening comprehension and skills, teachers used materials from internet. The teachers took dialogue that rel ated to the topic and gave them to students. It was usually in video form taken from YouTube channels because students were more interested in watching video. After watching the conversation, the teacher gave some questions to test their listening comprehe nsion. Teachers stated that it was necessary to encourage students to improve their listening skills by watching or listening to English conversation frequently because listening comprehension was usually tested in national test. The students would be test ed how well they could use some language expressions that they had learned in real life communication.

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201 9 . Linguistic , English Education and Art (LEEA) 2 ( 2 ):1 16 – 1 31 124 Extract 4 listeningnya itu di buku kadang gak ini listeningnya itu. Kadang saya biasanya saya cari sendiri. Misalnya ini, materi lagu, saya cari lagu sendiri. Sebenarnya ada di itu tapi tidak tahu lagunya sebelah mana. Di buku paket si ada teksnya. Ada lagunya. Tapi lagu tidak sesuai dengan lagu yang sekarang. Biasanya kan siswa senangnya lagu apa atau lagu yang lagi ngehit. biasnya kita cari ini si, nyari dialog di you tobe. Nyari di iya, di siswa. Biasnya juga lewat video. Mereka kan biasa senang kalau video. Nanti dari situ kita sediakan beberapa pertanyaan yang dijawab saat mereka melihat videonya. Teaching speaking and writing was more d ifficult for teachers . After students read a text or listened to some conversations, students were required to compose a text or create dialogue to be presented. Teachers had to provide some guidelines to do the task. Teachers stated that students with low level ab ility of English found difficulties to do the task. Most students in social classes usually were failed to meet the standard. Therefore, the teacher provided a text or dialogue for them instead. The students were only demanded to read, memorize and practic e the task given. Teachers stated that sometimes the students still failed. Extract 5 kalau speaking biasanya anak – anak disuru buat dialog dengan temannya tentang ungkapan yang mereka pelajari jadi nanti mereka bikin speaking berdasarkan situasi yang dibe rikan. Apa yang kamu ucapkan jika ini ini insudah ada infromasinya to. Tapi itu kal a u di IPA bisa running well. Kalau di IPS kadang kita yang bikin dialog. Mereka tinggal hapalin saja. Ada kelas yang kita tanya trus kita jawab sendiri. Dan ada kelas y ang bisa jawab. Karena SDMnya berbeda Kalau tidak bisa ya kita yang bikin speaking , jadi nanti mereka tinggal hapal dan latihan Materials for teaching listening and speaking were designed based on Teachers thought that they tried to find way to correlate learn the materials with their friends and learn to share. They believed that peer tutors was good for them in the process of understanding materials. Sometimes

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201 9 . Linguistic , English Education and Art (LEEA) 2 ( 2 ):1 16 – 1 31 125 when it did not work, teachers took responsibility to explain. In some situations, the teacher remained the main sources of knowledge. Extract 6 saya sering mengelompokkan mereka ketika belajar. Belajar berbagi. Bisa tutor sebaya. Tetapi saja pada akhirnya ya sumber utamanya tetap guru. Kalau teman tidak menyampaikan dengan baik ya tetap larinya ke guru. Teachers also incorporated character, moral and cultural values into ELT materials development . Teachers used the materials that contained culture elements in order to make students learn their own culture and other cultures. The students in a class came from different regions or e thnic groups with different cultures. Students were required to read, rewrote, and retold a story of their ethnic groups. By doing those activities, students were encouraged to feel proud of being one of an ethnic group . Students also got to know some stories from different regions by listening to stories that retold by other groups. Extract 6 mak sudnya saya disitu ya nilai – nilai karakternya yang saya ingin munculkan. Biar mereka juga tahu kalau mereka itu orang mana. Trus daerah mereka itu adanya cerita yang kayak gimana. Kalau gak, siapa lagi yang mau banggakan daerah kamu sendiri. Trus teman yang lain juga bisa tahu kalau o dari daerah ini ada cerita tentang ini. Jadi mereka jadi tahu begitu T he decisions toward more constructivist teaching practice were made by teachers. Constructivist teaching practice included activating prior knowledge for example by asking students to write down a story in their own language, acquiring knowledge by giving some explanation about how to write a narrative story, un derstanding knowledge by asking some questions about generic structure of narrative story, using knowledge by writin g the story in target language ( English ) , and reflecting knowledge by retelling the story in front of the classroom . Teachers believed that engaging students in those activities could help students to understand the meaning of what they are saying, not only to memorize the story. Extract 7 jadi ada ada yang presentasi orientation, conflict, resolution, moral vaue, cerita ini nilai – nilai moralnya apa. Di mulai dari menulis cerita dalam bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris. Na itu magsudnya supaya

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201 9 . Linguistic , English Education and Art (LEEA) 2 ( 2 ):1 16 – 1 31 126 mereka tahu apa yang mereka hapal. Itu takutnya mereka Cuma hapal bahasa Inggrisnya tapi tidak tahu mereka bilang apa karena ada anak yang biasanya b e gitu, hapal mati saja. Saya ingin bahwa mereka ketika menyampaikan sesuatu itu mereka sadar dan tahu artinya. However, the learning scenario could be changed any time the situations in classroom did not fit the scenario. Teachers stated that too often the practices in classroom were diffrerent from the steps in lesson plan. Extract 8 kondisi dalam kelasnya berbe da – beda. jadi segala sesuatunya bisa beruba di kelas ya. sering itu yang saya sudah rencanakan, beda dengan yang di lapangan. An example found in observation sessions was when the teacher decided not to ask students to present their story in front of cla ss as stated in her lesson plan but presented in front of the teacher. The teacher gave confirmation in int erview sessions why the teacher suddenly changed her plan. Extract 9 sebenarnya idealn ya menghadap ke teman – temannya, c uma kelas itu terus terang keadaannya sangat croweded jadi susah mereka memperhatikan belajarnya. Trus yang lainnya juga masih sibuk juga menghapalin mereka punya materi sendiri. Jadi idealnya menghadap ke temannya. Tapi mengingat situsainya Iya temannya sibuk dan stress dengan mer eka punya tugas sendiri. Boro – boro dia mau perhatikan teman. Bahkan dia hapal dia punya saja belum tentu The teacher stated that it was not possible to force students giving attention to the pres e ntation of their friends from other group because they stil l were busy to memorize their own story. This statement indicated the condition of students that were not ready to present at the time even though they had been given some times to do the task in groups at home were the main concern of teacher in making a decision. Another consideration in the process of selecting teaching materials and strategies in teaching and learning process was national test. Teacher gave some tasks that were similar to the questions in national test. Teachers provided some guidelines to answer questions that might be the same form in national test even the text was different.

131 KB – 16 Pages