tion arising from a Q.adith recorded in Sunan Abf Dawad. It is narrated therein on the authority of Sayyiduna Abii Mutarrif ~who says, “I came with a delegation to

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©Copyright: 1430/2009, First Edition September 2009 Second Edition September 2014 Published by: Azhar Academy Ltd 54-68 Little Ilford Lane London £12 5QA (+44) 208 911 9797 www.azharacademy.com Printed in India Darul Uloom Al-Arabiya Al-Islamiya Holcombe Hall, Holcombe, Bury, BL8 4NG All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or otherwise, without written permission from the publishers. By: Shaykh al-J:Iadith Mawli:ina Mu}:!ammad Zakariyya Translated by: Mawlana Irfan Adalat Under the instruction of: Shaykh al-J:Iadith Shaykh YusufMotala British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-1-84828-114-1 Distributors: Azhar Academy Ltd 54-68 Little Ilford Lane London E12 5QA I Tel: (+44) 208 911 9797 E: sales@azharacademy.com I W: www.azharacademy.com ]amiatul Ulama South Africa P.O. Box. 42863, Fordsburg, 2033,Johannesburg

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TRANSLATION NOTE AUTHOR’S INTRODUCTION CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE: VIRTUES OF INVOKING BLESSINGS AND PEACE 6 7 “Verily, Allah and His angels confer blessings upon the Prophet.” 11 Meaning of Allah’s conferring blessings 12 “Say: All praise is to Allah and peace be upon His chosen servants:· 17 Allah’s ten blessings upon the invoker 18 Difference of narrations mentioning reward 19 The Noble Prophet’s happiness and lengthy prostration in gratitude for the reward of invoking blessings 20 Disrespecting the Noble 21 Closest people to the Noble on the Day of]udgment 22 Allah’s angels who roam the earth 24 Allah’s appointing an angel at the Noble Prophet’s 25 The Noble Prophet’s blessings invoked at his grave 27 The prophets are alive in their graves 28 Invocation of blessings at the blessed grave 29 Devoting all one’s time to invoking blessings 34 Intercession becomes assured by invoking blessings ten times in the morning and evening 36 An angel appointed with every blessing to present it before Allah Most High 38 Parchment containing blessings weighing down the Scales & l:zad!th al-bitaqa 38 Invoking blessings as a substitute for charity 39 Appendix-List of the virtues of invoking blessings 41 CHAPTER TWO: VIRTUES OF SPECIFIC INVOCATIONS OF BLESSINGS Method of invoking blessings upon the Noble and his household 45 Comparing blessings on the Noble Prophet with blessings on Ibrahim 49 Blessings weighed in the fullest measure 50 Invoking blessings abundantly on Friday 53 Allah has forbidden the earth from decomposing the bodies of the prophets 53 Virtue of invoking blessings eighty times on Friday 55 Intercession becoming assured for a certain invocation of blessings 58 Reward of :J;f? l! I ‘i ;J. ‘.ili,S_j;-60 Invoking blessings after adhan 63

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Discussion on was!la and the Praised Station (Al-Maqiim 64 Invoking blessings when entering the masjid 65 Invoking blessings to see the Noble Prophet !j} in a dream 71 Two important notes regarding seeing the Noble in a dream 75 FORTY INVOCATIONS OF BLESSINGS AND PEACE 81 Appendix -List of occasions wherein blessings should be invoked 98 CHAPTER THREE: WARNINGS NARRATED FOR NOT CONFERRING BLESSINGS Sayyiduna]ibr!l’s the Noble Prophet’s for not invoking blessings 103 The miserliness of one who fails to invoke blessings on the Noble when he is mentioned 106 Not invoking blessings upon the Noble when his name is mentioned is disloyalty 108 The burden on the Day of judgement of gatherings wherein the Noble is not mentioned 109 Invoking blessings at the time of supplication 110 Prayer for fulfilment of needs ($aliit al-Mja) 112 CHAPTER FOUR: MISCELLANEOUS POINTS Ruling of invoking blessings 117 Validity of the title sayyidunii 117 Validity of the title mawliinii 121 Importance of writing blessings with the Noble Prophet’s name 124 Miscellaneous points of etiquette 127 Miscellaneous rulings related to invoking blessings 127 CHAPTER FIVE: STORIES PERTAINING TO INVOKING BLESSINGS Stories from Ziid al-Sa’!d Other stories Story of Isra’ from the Poem of the Mantle ( Qa<:?!dat al-Burda) Story behind the Mathnaw! of Mawlana ]am! The Mathnaw! of Mawlana ]am! Verses from Importance of this book and reason for its special publication 131 135 163 165 169 177 184 PAGE - 8 ============ Through the benevolence and favour of Allah Most Exalted, solely by His grace, and through the affection of His pious servants, this sinful less servant has written a number of books regarding virtues [of certain deeds], which are also included in the syllabus of the Tablighijamifat in Nizamuddin. Hundreds of letters from friends have indicated that these books have been very beneficial. This sinful servant has no part to play in this. Firstly, only by the grace of Allah Most High; secondly, through the blessings of the Prophetic ings that have been translated in these books; and thirdly, the blessings of the friends of Allah upon whose order these books have been written has this been possible. It is only through the grace of Allah that the faults of this sinful servant were not an obstacle in the path of these blessings. 0 Allah, all praise is for You and all gratitude is for You. 0 Allah, I cannot fully praise You. You are as You have praised Yourself. The first book of this series, (Virtues of the Qur'an), was written in 13418 AH under the instruction of Shah Mu}:lammad Yasin Nag1nw1 a disciple (khalffa) of Qutb al-'Alam, shaykh of all khs, Mawlana Rashid A}:lmad Gangohi (may Allah sanctify his secret), as stated in detail in the preface to the book. Shah Mu}:lammad Yasin passed away on the night ofThursday 30th Shawwal1360 AH. May Allah illuminate his grave and elevate his ranks. Shah Mu}:lammad Yasin made a request at the time of his demise, conveyed to me through his eminent disciple (khalzfa) Mawlana Al-J:Iaj 'Abdul 'Aziz Du'ajaw, that he desired a book be written regarding the virtues of invoking blessings and peace (salam) in the same manner as 1 He was born in Rabl ai-Awwal 1285 AH. Thus, he passed away at the age of 75. He was extremely pious, humble, quiet-natured, and endowed with visions (kashf) and-spiritual efficacy Re expressed great affection towards this humble servant. He always attended the annual gatherings of the madrasa and would stay with me for many days after the _gathering. He woufd also attend this humble servant's It was my habit to take pan with me to my lesson. Shah Yasin once said, "I do not prohibit pan (betel) but it should not be eaten in lessons." Thirty-five years have passed since that day. Lessons have lasted for five to six hours continuouslY at times, but never bas the thought of pan (betel) crossed my mind. This is only through Shall Yasin's spiritual efficacy I have heard many other stories of his miracles. May Allah elevate his ranks. 7 PAGE - 9 ============ After the demise of Shah Yasin Mawlana 'Abdul 'Aziz repeatedly reminded me of this request and insisted that I fulfil it, and this humble servant was also desirous of attaining this great fortune, despite his shortcomings. Many elders besides Shah Yasin were also insistent upon this. However, this sinful servant was so overawed by the ous status of the Leader of both worlds, Pride of the Prophets that whenever I intended to write, I feared lest I write something priate to the lofty status of the Whilst in this state of avoidance, I was blessed with my third visit to I;lijaz last year upon the insistence of beloved Mawlana Mul:Iammad Yusuf and I performed my fourth pilgrimage by the grace of Allah. On arriving in the holy city of Madina after finishing the pilgrimage, the question as to why I had not written Sharzf (Virtues of voking Blessings and Peace) constantly crossed my mind. I made excuses for myself on more than one occasion. However, due to this ent questioning in my mind, I resolved to try to complete this ed book after returning home, if Allah wishes. However, "one of bad habits makes many excuses" and so this task continued to be tinated even after returning. This desire has returned once again in this holy month, and so I finally begin writing in the name of Allah on 25th 1384 AH after the last Friday prayer of the month. May Allah through His infinite grace and mercy enable me to complete this book and may He, out of His mercy, overlook all the shortcomings in this book, the books I have previously written and my Arabic works. I intend writing a few chapters and a conclusion in this book: Chapter One on the virtues of invoking blessings ($aliit) and peace (saliim); Chapter Two on the specific virtues of certain invocations of blessings and peace; Chapter Three on the warnings narrated for not invoking blessings and peace upon the Prophet .; Chapter Four on ous points; and Chapter Five on stories. May Allah Most High enable people to invoke blessings and peace abundantly. By reading this book, every person will realise how valuable the act of invoking blessings and peace is, and how those who are negligent therein are deprived of such an immense fortune. 8 478 KB – 192 Pages