Construction licence for the Barakah Nuclear Installation … fanr.ae/En/Documents/2015EPREV-UAE-Final%20(2).pdf. 16.1.1 On-site
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i Public after release lic | This report has been prepared by the Government of the United Arab Emirates in fulfilment of Article 5 of the Convention on Nuclear Safety for submittal to the 7th Review Meeting of Contracting Parties to be held in March/April 2017 August 2016

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ii Public after release lic | Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION 1 .. 1 1 1 II. SUMMARY 2 .. 2 .. 3 2.3 Actions taken based on the 6 th .. 4 2.4 Lessons learned from international peer reviews, operating and construction experience and emergency drills or exercises 7 2.5 Transparency and communications with the public and other national and international 9 9 2.7 Conformance with the Vienna Declaration on Nuclear Safety 10 2.8 IAEA Generic Safety Observations Report . .. 11 2. 9 Future safety related activities and programs planned for the period until the next National Report . 11 III. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONVENTION (Articles 6 – . 12 12 13 7.1 Legislative Framework 13 .. . 14 .. 14 7.1.3 Bilateral Cooperation Agreeme .. 15 7.2 Regulatory Framework.. 16

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iii Public after release lic | 7.2.1 Regulations and Regulatory 16 18 19 20 Article 2 0 2 1 2 1 8.1.2 Mandate, mission and tasks; 23 2 3 2 5 8.1.5 Measures to develop and maintain 2 5 2 8 2 8 29 3 1 3 1 3 2 8.3 International and national cooperation 3 3 3 6 39 9.1 Formulation in the legislation assigning the prime responsibility for safety to the licence 39 9.2 Description of the main means by which the licence holder discharges the prime responsibility for 39 9.3 Description of the mechanism by which the regulatory body ensures that the licence holder 4 2

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iv Public after release lic | 9.4 Description of the mechanisms whereby the licence holder maintains open and transparent 4 2 4 2 4 3 4 4 10.3 Regulatory processes for monitoring and oversight of arrangements used by the Licence holders 4 7 4 8 11.1 Financial resources 4 8 49 staffing, qualification, training and retraining of staff for nuclear installations. 49 11.2.2 Methods used for the analysis of competence requirements and training needs for all safety 49 11 5 2 5 2 12.1 Overview of the UAE arrangements and regulatory requirements to take human factors and organizational issues into 5 2 12.2 Consideration of human factors in the design of nuclear installations and subsequent modifications 5 3 12.3 Self – assessment of managerial and 5 5 12.4 Arrangements for the feedback of experience in relation to human factors and organizational issues 5 5 5 5 5 6 programmes, quality management systems, or management systems of 5 6 13.2 Status with regard to the implementation of integrated management systems at nuclear installations 5 7

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v Public after release lic | 13.3 Main elements of the quality assurance, programme covering all aspects of safe ty throughout the 6 0 6 0 13.5 Regulatory review and control activities .. 6 0 6 1 . 6 2 to perform . 6 2 . 6 2 6 3 . 6 3 6 6 verification of safety.. .. 6 6 6 6 6 8 69 69 15.1.1 7 0 7 0 7 1 15.2 Regulatory Requirements Concerning Radiation Protection at Nuclear Installation 7 1 7 3 7 3 15.3.2 Control of Radiation Exposure of Members of the Public and the 7 4 7 4 7 5

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vii Public after release lic | 9 7 reliable, stable and manageable operati 9 8 9 9 18.3.2 Regulatory review and control of the approaches to ensure reliable, stable and manageable operations 101 10 2 10 3 CONCLUSION.. 10 6 ANNEX 1 10 7 ANNEX 2 11 2

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1 Public after release I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 UAE Policy on Nuclear Safety The Policy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the Evaluation and Potential Development of Peaceful Nuclear Energy (hereinafter referred to as the Nuclear Policy) was adopted by the UAE Cabinet of Ministers in April 200 8. The Nuclear Policy outlines the role of nuclear energy in the the highest standards of safety, security and non – proliferation throughout the life of the nuclear pr nuclear power capability in partnership with the governments and firms of responsible nations, as well as with the assistance of appropriate expert organisations, including the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in a manner that best ensures long term sustainability. The UAE Nuclear Policy is available on the web site of the UAE Permanen t Mission in Vienna. 1.2 Status of the UAE Nuclear Programme The UAE has moved forward on the commitments in the Nuclear Policy through the adoption of the relevant international instruments for nuclear safety, security and non – proliferation, through the establishment of a legal framework and governmental framework within the UAE, and through on – going support for the development of the UAE peaceful nuclear energy programme as described in subsequent sections of this report. 1.3 Purpose and Scope of this Report Article 5 of the Convention on Nuclear Safety states, Each Contracting Party shall submit for review, prior to each meeting referred to in Article 20, a report on the measures it has taken to implement each of the obligations of this Convention This is the third National Report of the UAE which has been prepared in accordance with Article 5 of the Convention on Nuclear Safety for review at the 7 th Review Meeting of the Convention to be held in March and April 2017 . This National report describes the legislative, regulatory, and administrative measures and other steps taken by the United Arab Emirates to fulfil its obligations as a Contracting Party to the Convention on Nuclear Safety. The s tructure of the report is based on IAEA Information Circular INFCIRC/572/Rev.5 , Guidelines regarding National Reports under the Convention on Nuclear Safety , which the

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2 Public after release Contracting Parties adopted during the 6th Review Meeting in 201 4 . The report consists of three main parts. Following this intr oduction, Part II summarizes the significant developments in the UAE nuclear energy programme since the 6th CNS review meeting. Part III addresses an article by article review of the measures taken by the UAE to implement the provisions of Articles 6 thro ugh 19 of the Convention. th Review Meeting held in April 2014, this Third National Report is a collective effort of various national organisations including the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR), the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC), the National Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) and other leading organisations. The UAE appreciates the opportunity to participate in the 7th Review Meeti ng of the Parties to the Convention and looks forward to contributing to the discussion. II. SUMMARY 2.1 The UAE national report to the 6 th Review Meeting on the Convention on Nuclear Safety described programme. That report described the issuance on the construction licence for the first two nuclear inst allations in July 2012. These units are located at the site named Barakah on the coast of the Arabian Gulf some 300 km west of Abu Dhabi. The technology at Barakah is the APR – 1400 advanced pressurised water reactor supplied by a team led by the Korea Ele ctric Power Company (KEPCO). Since the 6 th Review Meeting, FANR has granted a licence to ENEC on 15 th September 2014 to construct two additional nuclear installations at the Barakah site. On 26 th March 2015 ENEC submitted an application for an operating licence for Barakah Units 1 and 2 . This operating licence application (OLA) is currently under review and assessment by FANR . The manufacture of components and site construction for the installations at Barakah are currently progressing in line with the schedule mil estones set by ENEC. As of June 2016 Unit 1 is now over 88% complete and has progressed into the initial stages of non – nuclear commissioning having completed C old H ydro static testing in April 2016 and commenced Hot Functional Test ing . FANR

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3 Public after release has implemented a program of site construction and commissioning inspections as well as continued vendor inspections of the supply chain. As of June 2016 Unit 2 is approximately 72 %, Unit 3 50 % , and Unit 4 31 % complete from a construction pers pective. 2.2 Update on a ctions taken in light of the accident at Fukushima Daiichi The actions taken by the UAE in the light of the accident at Fukushima Daiichi were summarized in the UAE National Report to the 2 nd Extraordinary Meeting on the Convention on Nuclear Safety and in the national report for the 6 th review meeting. In summary , FANR issued a request to ENEC on 4 th July 2011 for an assessment of how recent experience at Fukushima and lessons learned so far may be applied to address any potential safety issues at the proposed Barakah Nuclear Power Plants. The guidance provided by FANR to ENEC for the Fukushima lessons learned evaluation considered the information developed internationally after the event, a nd was based mainly on the Stress Test Specifications developed by the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group. ENEC submitted the initial version of Nuclear Power Plants (Lessons Learned from Fukushima Accident on 30 th December 2011 . A subsequent revision was submitted in March 2015 as part of the OLA for Barakah Units 1 and 2 . The report addresse s the following major topics, in accordance with the FANR guidance: Initiating events (including, but not limited to earthquakes, flooding, fire, explosions, sandstorms, and oil spills); Consequential loss of safety functions (including, but not limited to the loss of electrical power, loss of ultimate heat sink, and loss of ultimate heat s ink with station blackout); Severe accident management (including, but not limited to design features for severe accidents instrumentation and information systems, provisions for increasing plant robustness, and severe accident management guidelines); Prop osed safety enhancements. The Barakah Units designs already incorporated advanced features designed for coping with severe accidents. Nevertheless, a number of proposed safety improvements to enhance the ability of the plant to resist severe, low – probabili ty events and to improve the mitigation of severe

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