Anderson, A. Bonka, MH Hernandez, LJ Pena, PM Burchfield. 2015. Unmanned aerial vehicles. (UAVs) for monitoring sea turtles in near-shore waters. Marine
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Amy Nicole Bonka Department of Biology 1300 University Blvd, CH 254 Birmingham, AL 35294 – 1170 EDUCATION and CERTIFICATIONS The University of Alabama Birmingham Present Doctorate of Philosophy The University of Alabama B irmingham August 2015 Master of Science in Biology, 3 . 8 G.PA . Thesis: The biological and conservational implications of hatchling Lepidochelys kempii ) sea turtle . The University of Alabama B irmingham July 2011 Bachelor of Science in Biology Cum Laude, 3.6 G.P.A. Marine Science Concentration , Chemistry & Art Studio minors CERTIFICATIONS The University of Alabama Birmingham Spring 2017 Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Associate Certificate PUBLICATIONS E. Bevan, T. Wibbels, B MZ Najera, M AC Martinez, L AS Martinez, FI Martinez, JM Cuevas, T. Anderson, A. Bonka , MH Hernandez, LJ Pena, PM Burchfield . 2015. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for moni toring sea turtles in near – shore waters. Marine Turtle Newsletter . 145:19 – 22 GRANTS 2018: Ireland Graduate Student Travel Grant, UAB Graduate School, $1000 2017: National Geographic Early Career Grant, National Geographic Society, $5000 2016: Student Grants in Aid of Research, The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, $1000 2016: Travel Grant, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Biology $400 2016: Charlotte Magnum Student Support , The Society for Integrative and Co mparative Biology, $99 2015 : Travel Grant, The University of Alabama at Bir mingham Department of Biology $5 00 2015: Charlotte Ma gnum Student S upport, The Society for Integrat ive and Comparative Biology, $99 2015: Travel Grant, Alabama Academy of Sciences $ 2 4 2015: Student Research Grant, Alabama Academy of Sciences $250

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CONFER ENCES and PRESENTATIONS O RAL Jan. 2018: Discoveries in the Making Sea Turtles Sept. 2017: UAB Three Minute Thesis Oral Presentation, Science Based Approach for Conserving Sea Turtles Apr. 2017: 37 th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtl e Biology and Conservation (ISTS) Oral Presentation, Evaluating Hatchling Fitness in Relation to Nest Temperatures of Leatherback ( Dermochelys coriacea ) Sea Turtles at Jamursba Papua Barat, Indonesia Jan. 2017: The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Lepidochelys kempii ) Nest Emergence at Their Primary Nesting Beach Jan. 2016: The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Oral Presentation, Horizon Regime and Light Intensity Affect Sea – Finding Orientation in Lepidochelys kempii ) Sea Turtles Jun. 2015: The University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Biology, Public Thesis Defense Oral Presentation, The Biological and Conservational Implications of Hatchling Biology in the Lepidochelys kempii ) Sea Turtle: Thesis Defense Jun. 2015: Bi – osium Oral Presentation, Emergen de Las Crías de la Tortuga Lora ( Lepidochelys kempii ) en su Playa Natural Oral Presentation, Orientación de las Crías de la Tortuga Lora ( Lepidochelys kempii ) Mar. 2015: Alabama Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting Oral Pres Lepidochelys kempii ) Sea Turtles at Their Natural Nesting Beach Mar. 2015: UAB Graduate Student Research Days Lepidochelys kempii ) Sea Turtles at Their Natural Nesting Beach POSTER Feb. 2018 UAB Darwin Day Poster Presentation, Jan. 2015: The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Poster Presentation, Sea – Lepidochelys kempii ) Sea Turtles at Their Natural Nesting Beach Feb. 2014: The University of Alabama at Birmingham Darwin Day Poster Presentation, Emergence Times and Sea – Sea Turtles ( Lepidochelys kempii ) at Their Natural Nesting Beach urtles at Their Natural Nesting Beach Poster Presentation , Sea – Natural Nesting Beach Oct. 2014: Alabama Chapter of Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (ALAPARC)

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Poster Presentat ion, Emergence Times and Sea – ( Lepidochelys kempii ) Sea Turtles at Their Natural Nesting Beach Apr. 2013: International Symposium for Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation Poster Presentation, Development and Ev aluation of an On – Site Photomicroscopy Station for Lepidochelys kempii ) Sea Turtles at Rancho Nuevo, Mexico Session Co – Chair Feb. 2016: Southeastern Regional Sea Turtle Symposium Co – Chair, Special Sessio TEACHING EXPERIENCE INVITED LECTURES May 2018 Marine Reptiles Undergraduate Course The University of Papua (UNIPA), Papua Barat, Indonesia Use of Technology and May 2018 Research Methods G raduate Course The University of Papua (UNIPA), Papua Barat, Indonesia Neurotransmi tters & the Synapse Sept. 2018 Principles of Human Physiology UAB Cardiac Muscle, Cardiac Cycle & Electrical Activity Jul. 2018 Principles of Human Physiology UAB Diversity of Turtles – Apr. 20 18 Vertebrate Zoology UAB Chondrichthyes Feb. 2018 Vertebrate Zoology UAB Glial Cells Oct. 2017 Principles of Human Physiology UAB LABORATOR Y BY 409 Principle s of Human Physiology Lab UAB Fall 2018 (1 section) Teaching Assistant BY 256 Vertebrate Zoology Lab UAB Spring 2018 (3 sections) Teaching Assistant BY 409 Principle s of Human Physiology Lab UAB Fall 2017 ( 2 section) Teaching Assistant BY 256 Vertebrate Zoology Lab UAB Spring 201 7 (3 sections) Teaching Assistant BY 409 Principles of Human Physiology Lab UAB Fall 2016 (2 sections) Teaching Assistant BY 102 Contemporary Topics in Biolo gy Lab UAB Summer 2016 (2 sections) Teaching Assistant BY 256 Vertebrate Zoology Lab UAB Spring 201 6 ( 2 sections) Teaching Assistant BY 409 Principles of Human Physiology Lab UAB Fall 2015 (2 sections)

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Teaching Assistant BY 409 Principles of Human Physiology Lab UAB Summer 2015 (1 sections) Teaching Assistant BY 256 Vertebrate Zoology Lab UAB Spring 201 5 ( 2 sections) Teaching Assistant BY 409 Principles of Human Physiology Lab UAB Fall 2014 (2 sections) Teaching Assistant BY 256 Vertebrate Zoology Lab UAB Spring 201 4 ( 2 sections) Teaching Assistant Spanish – English Lessons Rancho Nuevo, Mexico Summer 2014 Sp anish – English daily lessons Immersion learning BY 123 Introductory Biology Lab I UAB Fall 2013 (2 sections) Teaching Assistant Spanish – English Lessons Rancho Nuevo, Mexico Summer 2013 Spanish – English daily lessons Immersion learning Summer 2012 ASSISTANTSHIPS and INTERNSHIPS 2013 Present : Teaching Assistantship, The Department of Biology, The University of Alabama Birmingham 2011: Rehabilitation Internship, Se a Turtle, Dolphin, and Whale Hospital, Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium Sarasota, FL 2011: Husbandry/Aquarist Internship, Wetlands Gallery, The Florida Aquarium Tampa, FL AWARDS and HONORS 2015: 1 st Place Oral Presentation, UAB Graduate Studen t Research Days 2015: 3 rd Place Oral Presentation, Alabama Academy of Sciences 2014: Honorable Mention, Graduate student photo contest, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Biology 2014: 2 nd Place, Graduate student comical photo contest, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Biology 2008: Phi Sigma Biological Honors Society, Gamma Theta Chapter 2006 2010: University Scholars Awards Scholarship, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, $5000 Annually RESEARCH and FIELD EXPERIENCE Research Assistant Aug. 2013 Aug 2015 The Biological and Conservational Implications of Hatchling Biology Lepidochelys kempii ) Sea Turtle Dr. Thane Wibbels (Advisor/Primary Investigator) The University of Alabama at Birmingham

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Field Biologist, Investigation and Conservation teams Apr. Aug. 2014 Programa Binacional de la Tortuga Lora Apr. Aug. 2013 ( Bi – s ridley Recovery Program) Apr. A ug. 2012 Conservation Status Monitoring Predator Abundance and Sex Ratio studies Beach patrol and Nest D ensity monitoring PIT and Flipper tag a pplication s Nest relocations Stranded and Injured Turtle Rescue Jaime Peñ a (Primary Investigator) Gladys Porter Zoo Brownsville, TX Field Location: Rancho Nuevo, Tamaulipas, México Research Assistant/Coordinator May Jul. 2011 Diamondback Terrapin Head Start Program /Conservation Project May Aug. 2010 Dr. Thane Wibbels (Primary Investigator) Taylor Robe rge ( Supervisor /Contact) The University of Alabama at Birmingham in conjunction with Dauphin Island Sea Lab Ranger Jul. Sep. 2011 P.J. Hoffmaster State Park Patrick Whalen (Supervisor) Muskegon, MI Undergraduate Research Assistant Jan. May 2009 The effects of ocean acidific ation on calcifying organisms ( Lytechinus V a ri eg atus ) Dr. Roberta Challen er (Advisor) Dr. Jim McClintock (Primary Investigator) The University of Alabama at Birmingham Ranger May Aug. 2009 Grand Haven State Park May Aug. 2008 Patrick Whalen (Supervisor) Grand Haven, MI SERVICE Lovelady Center Elementary School Science Mentoring Program Fall 2017 Totally Turtles Student Workshop CORD High School Program Summer 2015 Guest Lecture UAB Undergraduate Student Research Expo Apr. 2014 Oral Presentation Judge Birmingham Elementary Schools Science Fair at Avondale Elementary School Dec. 201 3 Judge: Kindergarten 4 th grade projects Birmingham Middle Schools Science Fair Mentorship Program Aug. Dec. 2013 Putnam Middle School Mentor, 5 th

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AFFLIATIONS The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Jan. 2014 Present Member Alabama Academy of Sciences Jan. 2014 2016 Member Marine and Field Biology Club of UAB Aug. 2013 July 2014 Founder, Member National Honor Society Aug. 2004 May 2006 Member

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