Materials Needed: Copies of Blessed Marie-Anne Blondin’s biography (short version), copies of crossword puzzle, pencils, and pencil crayons. Gathering: 1. Have

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2 Blessed Mari e – Anne Blondin (1809 – 1890) Materials Needed : Copies of Blessed Marie – Anne Blondin (short version), copies of crossword puzzle, pencils, and pencil crayons. Gathering : 1. Have the children sit quietly with their eyes closed for a moment. 2. Ask the children to think about a time in their life when they forgave someone (either family member or a friend). 3. Now ask them to think of a time when they were forgiven. 4. Prompt the children to think about why forgiveness is important. What happens if s? Listening: 1. Read aloud the description of the life of Blessed Marie – Anne Blondin (short version on page 4 – 5 ). 2. Have a short discussion with the children about Blessed Marie – emphasizing her habit of forgiveness and the inner peace she kept, despite all of the hardships that she went through. 3. Ask the children to think about how her life would have been different if she did no t forgive others. Doing: 1. Working in pairs , have the children use their copy of the text to complete the crossword puzzle about Marie – s 6 – 7 ). 2. Encourage the children to be creative and draw/colour symbols that represent Marie – Anne Blondin in the space around the crossword puzzle. 3. Discuss the answers to the crossword puzzle and answer any questions the children may have. 4. Asked for volunteers to share which symbols they chose to draw that represent Blessed Marie – Anne Blondin.

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4 Blessed Marie – Anne Blondin (1809 – 1890) Feast Day: April 1 8 Her Life Esther Blondin (later, Mother Marie – Anne) was born on a farm in Terrebonne, Quebec, April 18, 1809. Her parents were committed to raising their children in the Christian faith. At the age of 22, she began to work as a domestic helper at the convent of the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre – Dame in her village. A year later, she enrolled as a boarding school student in order to learn to read and write. In 1833, she became a teacher in Vaudreuil, Quebec. In the spring of 1848, believing that she was being prompted by the Holy Spirit, Esther proposed to her Bishop, the Most Reverend Ignace Bourget, a plan that she had been nurturing for some time. She wanted mixed schoo Until this time, boys and girls had been educated separately from one another favour o f such schools. Thus the Congregation of Sisters of Saint Anne was founded in Vaudreuil, on September 8, 1850. – Adolphe Maréchal, frequently interfered in its internal life. In August 1854, after a year of conflict be tween him and Mother Marie – Anne, Bishop Bourget asked her to resign. Mother Marie – Anne obeyed. She was named director of a new convent in Sainte Geneviève, but in 1858, she was once again removed from office. She was brought back to the motherhouse, where she did humble work right up to the time of her death. Through it all, she kept silent . Assigned to work in the laundry, her sole consolation was to inspire the novices with her exemplary patience, humility, and charity. After long years of exclusion, Mot her Marie – Anne died at the motherhouse in Lachine, Quebec on January 2, 1890. She was declared Venerable on May 14, 1991, and beatified by Pope (now Saint) John Paul II on April 19, 2001. Her Spirituality Mother Marie – Anne showed herself to be an authentic disciple. When she was forced to

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5 resign from her position as superior, she let go without trying to hold on to it. She freely accepted being stripped of even her legitimate rights. She took refuge in silence and humility; what remained important for her was not acknowledgment of her contribution in founding the community, but its survival. Mother Marie – Anne never abandoned her role as a spiritual mother. Although she was a victim of injustice, she never sought justice for herself. She placed her case in She was faithful to the spirit of the Beatitudes and was always a woman of great mercy. Her habit of forgiveness was e

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8 Prayer through the Intercession of Blessed Marie – Anne Blondin Lord, you called Blessed Marie – Anne Blondin to serve t he young, the poor and the sick with kindness. You gave her hope in the most difficult moments of her life and y ou led her to deep peace . Thank you , Lord for your humble servant . Through her intercession grant us the favour that we ask of y ou with confidence. Amen. Photo: Mother Marie – A nne Blondin, portrait by Sister M. – Hélène – de – la – Croix, 1953. Archive of the Sisters of Saint Anne

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