In speaking of God, or the supreme spirit, Master instructs us to use original non-sexist terms After a brief period of Quan Yin practice,.

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Supreme Master Ching Hai A Master from the Himalayas Three-time invited lecturer for the United Nations Recipient of the World Peace Award and the World Sp iritual Leadership Award Contents and original words in this book are permea ted with grace and blessings of Supreme Master Ching Hai The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Associat ion Offices in all major cities and countries around th e world Headquarters: PO Box 730247, San Jose, CA 95173-024 7, U.S.A. P.O. Box 9, Hsihu, Miaoli 36899, Formosa (Taiwan) Secrets To Effortless Spiritual Practice A collection of spiritual teachings by Supreme Master Ching Hai I do not belong to Buddhism or Catholicism. I belong to the Truth and I preach the Truth. You may call it Buddhism, Catholicism, Taoism, or whatever you like. I welcome all! Since the ancient time there is always a way to go back to the kingdom of God, there is always a way to see God. I dream that the whole world will become peaceful. I dream that all the killing will stop. I dream that all the children will walk in peace and harmony. I dream that all the nations will shake hands with each other, protect each other and help each other. I dream that our beautiful planet will not be destroyed. It took billions of years to produce this planet and it™s so beautiful, so wonderful. I dream it will continue, but in peace, beauty, and love. Yes, that is my dream.

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Supreme Master Ching Hai Œ Secrets To Effortless Sp iritual Practice 2 The Quan Yin Method Œ The Key of Immediate Enlighte nment and Eternal Liberation Contents Page Master™s New Year™s wishes to all in 2003 4 Introduction 5 A biography of Supreme Master Ching Hai 7 Secrets to effortless spiritual practice Ten secrets on the journey of the soul * Focus on the Truth * Total faith in the Master * Remain focused and detached during retreats * Renounce everything and be free * The benefit of being near spiritual mentors * Humility is close to the Truth * Those with a pure heart progress more quickly * Relax * Be happy * Love your family * The ego and Sound meditation Some small secrets to share * Develop the body, speech and mind together * Anger will hinder our practice * Always keep pure and positive * Take care to eat pure foods * The result of coveting offerings * Create a positive halo of energy * The way to minimize sexual desire * Master™s books and videos tapes are the best spir itual tonic * The real meaning of fiBa Guan Zhai Jiefl Œ The eight areas of fasting * A tonic is sometimes necessary during the winter of spiritual practice * The best time for meditation * How to get into the habit of early morning medita tion * Turning two and a half hours into timelessness * How to meditate a lot and not feel tired * If obstructions occur during meditation 10 11 15 17 21 22 24 28 31 36 39 42 46 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 62 63 64

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Supreme Master Ching Hai Œ Secrets To Effortless Sp iritual Practice 3 The Quan Yin Method Œ The Key of Immediate Enlighte nment and Eternal Liberation * Concentrating inside on the wisdom center * How to handle the problem of trembling during med itation * Building courage and rising above obstacles * Taming the human brain * Unexpected grace can come anytime! * For those who want to progress more quickly * Asceticism doesn™t erase karmic hindrances * Practicing with the right method * The way to sainthood * Serving selflessly * The more we work, the more enlightened we become * The essence of mastership: Master yourself and be come perfect * Train the mind and cultivate self-confidence * Acquiring a faster vibration * Public service is the fastest way to cleanse karm a * Be a shining example of sacrifice and true love * Why are incredible benefits gained from group med itation * How to concentrate and meditate better * We strive in order to know that we don™t need to strive * An era full of God™s grace * Cherish the opportunity to practice * We are the luckiest yogis 66 67 68 70 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 80 81 82 83 84 86 87 89 90 91 92 Initiation into the Quan Yin method of meditation 94 The Supreme Master Ching Hai™s teachings on line 96 How to contact us 97 Introduction to our publications 98 Beautiful gifts for yourselves and your loved ones 101 Alternative living 103 Supreme Master television 104

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Supreme Master Ching Hai Œ Secrets To Effortless Sp iritual Practice 4 The Quan Yin Method Œ The Key of Immediate Enlighte nment and Eternal Liberation Master™s New Year™s wishes to all in 2003 Dearest beloved, New Year comes, I greet you with afresh enthusiasm and expectation for the beginning of a great new spiritual awakening. May your days be filled with wonders and happiness, love and wisdom. May the blessing of God be your most treasured pros perity in the new chapter of life. Ching Hai.

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Supreme Master Ching Hai Œ Secrets To Effortless Sp iritual Practice 5 The Quan Yin Method Œ The Key of Immediate Enlighte nment and Eternal Liberation Introduction Quan Yin method (the method of meditation on the he avenly Light and Sound) practitioners are the luckiest people in the world! Not only have we learned a priceless technique that enables us to attain eternal liberation in one life time, but we have acquired it from a true living Master. However, the way back to our heavenly Home is full of obstacles and temptations. So, we may often ask ourselves: fiHow can I safely a nd smoothly fulfill my destiny?fl But there is no need to worry: Our merciful Master offers us many helpful tips derived from Her personal experience that serve as practical and effective to ols to assist us along the spiritual path. If we keep these guidelines in mind and apply them in our daily practice, we will gain tremendous help in overcoming maya™s (satan) temptations and o ther worldly problems until we finally arrive safely Home. There are secrets to success in all types of mundan e affairs, and the same is true of spiritual endeavors. When we learn these secrets, we will spe nd less time and energy in our practice and attain the same results more quickly. To wish t o facilitate these efforts and remind ourselves of the many pearls of wisdom uttered by M aster over the years, has resulted in this collection. As Master says, fiI have searched high a nd low, and I know there is nothing better than what I have taught you.fl Thank you, Master, fo r giving us such invaluable spiritual treasures. The entire contents of this book Secrets to Effortless Spiritual Practice are the original words of Supreme Master Ching Hai, recorded verbati m. Since one volume can only contain a certain number of pages, we had to select various topics from the many in Master™s numerous lectures. (It was extremely difficult to c hoose, for every word of Master is important and precious.) A little message: In speaking of God, or the supreme spirit, Master i nstructs us to use original non-sexist terms to avoid the argument about whether God is a She or a He. She + He = Hes (as in Bless). Her + Him = Hirm (as in Firm). Hers + His = Hiers (as in Dear). Example: When God wants, Hes makes things happen ac cording to Hiers will to suit Hirmself. ——– As a creator of artistic designs as well as a spiri tual Teacher, Supreme Master Ching Hai loves all expressions of inner beauty. It is for th is reason that She refers to Vietnam as fiAu

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Supreme Master Ching Hai Œ Secrets To Effortless Sp iritual Practice 6 The Quan Yin Method Œ The Key of Immediate Enlighte nment and Eternal Liberation Lacfl and Taiwan as fiFormosafl. Au Lac is the ancient name of Vietnam and means fihappinessfl. And the name Formosa reflects more com pletely the beauty of the island and its people. Master feels that using these names brings spiritual elevation and luck to the land and its inhabitants. ——– The logo™s characters, SM, stand for Supreme Master , signifying the Supreme Master power within everyone. The logo is an interweaving of red and gold colors. Red symbolizes the physical body, while gold represents the radiant Bu ddha nature or kingdom of God within. ——– Abbreviations – fiQfl: Question; fiMfl: Supreme Master Ching Hai.

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Supreme Master Ching Hai Œ Secrets To Effortless Sp iritual Practice 8 The Quan Yin Method Œ The Key of Immediate Enlighte nment and Eternal Liberation While in Germany, Master Ching Hai was happily marr ied to a German scientist, with doctorates in two fields. He was a kind, attentive and supportive husband. He became a vegetarian, traveled with his Wife on pilgrimages a nd was very supportive of Her charitable works. Eventually, Master felt that She needed to l eave Her marriage in order to pursue Her spiritual goals. She discussed this at great length with Her husband, and their separation was with his agreement. This was an extremely difficult decision for both of them, but Master felt very strongly that this was the right decision. She needed to devote Her undivided attention to the pursuit of enlightenment. After leaving Her marriage, Master sought to find t he perfect method which could lead one to attain liberation in one life time. In the Surangam a sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha said that the Quan Yin method is the highest of all methods. None of Master™s teachers knew it, so She traveled and searched everywhere for the right Mast er. Finally, after many years, She found a Himalayan Master who initiated Her into the Quan Yi n method, and gave Her the divine transmission that She had sought for so many years. After a brief period of Quan Yin practice, She became fully enlightened. She continued practic ing and improving Her understanding, and remained in retreat in the Himalayas for some t ime. Eventually, Master Ching Hai traveled to Formosa. O ne evening, during a typhoon with heavy rain, as She meditated in a room behind a small tem ple, a group of people knocked at Her door. Master asked them why they had come, and they answered, fiQuan Yin Bodhisattva (The Goddess of Mercy) replied to our prayers and t old us about You, saying that You are the great Master and we should pray to You for the meth od to reach liberation.fl Master tried to send them away but they would not go. Finally Maste r, touched by their sincerity and devotion, agreed to initiate them, but only after s everal months of purification and their agreement to adhere to a vegetarian diet. Shy by nature, Master Ching Hai did not seek out st udents to teach. In fact, She ran away from people who sought Her initiation. This happene d in India, and in the United States where She was living the unassuming life of a Buddhist Nu n. When She was fidiscoveredfl for the third time in Formosa, She realized that She must n ot run away from the inevitable tasks that lie ahead. She began sharing with all who wished to hear Her message of Truth, and She began initiating sincere students into the Quan Yin method. Master Ching Hai™s work has spread by word of mouth from this first small group in Formosa to many millions of people around the world. She ha s traveled and taught throughout Africa, Latin America, the United States, Asia, Europe and Oceania. Many people from all walks of life, and from many different religious backgrounds , have made great spiritual progress with Her help. Grateful friends and disciples are to be found all over the world, ready and willing to help others learn from their beloved Supreme Master . In addition to helping countless numbers of people through Her spiritual teachings and initiations, Master Ching Hai has used Her boundles s love and energy to assist those who are suffering or in need. In recent years, Her humanita rian efforts have touched the hearts and lives of millions of people all over the world. Mas ter does not discriminate between suffering caused by spiritual ignorance, material privation, or circumstantial events. Wherever there is suffering, She will help.

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Supreme Master Ching Hai Œ Secrets To Effortless Sp iritual Practice 9 The Quan Yin Method Œ The Key of Immediate Enlighte nment and Eternal Liberation Some of Master Ching Hai™s humanitarian activities in the past few years include aid to: The homeless throughout the United States; victims of f ire in southern California; victims of many floods in the Midwest United States, central and ea stern Mainland China, India, Malaysia, Aulac, Holland, Belgium and France; disadvantaged e lderly in Brazil; those displaced by the eruption of Mt Pinatubo in the Philippines; disaste r victims in northern Thailand; destitute families in Formosa and Singapore; lepers in Moloka i, Hawaii; spiritual communities in India, Germany and Uganda; families of mentally retarded c hildren in Hawaii; victims of the 9-11 tragedy in New York and victims of the Los Angeles, Turkey and Formosa earthquake; veterans of the United States; orphanages in Aulac; institutions of medical research on AIDS and cancer in the United States; and many, many oth ers. Of course, we must also mention Master Ching Hai™s never-ending and tireless effort s to help the Aulacese refugees, those both inside and out of refugee camps. Although She has not ever sought acknowledgement of any kind, Master Ching Hai has been recognized and honored for Her humanitarian work by government officials throughout the world. For example, October 25, 1993 was proclaimed fiThe Supreme Master Ching Hai Dayfl by the Mayor Fasi of Honolulu Hawaii, and February 22, 1994 was likewise proclaimed by the six Governors of the States of Illinois, Iowa, Wisc onsin, Kansas, Missouri and Minnesota. She also received the fiWorld Peace Awardfl in Honolulu, and the fiWorld Spiritual Leadership Awardfl at a ceremony in Chicago on February 22, 199 4. Congratulatory messages were sent to Her at the Chicago ceremony by many government o fficials worldwide, including Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Reagan. In recent years, Master Ching Hai has also devoted Herself to creative expression of the beauty She enjoys within. Her creative works includ e paintings, decorated fans, lamps, dress and jewelry designs, and songs. Many of these items are made available for purposes of fundraising. Master Ching Hai has told us that She is not always enlightened. She lives a normal worldly life, and knows from experience about our problems, our heartaches, passions, desires and doubts. She also knows the heavenly realms of kingd om of God, and how to get there from here. Her sole function at this point in Her life i s to help us with our journey from the suffering and confusion of the un-awakened state to the bliss and absolute clarity of total divine realization. If you are ready, She is here to take you Home. Master Ching Hai takes an unusually broad view of a ll religions. She has studied and taught the words of Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Lao Tzu and m any others. She always emphasizes the similarities among the great teachings, and let s us see through Her eyes how all the great Masters are preaching the same Truth. She often exp lains how different religious opinions have arisen, due only to the difference in opinions of different people in different countries at different times. Master Ching Hai gives initiation and a variety of lectures to interested students and people, according to their backgrounds and cultures, includ ing Christians, Moslems, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, Taoists, or atheists, et cetera. She speaks fluently in English, German, Chinese, French and Aulacese languages. Those who wish to le arn and practice the Quan Yin method with Master Ching Hai are welcomed to receive Her i nitiation.

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Supreme Master Ching Hai Œ Secrets To Effortless Sp iritual Practice 10 The Quan Yin Method Œ The Key of Immediate Enlighte nment and Eternal Liberation Ten secrets on the journey of the soul When a Master comes to earth, not only are the disc iples uplifted and shown wisdom, but the whole race of humankind is pu rified and uplifted to a certain higher level of consciousness. Œ Supreme Master Ching Hai Œ

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Supreme Master Ching Hai Œ Secrets To Effortless Sp iritual Practice 11 The Quan Yin Method Œ The Key of Immediate Enlighte nment and Eternal Liberation Focus on the Truth When we meditate we should be sincere, so sincere t hat it™s as if we™re meditating for the last time, or as if we™re to die the next day, or in five minutes. If we have this attitude in our heart when meditating we™ll have achievement. All I had was pure sincerity As I recall, there was no secret behind my attainme nt of the Truth. All I had then was pure sincerity. I pursued spiritual practice without any ideas, demands or person in my mind. I was naturally like that. Even if you asked me to die fo r the Truth at that time, I would have done it as I wasn™t attached to anything in the world. Whet her I had food or not I persisted in my spiritual practice. I never complained, nor was I d istracted from the Truth by food. I remember, when I was in India, I offered all my m oney to the so-called masters that I met so I was left without a penny. I never anticipated tha t I might sometimes yearn to have some biscuits, candy or ice cream. I had a better appeti te at that time and ate a lot each day. Since I had no money then, every day I dreamt crazily abo ut having some biscuits, but I couldn™t get any. Only when I occasionally went out with people would I swallow anything I was offered like a hungry ghost. Even then, those things didn™t distract me from my aspiration for the Truth. That™s the only quality of mine that I can r emember, and that™s why God loved me, and let me have a taste of what the fiTruthfl is like. Therefore, I want to impart this secret way to you. Should we want to attain the Truth quickly, apart from securing an experienced Master, we also need to have a sincere aspiration for the Truth; then it™s enough. God doesn™t require us to offer money, or to be a pure vegetarian. We observe a vegetarian diet to reduce our obstacles a nd to refrain from incurring blood debts. However, God never imposes harsh demands of any kin d on us. For instance, when we go to school, the teachers ne ver demand that we go to bed late, get up early, or learn this or that. They don™t make ha rsh demands on us, but as students, we know that we can™t study well unless we get up earl y and go to bed late. Also, when we™re studying, we refrain from indulging in pleasures. D idn™t we have a tough time when we were students? We sacrificed everything, and pleasures w ere very rare. Only occasionally would we go to dances or parties; we couldn™t go every da y. It wasn™t because our professors or

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