When buying open-cast mining equipment with trade mark BELAZ you can be sure of the most optimal approach to solving of all production and technological
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• com plete set deliveries of minin gequipment; • hi gh-grade uni fication o f parts an d assemblies ;• optima l prices o f equipment an d spares ;• wide range of consumption materials used;• sim ple maintenance an d re pair; • low labour in put for maintenance; • lon g operatin g li fe;• service security an d tec hnica l suppor t along w hole usage perio d;• constant improvement wor k over truc ks being pro duce d an d deve lop-ment of new models under account o f customers ’ requ irements .When buying open-cast mining equipment with trade mark BELAZ you can be sure o f themost optimal approach to solvin g of all production and technolo gical problems and as- suring the lowest handling costs due to following features:

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Highproductivityreliabilityandcostef Good maneuverability and smooth rid e of this series of dum p trucks are secured throug hoptimally chosen geometry of truck as a whole, and steering system com ponents as we ll as throug h use o f origina l design pneumo hydrau licsus pension. Thecomfortandsafetyofoperator ’swork Lon g operat ing lif eof truc ks is attaine d due to use o f up-to- date power units, high tec hnica l level of com ponents, use of high-strength mate- ria ls for frame an d body manufacturing. 75306Engine Model Power rating, kW (hp) 1716 (2300) Specific fuel consumption at 208 rated engine power, g/kW hr Electromechanical transmission Power, kW 1400Traction electric motor Power, kW 560Weight Payload capacity, kg 220 000 Unladen weight, kg 156 100 Gross weight, kg 376 100

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Engines and external s ystems Diesel, four-c ycle en gines with V-t ype cylinders arran gement and direct fuel in jection .Air cleanin g is performed b y three-sta gefilters with dr y-type elements and automatic dust evacuation from the first sta ge. Ai r cleanin g system is e quipped with filter clo ggingOil coo ling — through wa ter- to-oil heat ex -changer. Coolin g syste m is of double-circuit fluid t ypewith forced circulation. Fan im peller is driven b yhydraulic clutch or h ydraulic motor with auto -mat ic control. Starting preheating system is of fluid t ype.Startin g system features pneumatic starter .Starting system air pressure, MPa 1,0-1,2 Electric system vo ltage, V 24 Fuel tank capacity, l 2890 lTransmission AC/DC electric drive with traction alternator, two tract ion elect ric moto rs and moto r-wh eel reduction gears, auxiliar y electric machines ,adjustment and control devices. Double-row motor-wheel reduction gear is of differential t ype.Ratio for 724 27,54 Wheels TiresPneumatic, tubeless, with quarr y tread pattern (E-4 ). Radial, metal-cord Desi gnation 40.00 R 5 7Internal pressure — in accordance with tire manufactu rer instruct ions.Rim desi gnation 29.00-57 /6,0Steer ingHydrostatic with fluid am plifier driven b y vari- able-flow pump. Emer gency drive is of combined type from h ydraulic accumulators and pump with elect ric driv e.Turnin g radius, m 1 5Overa ll turning diameter, m 3 4Steer ing system pressure, MPa 16, 5

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Series 7530 Suspension Conventional sus pension for front and rea r wheels, cylinders are pneumohydraulic (nitrogen and oil ), two cylinders both on the front axle and on the rear axle. Cylinder stroke, m mfrontsuspension320 Brakes Servi ce brake — disk brake gears for front wheels with four clam ps per disk and automatic clearance ad justment in friction pair. Rea r wheels – disk brake with three gears per disk and automatic clearance ad justment in friction pair. Actuation — pneumatic, se parate for front and rear wh eels. Parkin g brak e — constantl y closed disk brake gears on shaft of traction electric motors. S prin gactuation, pneumatic control. Emergency brake — parkin g brake and intact circuit of servi ce brake are used. Auxiliar y brake — electrod ynamic brakin gwith tract ion elect ric moto rs in alte rnator mode with forced air coolin g of brake resistors .Hydraulic s yste mCombined h ydraulic s ystem for bod y hoist, steerin g and brake s ystem. Oil pumps: axial- piston variable-flow pump and win g pump, combined in one unit .Bod y hoist c ylinders are telesco pic with three dfdbli Meets Euro pean sa fety stan dard474-1, 474-6.CabTwo-seat, two- door, vi bro-, heat- an d soun d-insu late d operator’s ca b wit h ROPS an d adjust- able steering co lumn. Ca b meets a ll stan dard requirements for interna l soun d levels, vi bration, concentration o f poisonous su bstances an d dust. Operator’s seat is pneumatica lly cus hione d an d has a hydrau lic damper. T he seat can be adjuste d vertica lly and longitu dinally. T he pa d an d the back of the seat can be adjuste d angu larly. T he seat for passenger or pro bationer is o f fold-back type.

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BodyBucket ty pe bodyis a we lded structure, hasa protective canopy an d is heate d by ex haust gases. It is e quipped with a device for mechanica l locking in raise d position an d wit h roc k-ejectors. Floor an d si de boar ds are ma de of high-strengt hwear-r esista nt steel. FrameFrame is a we lded structure o f high-strengt h low-a lloye d stee l wit h yie ld strengt h of 460 MPa. Lon gitudinal box-section variable hei ght side rai ls are int erconnecte d by cross-mem bers .Overall dimensions, mBELAZ-75306Body capacity, m3 struck 80 92 heaped 2:1 112,4 130

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Standard complete set of deliver yEquipmentRock ejectors, device for body locking in raise dposition , anti-haul rests, fire-fi ghtin g system. CabFully adjusta ble operator seat on t he pneumatic suspension, t hree-p ly win dshield, sliding door vent, hardened si de and rear win dows, win dshieldwiper an d was her, fan and heater, door locks, sun visor, rear view mirrors, a dditiona l ca b heater .Contro l lampsTurning in dicator, coo lant level in dicator, front and rear circuits o f par king brake system, engine diagnostics lamp, emergency fuel level, oi l level,air pressure in receivers, c logging o f oi l an d ai r filters. Light ingFour head lamps, two fog head lamps, reverse lamp, fog light, ca b dome light, engine compartment light, porta ble lamp soc ket.Spare parts Set of s pare parts, tools and accessories fo r warrant y operation period .InstrumentsTachometer, spee dometer, vo ltmeter, engine coolant tem perature indicators, en gine lubrication system oi l pressure in dicators, oi l pressure in hydrau lic accumu lator, steering an d brake s ystem, indicator of oil tem perature in hydrau lic tan k.Warnin g systemElectric horn, brakin g si gnal lam ps, electric reverse horn, front, rear and side turnin g indicators, front and rear marker lam ps, electrod ynamic brakin g lam ps, sound alarm o f coolant level in front and rear brake circuits , steerin g system pressure, clo gging of oil and air filte rs.Optional delivery se tAutomatic centralized lubrication s ystem, loadin g control s ystem, telemeterin g tire inflation control s ystem, com plete set of parts from sheet wear-resistant steel for fettlin g of the bottom bod y, en gine startin g preheater, air conditionin g system, cab air cleanin g system, electro-heated mirrors , radio set and audio- player, s pecial e quipment for maintenance and repair of dum p truck, set of s pare parts for after- warrant y operation period, MICHELIN, GOODYEAR, BRIDGESTONE tires. Series 7530

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