envelops them, tranquillity descends upon them and. Allah mentions them to those who are near Him.” (Muslim). Dhikr is the best of all deeds: The Messenger of
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fiAnd your Lord said: ‚Call upon Me; I will respond to you.™fl (40:60) fiWhen My servants ask you about Me, indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them obey Me, and believe in Me that they may be guided.fl (2:186)

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fiAllah says: ‚I am as My slave thinks of me, and I am with him when he remembers Me. If he remembers Me within himself, I remember him within Myself; and if he remembers Me in a gathering, I remember him in a better gathering; and if he draws one span nearer to Me, I draw one cubit nearer to him; and if he draws one cubit nearer to Me, I draw a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.™fl (Had˜th Quds˜, Bukh˚r˜)

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ABOUT UMMAH WELFARE TRUST Recent decades have seen this ˛nal Ummah encounter unprecedented trials and calamities. Millions who have taken Allah as their Lord and His Messenger as their guide have suffered and perished amidst continuous wars, natural disasters and enforced poverty. Since 2001, Ummah Welfare Trust has been working to ful˛l the rights of those suffering by providing assistance in areas of nutrition, education, health, shelter, income and spiritual well-being.Alhamdulillah, the relief and succour brought to the lives of millions of our brothers and sisters has been made possible thanks to the generosity of Ummah Welfare Trust™s donors. May their Sadaqah increase them in provisions, repel oncoming evils, and be a shade for them on the Day of Judgement. We ask Allah to accept our small efforts and enable us to increase in assistance to the Ummah of His Beloved Messenger . May He, Who is a refuge for the weak and oppressed, remove the dif˛culties of the Ummah, strengthen its resolve, and restore its honour. May the condition of the Muslims be recti˛ed and the Truth prevail throughout the lands. ˝m˜n.

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PROVISIONS FOR THE JOURNEY TO ALLAH The excellence of dhikr (1) How to remember Allah The excellence of the Qur™˚n (2) Re˙ecting upon the Qur™˚n How much should one read? The excellence of tahl˜l (3) The excellence of tasb˜h, tahm˜d & takb˜r (4) The meaning of tasb˜h, tahm˜d & takb˜r Counting tasb˜h The excellence of l˚ hawla wa l˚ quwwah (5) The excellence of du‚˚™ (6) How to make du‚˚™ Opportune moments in which du‚˚™ is accepted Ask Allah by His Beautiful Names (7) The Beautiful Names of Allah Sending sal˚h upon the Prophet (8) 40 bene˛ts of sending sal˚h upon the Prophet A gift The excellence of seeking forgiveness (9) How to repent and seek forgiveness Journeying to Allah (10) The secrets of deeds 4 710111213161820212223 25 26 283234 3637384244CONTENTS ()

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Whilst going to the masjid When entering & leaving the masjid Responding to the adh˚n The Sunnah deeds of Jumu™ah Istikh˚rah During & at the end of a gathering Concluding the recitation of the Qur‚˚n Before & after eating After drinking milk Du‚˚™ for the host After opening a fast When travelling When entering a shop When visiting a graveyard When entering a town or city When it rains & thunders When the wind blows When dogs bark When thanking someone When greeting someone For one you have insulted What to say when angry Before intimacy After sneezing For ˛rmness of the heart When one experiences doubt in faith When one fears shirk & riy˚™ 98 98100 102 104 105 107 108 109 110 110 111112 113 114 114 115 115 115 116 116 116 117 117 118 118 119

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PART FIVE: THE REMEDY Protection from Dajj˚l, trials & tribulations When something pleases you When something you dislike happens When one is in a dif˛cult situation When struck by a calamity Grief and anxiety When one is afraid of people When one feels frightened When dif˛culties make one yearn for death For dif˛cult times: all your prayers answered Healing & treatment from the Qur™˚n & Sunnah Prophetic medicine Envy, evil eye, magic & jinn Ten ways to protect yourself Praying & blowing with the saliva Ruqyah from the Qur™˚n Ruqyah from the Sunnah Seeking protection for children When one feels pain in the body What the sick should say & what should be said for them When one sees an af˙icted person The reward for visiting the sick Treat your sick through Sadaqah Turn to Allah 119 120 120 121 121 122 123 123 124 124 126 128 130 133 134 135 137 140 141 142 145 145 146 147

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INTRODUCTIONPraise be to Allah, who bestowed upon us the gift of remembering Him, who blessed us with His beautiful words so that we may know Him and who brought comfort to our hearts by enabling us to worship Him. May peace and blessings be upon the best of creation, Muhammad , the Prophets, the Companions and the Righteous. Allah has praised the men and women who remember Him frequently ( ). Commenting said: fiIt refers to those who remember Allah after the prayers, in the morning and evening, upon going to bed and when waking up, leaving or entering the house.fl by the Messenger of Allah , which are found in the authentic sources. An introductory chapter outlines the essentials that every believer should take as three chapters dedicated to the daily morning and 133:35

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illnesses, the evil eye and magic. Special attention has revive this oft-neglected Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah been included. Ummah Welfare Trust humbly requests its readers to Hereafter by remembering and supplicating to Allah with that which most pleases Him. We ask Allah to grant us the ability to be consistent with the daily remember Him frequently, enable us to live our lives in trials and tribulations of this world and the Hereafter. Ummah Welfare Trust ‚The best and most bene˛cial dhikr is when one remembers Allah with the tongue and the heart, it is from the Sunnah adhk˚r, and one is conscious of its meaning and its purpose.™ (Ibn al-Qayyim ) 2

112 KB – 158 Pages