Its marketing claims conform with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Guides for the Use of. Environmental Marketing Claims. 3. Its products contain materials

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Version 7-0 (July ) | © SCS Global Services i This document is the property SCS Global Services , a California Corporation. Inquiries regarding its use can be directed to: Environmental Certification Services SCS Global Services 2000 Powell Street, Ste. 600 Emeryville, CA 94608 USA 510 -452 -8000 510 -452 -8001 fax Additional information can also be found on the SCS website at COPYRIGHT © 2014 DISCLAIMER SCS does not make any warranty (express or implied) or assume any liability or responsibility to the user, reader or other third party, for the accuracy, completeness or use of, or reliance on, any information contained within this program, or for any injuries, losses or damages (including without limitation, equitable relief) arising out of such use or reliance. SCS authorizes the user to view, use and reference this program. This document may also be reproduced, displayed or distributed, including displayed on a web site or in a networked environment. In exchange for this authorization, the user agrees that all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in this program remain the exclusive property of SCS. The user also agrees not to sell or modify this standard in any way for any public or commercial purpose. As an additional condition of use, the user covenants not to sue, and agrees to waive and release SCS and its employees from any and all claims, demands and causes of action for any injuries, losses or damages (including without limitation, equitable relief) that may now or hereafter have a right to assert against such parties as a result of your use of, or reliance on, this program.

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Version 7-0 (July 2014) | © SCS Global Services Page ii Table of Contents 1.0 Purpose, Structure, and Intended Uses .. 1 1.1. Purpose 1 1.2. Structure of the Standard .. 1 1.3. Intended Users . 1 1.4. Voluntary Standard 1 2.0 Scope, Goals, and Limitations .. 2 2.1. Scope . 2 2.2. Goals .. 2 2.3. Limitations .. 2 3.0 Key Terminology 3 4.0 Referenced Documents .. 5 4.1. Normative References . 5 4.2. Additional References .. 6 5.0 Requirements .. 6 5.1. Chain of Custody Requirements .. 6 5.2. Requirements for Material Qualification & Quantification .. 7 6.0 Evaluation of Requirements . 8 6.1. Desk Audit .. 8 6.2. Site Audit . 9 6.3. Audit Findings 9 7.0 Gui delines for Private Label Users . 9 7.1. Private Label Customers . 9 8.0 Certification and Continued Conformance .. 10 8.1. Certification . 10 8.2. Continued Conformance .. 10 8.3. Notice of Change .. 10 9.0 L abeling Requirements . 10 9.1. National Requirements . 10 9.2. SCS Requirements 11 10.0 Complaints, Appeals and Disputes 11 10.1. Complaints 11

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Version 7-0 (July 2014) | © SCS Global Services Page 1 1.0 Purpose, Structure, and Intended Uses 1.1. Purpose The purpose of the Standard is to describe the requirements for third -party substantiation of the recycled content claims asserted by companies with regard to specific products. This Standard allows a company to demonstrate that: 1. Its product contain mater ials that are classified using definitions based on ISO 14021:1999(E) Environmental labels and declarations Œ Self -declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labeling) and United States Code of Federal Regulations Title 40: Protection of the Envi ronment, Part 261 – Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste; and 2. Its marketing claims conform with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims . 3. Its products contain materials that may conform with the Materi al & Resources criteria for Recycled Content for building products according to the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) Leadership Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building rating system. 1.2. Structure of the Standard The Standard provides: 1. The requirements for qualifying and quantifying materials that serve as the basis for recycled content claims asserted by companies about products; 2. Guidelines for suppliers and private label users; and 3. Labeling requirements that are applicable to all certified products. 1.3. Intended Users Intended users of this Standard are product manufacturers (including individuals, businesses, organizations, or agencies) seeking third -party certification of con formance of selected products to the requirements of this Standard, as well as individuals, businesses, organizations, agencies, or consumers interested in purchasing products meeting the requirements of the Standard. The Standard also provides guidelines for material suppliers and private label users. 1.4. Voluntary Standard This Standard is voluntary. It is not intended to replace any legal or regulatory requirements that may be applicable to user operations.

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Version 7-0 (July 2014) | © SCS Global Services Page 2 2.0 Scope, Goals, and Limitations 2.1. Scope The Standard applies to any material used in a product for which the manufacturer is making a claim about the recycled content and type of material in the final product. The Standard allows the input materials to be qualified and quantified for the purposes of making a percentage -based recycled content claim. The recycled content claim shall be based on the total recycled content in the final product (also known as fiminimum contentfl) , and/ or on the total recycled content of a particular component in the final product (also known as fimade withfl) . The claim shall be based on production at a single manufacturing site, or as a weighted average of production at multiple manufacturing sites (also known as a fiplant -wide weighted averagefl). The c laim includes, but is not limited to, materials that may be classified as post -consumer or pre -consumer recycled. The term fishallfl is used throughout the Standard to indicate mandatory requirements. The term fishouldfl is used throughout the Standard to indicate preferred requirements. 2.2. Goals The major goals of this Standard are: 1. To provide a uniform standard by which to assess and provide third -party certification of the recycled content of products for manufacturers making Type II environmental claims; and 2. To engender confidence in the marketplace that SCS -labeled products consistently meet the requirements of this Standard [and its normative references]. 2.3. Limitations 2.3.1. Health and Safety The Standard does not address safety, health and performance concerns, if any, associated with its use. Users shall note that compliance with the requirement s of this Standard is no guarantee of regulatory compliance at the time of certification or in the period between audits. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate conditions for such considerations and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 2.3.2. Environmental Tradeoffs The Standard does not address any environmental tradeoffs that may be associated with the life-cycle phases of the product(s). Therefore, there may be environmental tradeoffs associated with a certified entity and/or the product it produces.

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Version 7-0 (July 2014) | © SCS Global Services Page 3 3.0 Key Terminology Specific terms and definitions are provided below. Affidavit. A written statement of facts voluntarily made by an affiant under an oath or affirmation administered by a person authorized to do so by law. Bill of Materials (BOM). A list of the raw materials, sub -components, components, parts and quantities of each needed to manufacture an end product. Certification Assessment. Independent evaluation of a product claim using specific, predetermined criteria and procedures with assurance of data reliability. Certified Product. Finished product and raw materials, subassemblies, components and accessories for which a manufacturer has demonstrated full confor mance to the requirements of the standard, and for which the manufacturer is therefore authorized to apply the SCS Certification Label, as evidence that the product complies with the program requirements. Chain of Custody. The path that a material/ product takes from its point of production to the end consumer, consisting of each entity that takes legal and/or physical possession along this pathway. Claim. Oral, written, implied, or symbolic representation, statement, or advertising or other form of commu nication presented to the public or buyers of products that relates to a product™s environmental claim such as the percentage of recycled content. An environmental marketing claim must be consistent and compliant with Federal Trade Commission guidelines. Component. A material or ingredient used in the manufacture of a product. Content. Proportion, by mass, of a type of material in a product or packaging. Data Review Period. The 12 -month period of time represented by the data submitted for an assessment . This is typically comprised of the four most recent consecutive quarters, and at a minimum the most recent quarter. The data review period shall be the same for all data included in the review. Data provided for this period shall be for materials used for salable production only. Note: In the case that requested data are not available for the most recent twelve consecutive months because of an acceptable circumstance, the data review period shall be set by SCS. Acceptable circumstances are subject t o the discretion of SCS. If certification is granted based on a limited data review period, additional data may be requested to verify the claim after initial certification, per the auditor™s recommendation. Gross Production. The total amount of product coming off the manufacturing line, including any waste from trimming or finishing, defective products, and all non -saleable material. Also referred to as fi total production.fl Manufacturer. Organization or individual responsible for the production of the product undergoing certification assessment. Manufacturing Site. The physical location where the production of the product undergoing certification

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Version 7-0 (July 2014) | © SCS Global Services Page 5 the material are recovered as separate end produ cts (as when metals are recovered from metal -containing secondary materials); or (ii) Employed in a particular function or application as an effective substitute for a commercial product (for example, spent pickle liquor used as phosphorous precipitant and sludge conditioner in wastewater treatment). Scrap. Rejected or discarded material generated by a manufacturing process. Scrap cannot be claimed as pre -consumer recycled material if it is fed back into and reused in the same process that generated it with out any further processing before reuse. Examples of scrap include material from manufacturing equipment (e.g. s tart up/shut down material ), side/end trimmings, material generated from sanding, off -spec/non -conforming product, etc. SCS Supplier Affidavit Form. A form that is required from suppliers of recycled material. The form requires disclosure that the supplier has done business with the manufacturer, information about the company (e.g. length of time in business, business license, etc.) and information about the type of recycled material provided (e.g. amount sold, source of recycled material, waste stream source, etc.). The form must be signed by a duly authorized representative. Stakeholders. People who are, or who might be, affected b y any action taken by users of this Standard. Examples include: customers, workers, partners, contractors, suppliers, etc. Standard. When capitalized, refers to this Standard (SCS Recycled Content Standard). Supplier. Organization that supplies a material, product or service to the manufacturer. Brokers are not considered suppliers unless they provide a physical chain of custody from actual suppliers. Traceability. The ability to trace materials and/or products sequent ially throughout a manufacturing process and/or value chain in a way that is verifiable through objective evidence. Waste. Anything for which the generator or holder has no further use and which is discarded or is released to the environment (Source: ISO 14021:1999). Waste Stream. The aggregate flow of waste material from homes, businesses, institutions and industry that is recycled, burned or landfilled. Waste Stream Source. The specific origin of a waste material. 4.0 Referenced Documents 4.1. Normative References The following normative documents contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Standard. 1. ISO 14021:1999, fiEnvironmental labels and declarations Œ Self -declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labeling).fl

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Version 7-0 (July 2014) | © SCS Global Services Page 6 2. ISO 14024:1999, fiEnvironmental labels and declarations Œ Type I environmental labeling Œ Principles and procedures.fl 3. ISO 14020:2000, fiEnvironmental labels and declarations Œ General principles.fl 4.2. Additional Reference s 1. U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED) Green Rating Guides (available at: ) 2. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims (available at: ) 3. ISO 9001:2000, fiQuality management systems Œ Requirements.fl 4. ISO 14001:2004, fiEnvironmental management system s Œ Requirements with guidance for use.fl 5. ISO/IEC Guide 17065:2012, fiConformity assessment Œ Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and servic es.fl 5.0 Requirements This section of the Standard describes general conformance requirements for manufacturers. 5.1. Chain of Custody Requirements 5.1.1. Traceability Traceability practices shall be employed by the manufacturer to ensure that products conforming to the Standard can have their material basis tracked back to the origin of all input materials. 5.1. 2. Segregation The manufacturer shall maintain a documen ted procedure for segregating and clearly identifying conformant and non -conformant products in stages such as receiving, storage, transfer to shipping, and shipping. 5.1.3. Manufacturing Process Description The manufacturer shall provide a diagram and/or a description of the manufacturing process showing how recycled materials are tracked and how a chain of custody is maintained. It shall also describe all inputs of materials, all internal material flows (e.g ., reuse or recycling of scrap), and all material outputs (including, but not limited to, finished products, intermediary products, and waste).

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Version 7-0 (July 2014) | © SCS Global Services Page 7 5.2. Requirements for Material Qualification & Quantification 5.2.1. Material Qualification Pro duct Performance Testing The Auditor reserves the right to request documentation of product efficacy and/or performance tests specific to product type that are, if applicable, recognized by national performance standards (ASTM, ANSI, etc.) . Examples includ e performance testing for strength, flexural, fire resistance, etc. 5.2.1. 2. Supplier Verification & Validation The manufacturer shall provide a signed SCS Supplier Affidavit Form from all suppliers of Affidavit Form must be received from suppliers of recycled material accounting for at least by weight. Suppliers may be contacted by SCS to confirm validity and, on condition of their consent, may be subject to further review. At its discretion, SCS may choose to employ alternative or supplemental means of qualifying sources of recycled materia l, which could include an onsite audit of the supplier or evidence of the implementation of a robust vendor selection process and supplier requirements . 5.2.1. 3. Records of Suppliers The manufacturer shall maintain records that demonstrate it has an acti ve business relationship with each supplier of recycled material. These records might include invoices, bills of lading, delivery receipts , supplier affidavits, or manufacturer evaluations/audits of suppliers. For precious metal, and 3T metal (tin, tungs ten, and tantalum ) products, the manufacturer shall demonstrate the implementation of a fiKnow Your Customerfl procedure. 5.2.2. Material Quantification Material Supply Data The amount of recycled material obtained from each supplier of material under review shall be maintained and provided for the data review period. Data should be provided on a dry weight basis.

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Version 7-0 (July 2014) | © SCS Global Services Page 8 Product Component Information The manufacturer shall provide a bill of materials (BOM) or similar documentation that descr ibes the dry weight of each component in a product . This documentation should identify the dry weight of virgin, pre – and post -consumer recycled material in a product . The manufacturer shall have a mechanism for controlling the product formula . Scrap Reuse and Waste Rates For the material used in each product under review, the manufacturer shall , if deemed necessary by the Auditor, maintain records for the data review period of the amounts and units of measurement for scrap generated and reused an d the waste generated and sent to disposal, incineration, or additional recycling. Production Totals For each product under review, the manufacturer shall provide production totals (weight of units produced) for the data review period. Total production is the total amount of product coming off the manufacturing line, including any waste from trimming or finishing, defective products, and all non -saleable material Recycled Material Inventories The manufacturer shall maintain inventor y records of the amount and types of recycled materials used in the product for the data review period. Mass Balance For the scope of every assessment, a mass balance calculation with the data supplied in 5.2.2 must demonstrate that there are sufficient supplies of recycled material to produce the amount of product reported. 6.0 Evaluation of Requirements 6.1. Desk Audit The manufacturer shall submit all necessary forms, records, documents, and data to SCS for review. The auditor will review the submitted evidence and assess the manufacturer™s conformance with respect to the requirements of the Standard (Section 5.0 Requi rements).

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