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FOREWORD This publication has been prepared to provide a compilation of standard requirements used by the North Carolina Department of Transportation for construction contracts. When this publication, entitled Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures , dated January 201 8 bid proposals or contracts; it is made a part of that document and shall be known as the S tandard Specifications . The requirements stated herein may be revised or amended from time to time by Supplemental Specification s , by Standard Special Provisions which are unique to a select group of projects or by Project Special Provisions which are uni que to the specific bid proposal or contract. Working titles have a masculine gender, such as workman, workmen and foreman . P ronouns such as he, his, and him are used in the Standard Specifications for the sake of brevity and are intended to refer to pers ons of either sex or corporate entities . Reference by title and date will be made to the governing provisions on plans and contract documents. GENERAL INFORMATION For general questions about this publication, please contact the Contract Standards and Dev elopment Unit at specs@ncdot.gov or (919) 707 – 6900. ORDERING INFORMATION Copies of the Standard Specifications and the Roadway Standard Drawings may be purchased through the Contract Standards and Development Unit: North Carolina Department of Transportation Contract Standards and Development Unit Manual Distribution 1591 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 – 1591 Telephone: (919) 707 – 69 44 Website: http://www.ncdot.gov/ The order form is available at http://www.ncdot.gov/business/order/puborder.html . Electronic copies of the Standard Specifications and the Roadway Standard Drawings are available for download on the Contract Standards https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources /Specifications/Pages/default.aspx .

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iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword .. .. .. .. ii Table of Contents .. .. .. . iii DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 101 Definition s of Terms .. .. . 1 – 1 102 Bidding Requirements and Conditions .. 1 – 9 103 Award and Execution of Contract .. . 1 – 2 1 104 Scope of Work .. .. .. 1 – 30 105 Control of Work .. .. .. 1 – 4 4 106 Cont rol of Material .. .. . 1 – 52 107 Legal Relations and Responsibility to Public .. .. 1 – 5 7 108 Prosecution and Progress .. .. . 1 – 6 8 109 Measurement and Payment .. .. 1 – 7 9 150 Maintenance of Traffic .. .. . 1 – 89 DIVISION 2 EARTHWORK 200 Clearing and Grubbing .. .. . 2 – 1 205 Sealing Abandoned Wells .. .. .. 2 – 4 210 Demolition of Buildings and Appurtenances .. .. 2 – 5 215 Removal of Existing Buildings .. .. 2 – 6 2 20 Blasting .. .. .. . 2 – 8 225 Roadway Excavation .. .. . 2 – 1 2 226 Comprehensive Grading .. .. .. 2 – 1 7 230 Borrow Excavation .. .. . 2 – 1 8 235 Embankments .. .. 2 – 2 3 240 Ditch Excavation .. .. . 2 – 2 6 250 Removal of Existing Pavement .. .. 2 – 2 7 260 Proof Rolling .. .. . 2 – 2 9 265 Select Granular Material .. .. . 2 – 30 270 Geotextile for Soil Stabilization .. . 2 – 31 275 Rock Plating .. .. .. 2 – 3 2 DIVISION 3 PIPE CULVERTS 300 Pipe Installation .. .. 3 – 1 30 5 Drainage Pipe .. .. 3 – 5 310 Pipe Culverts .. .. . 3 – 6 330 Welded St eel Pipe .. .. .. 3 – 7 340 Pipe Removal .. .. 3 – 8 350 Pipe Clean Out .. .. . 3 – 10 DIVISION 4 MAJOR STRUCTURES 400 Temporary Structures .. .. 4 – 1 402 Removal of Existing Structures .. .. 4 – 2 410 Foundation Excavation .. .. . 4 – 3 411 Drilled Piers .. .. .. 4 – 8 412 Unclassified Structure Excavation .. 4 – 2 0 414 B ox Culvert Excavation .. .. .. 4 – 2 1 416 Channel Excavation .. .. 4 – 23 420 Concrete Structures .. .. 4 – 2 4 422 Bridge Approach Slabs .. .. . 4 – 4 6

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iv 425 Fabricating and Placing Reinforcement .. .. 4 – 4 7 430 Erecting Prestressed Concrete Members .. 4 – 50 440 Steel Structures .. .. . 4 – 5 2 442 Painting Steel St ructures .. .. .. 4 – 58 450 Piles .. .. .. . 4 – 6 5 452 Sheet Pile Retaining Walls .. .. . 4 – 73 45 3 CIP Gravity Retaining Walls .. .. . 4 – 7 4 45 4 Segmental Gravity Retaining Walls .. . 4 – 7 6 45 5 Precast Gravity Retaining Walls .. . 4 – 7 9 45 8 Waterproofing and Dampproofing .. 4 – 82 460 Concrete and Metal Rail s .. .. 4 – 8 4 462 Slope Protection .. .. .. 4 – 8 7 DIVISION 5 SUBGRADE, BASES AND SHOULDERS 500 Fine Grading Subgrade, Shoulders and Ditches .. . 5 – 1 501 Lime – Treated Soil .. .. 5 – 3 505 Aggregate Subgrade .. .. .. 5 – 8 510 Aggregate Stabilization .. .. 5 – 9 520 Aggregate Base Course .. .. 5 – 1 0 535 Conditioni ng Existing Base .. .. 5 – 1 3 540 Cement – Treated Base Course .. .. 5 – 1 4 542 Soil – Cement Base .. .. 5 – 19 543 Asphalt Curing Seal .. .. 5 – 2 3 545 Incidental Stone Base .. .. 5 – 25 560 Shoulder Construction .. .. .. 5 – 2 6 DIVISION 6 ASPHALT PAVEMENTS 600 Prime Coat .. .. .. 6 – 1 605 Asphalt Tack Coat .. .. .. 6 – 2 607 M illing Asphalt Pavement .. .. .. 6 – 4 609 Quality Management System for Asphalt Pavements 6 – 7 610 Asphalt Concrete Plant Mix Pavements .. . 6 – 1 5 620 Asphalt Binder for Plant Mix .. .. 6 – 3 2 650 Open – Graded Asphalt Friction Course .. 6 – 34 652 Permeable Asphalt Drainage Course , Type s P – 78M and P – 57 .. 6 – 38 654 Asphalt Plant Mix, Pavement Repair .. 6 – 4 0 657 Seal ing Existing Pavement Cracks and Joints .. . 6 – 4 1 660 Asphalt Surface Treatment .. .. . 6 – 4 2 661 Ultra – Thin Bonded Wearing Course .. . 6 – 48 665 Milled Rumble Strips on Asphalt Concrete Shoulders .. 6 – 53 DIVISION 7 CONCRETE PAVEMENTS AND SHOULDERS 700 General Requirements for Portland Cement Concrete Pav ement . 7 – 1 710 Concrete Pavement .. .. . 7 – 1 1 720 Concrete Shoulders .. .. . 7 – 1 9 72 3 Concrete Repair .. .. 7 – 21 72 4 Nonwoven Geotextile Interlayer .. 7 – 25 725 Field Laboratory fo r Portland Cement Concrete Pavement . 7 – 2 7 7 30 Milled Rumble Strips on Concrete Shoulders .. . 7 – 2 8

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v DIVISION 8 INCIDENTALS 800 Mobilization .. .. .. 8 – 1 801 Construction Stakes, Lines and Grades .. .. 8 – 2 802 Disposal of Waste and Debris .. .. .. 8 – 7 806 Right – of – Way and Control – of – Access Markers .. .. 8 – 1 0 808 Obliteration of Existing Road .. .. 8 – 1 1 815 Subsurface Drainage .. .. . 8 – 1 1 816 Shoulder Drains .. .. 8 – 1 3 818 Blotting Sand .. .. . 8 – 1 5 820 Funnels and Funnel Drains .. .. . 8 – 1 6 825 Incidental Concrete Construction .. .. 8 – 17 828 Temporary Steel Cover for Masonry Drain age Structures .. 8 – 20 830 Brick Masonry Construction .. .. . 8 – 20 832 Reinforced Brick Masonry Construction .. 8 – 2 1 834 Block Masonry Construction .. .. . 8 – 2 2 836 Sluice Gate .. .. . 8 – 2 3 838 Endwalls .. .. .. 8 – 2 3 840 Minor Drainage Structures .. .. . 8 – 2 5 846 Concrete Curb, Curb and Gutter, Concrete Gu tter, Shoulder Berm Gutter, Concrete Expressway Gutter and Concrete Valley Gutter 8 – 28 848 Concrete Sidewalks, Driveways and Curb Ramps .. 8 – 30 850 Concrete Paved Ditch .. .. 8 – 32 852 Traffic Islands and Medians .. .. .. 8 – 3 3 854 Concrete Barrier .. .. .. 8 – 3 4 857 Precast Reinfor ced Concrete Barrier – Single Faced .. 8 – 3 6 858 Adjustment of Catch Basins, Manholes, Drop Inlets, Meter Boxes and Valve Boxes .. .. . 8 – 3 7 859 Converting Existing Catch Basins , Drop Inlets and Junction Boxes .. 8 – 38 862 Guardrail .. .. .. .. 8 – 40 863 Remove Existing Guardrail an d Guiderail .. 8 – 4 3 864 Remove and Reset Existing Guardrail and Guiderail . 8 – 4 4 865 Cable Guiderail .. .. 8 – 4 4 866 Fence .. .. .. .. 8 – 4 6 867 Fence Reset .. .. 8 – 4 9 869 Relapping Guardrail .. .. .. 8 – 50 8 73 Preformed Scour Hole with Level Spreader Apron .. .. 8 – 50 876 Rip Rap .. .. .. .. 8 – 5 1 DIVISION 9 SIGN ING 900 General Requirements for Signing .. 9 – 1 901 Sign Fabrication .. .. .. 9 – 2 902 Foundations for Ground Mounted Signs .. 9 – 10 903 Ground Mounted Sign Supports .. . 9 – 1 1 904 Sign Erection .. .. . 9 – 1 4 90 6 Overhead Sign Supports .. .. .. 9 – 1 7 907 Disposal and Stockpiling of Signing Compone nts .. 9 – 22 DIVISION 10 MATERIALS 1000 Portland Cement Concrete Production and Delivery .. 10 – 1 100 2 Shotcrete Production and Delivery .. 10 – 1 9 100 3 Grout Production and Delivery .. .. 10 – 21 1005 General Requirements for Aggregate .. .. 10 – 2 4 1006 Aggregate Quality Control / Quality Assurance .. . 10 – 2 8 1008 Aggregate for Stabilization .. .. 10 – 2 8

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vi 1010 Aggregate for Non – Asphalt Type Bases .. . 10 – 2 8 1012 Aggregate for Asphalt Pavements and Surface Treatments 10 – 2 9 1014 Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete .. .. 10 – 3 7 1016 Select Material s .. .. 10 – 40 1018 Borrow Material .. .. .. 10 – 4 1 10 19 Shoulder and Slope Material .. .. . 10 – 4 3 1020 Asphalt Materials and Additives .. 10 – 4 3 1024 Materials for Portland Cement Concrete .. 10 – 4 9 1026 Curing Agents for Concrete .. .. 10 – 53 1028 Joint Materials .. .. .. 10 – 5 3 1032 Culvert Pipe .. .. 10 – 5 5 1034 San itary Sewer Pipe and Fittings .. 10 – 6 1 1036 Water Pipe and Fittings .. .. 10 – 62 1040 Masonry .. .. .. . 10 – 6 4 1042 Rip Rap Materials .. .. 10 – 6 5 1043 Aggregate from Crushed Concrete .. 10 – 6 6 1044 Subsurface Drainage Materials .. .. . 10 – 6 7 1046 Guardrail Materials .. .. . 10 – 6 7 1050 Fence Materials .. .. 10 – 70 1052 Salt and Lime Stabilizers .. .. . 10 – 7 5 1054 Drains .. .. .. . 10 – 7 6 1056 Geosynthetics .. .. 10 – 7 7 1060 Landscape Development Materials .. 10 – 80 1070 Reinforcing Steel .. .. . 10 – 8 5 1072 Structural Steel .. .. . 10 – 90 1074 Miscellaneous Metals and Hardware .. 10 – 11 7 1076 Galvanizing .. .. 10 – 1 20 1077 Precast Concrete Units .. .. . 10 – 1 21 1078 Prestressed Concrete Members .. .. . 10 – 1 2 9 1079 Bearings and Bearing Materials .. . 10 – 1 53 1080 Paint and Paint Materials .. .. . 10 – 15 5 1081 Epoxy and Adhesives .. .. 10 – 16 3 1082 Structural Timber and Lumber .. .. . 10 – 17 2 1084 Piles .. .. .. . 10 – 17 5 1086 Pav ement Markers .. .. .. 10 – 17 6 1087 Pavement Markings .. .. 10 – 1 80 1088 Delineators .. .. .. 10 – 18 5 1089 Traffic Control .. .. .. 10 – 18 9 1090 Portable Concrete Barrier .. .. 10 – 200 109 1 Electrical Materials .. .. . 10 – 201 1092 Signing Materials .. .. 10 – 20 5 1094 Ground Mounted Signs .. .. . 10 – 2 0 8 1096 Overhead Sign Structures .. .. 10 – 2 0 9 109 8 Signals and Intelligent Transportation System Materials . 10 – 2 10 DIVISION 11 WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL 1101 Work Zone Traffic Control General Requirements .. .. 11 – 1 11 05 Temporary Traffic Control Devices .. . 11 – 4 1110 Work Zone Signs .. .. . 11 – 5 111 5 Flashing Arrow Boards .. .. . 11 – 7 1120 Portable Changeable Message Signs .. 11 – 8 1130 Drums .. .. .. . 11 – 9 1135 Cones .. .. .. .. 11 – 10 1145 Barricades .. .. .. . 11 – 11 1150 Flaggers .. .. .. . 11 – 1 1

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viii 1637 Riser Basin .. .. . 16 – 1 5 1638 Stilling Basin .. .. . 16 – 1 6 1 639 Special Stilling Basin .. .. 16 – 17 1640 Coir Fiber Baffle .. .. . 16 – 19 1650 Wo oded Area Cleanup .. .. . 16 – 2 0 1651 Selective Vegetation Removal .. .. .. 16 – 2 1 1660 Seeding and Mulching .. .. .. 16 – 2 2 1661 Repair Seeding .. .. . 16 – 26 1662 Supplemental Seeding .. .. .. 16 – 28 1664 Sodding .. .. .. .. 16 – 2 8 1665 Fertilizer Topdressing .. .. 16 – 3 1 16 67 Specialized Hand Mowing .. .. . 16 – 32 1670 Planting .. .. .. .. 16 – 3 2 DIVISION 17 SIGNALS AND INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 1700 General Requirements .. .. .. 17 – 1 1705 Signal Heads .. .. .. 17 – 5 1706 Backplates .. .. .. 17 – 8 1710 Messenger Cable .. .. . 17 – 9 1715 Underground C able Installation .. .. 17 – 10 1716 Junction Boxes .. .. . 17 – 16 1720 Wood Poles .. .. . 17 – 1 7 1721 Guy Assemblies .. .. 17 – 1 8 1722 Riser Assemblies .. .. . 17 – 19 1725 Inductive Detection Loops .. .. . 17 – 2 1 1726 Lead – In Cable .. .. 17 – 2 2 1730 Fiber – Optic Cable .. .. 17 – 2 3 1731 Fiber – Optic Splice Centers .. .. . 17 – 2 5 1732 Fiber – Optic Transceivers .. .. . 17 – 2 8 1733 Delineator Markers .. .. . 17 – 2 8 1734 Remove Existing Communications Cable .. . 17 – 2 9 1735 Cable Transfers .. .. . 17 – 30 1736 Spread Spectrum Radio .. .. 17 – 30 1743 Pedestals .. .. .. 17 – 3 3 1745 Signs Installed for Signals .. .. .. 17 – 3 5 1746 Relocate Existing Sign .. .. . 17 – 3 6 1747 LED Blankout Sign .. .. 17 – 3 6 1750 Signal Cabinet Foundation s .. .. 17 – 3 7 1751 Controllers with Cabinets .. .. 17 – 3 8 1752 Modify Cabinet Foundations .. .. . 17 – 3 9 1753 Cabinet Base Adapter/Extender .. .. 17 – 4 1 1755 Beacon Controller Assemblies .. .. . 17 – 4 1 1757 Removal of Existing Traffic Signals .. 17 – 4 2 I ndex .. .. .. Index – 1

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Section 101 1-1 DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 101 1 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS 2 101-1 GENERAL 3 Whenever the terms defined in this section are used in the contract, in any of the contract 4 documents, or in the plans, the intended meaning of such terms shall be as defined in this 5 section. 6 101-2 ABBREVIATIONS 7 AASHTO _____ American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offic ials 8 ABC _________ Aggregate Base Course 9 ACI __________ American Concrete Institute 10 AFAD ________ Automated Flagger Assistance Device 11 AISC _________ American Institute of Steel Construction 12 ANSI _________ American National Standards Institute, Inc. 13 APL _________ Approved Products List 14 ASC _________ Approved Supplier Certific ation 15 ASB _________ Aggregate Shoulder Borrow 16 ASME ________ American Society of Mechanical Engineers 17 ASTM ________ American Society for Testing and Materials 18 AWG ________ American Wire Gauge 19 AWS _________ American Welding Society 20 AWWA _______ American Water Works Association 21 AWPA _______ American Wood -Preservers ™ Asso ciation 22 CAPWAP _____ CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program 23 CFR _________ Code of Federal Regulations 24 CIE __________ International Commission on Illumination 25 CIP __________ Cast in Place 26 CRSI _________ Concre te Reinforcing Steel Institute 27 CS ___________ Corrugated Steel 28 CSI __________ Cumulative Straightedge Index 29 CSL __________ Crosshole Soni c Logging 30 EIA/TIA ______ Electronics Industries Alliance/Telecommunications Industry Association 31 ESAL ________ Equivalent Single Axis Load 32 FHWA _______ Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation 33 HDPE ________ High Density Polyethylene 34 HMA _________ Hot Mix Asphalt 35 ID ___________ Identifi cation 36 IES __________ Illuminating Engineering Society 37 IRI ___________ International Roughness Index 38 IMSA ________ International Municipal Signal Association 39 JMF __________ Job Mix Formula 40 LED _________ Light Emitting Diode 41 LL ___________ Liquid Limit 42 LLC _________ Limited Liability Company 43 LRFD ________ Load and Resistance Factor Design 44 MIL __________ Military Standard 45 MRAS ________ Manufactured Waste Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles 46 MRI _________ Mean Roughness Index 47

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Section 101 1-2 MTV _________Material Transfer Vehicle 1 MUTCD _______Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the North Carolina 2 Supplement thereto 3 NCAC ________North Carolina Administrative Cod e 4 NCDE Q _______North Carolina Department of Environment al Quality 5 NCDOT _______North Carolina Department of Transportation 6 NCGS _________North Carolina General Statutes 7 NEC __________National Electrical Code 8 NEMA ________National Electrical Manufacturers Association 9 NESC _________National Electrical Safe ty Code 10 NTPEP ________National Transportation Product Evaluation Program 11 OGFC _________Open -Graded Friction Course 12 OSHA ________Occupational Safety and Health Administration 13 OTDR ________Optical Time Domain Reflectometer 14 PPV __________Peak Particle Velocity 15 PADC _________Permeable Asphalt Drainage Course 16 PDA __________Pile Driver Analyzer 17 PDF __________Portable Document Format 18 PI ____________Plasticity Index (Material), Public Information Plan (Traffic Management) 19 PIT ___________Pile Integr ity Testing 20 POC __________Purchase Order Contract 21 PMEM ________Polymer -Modified Emulsion Membrane 22 PRAS _________Post Consumer Reclaimed As phalt Shingles 23 PVC __________Polyvinyl Chloride 24 PVCO _________Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride 25 QA ___________Quality Assurance 26 QC ___________Quality Control 27 QMS _________Quality Management System 28 QPL __________Qualified Products List 29 RAP __________Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement 30 RAS __________Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles 31 RUS __________Rural Uti lities Service 32 SCTE _________Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers 33 SDS __________Safety Data Sheet s 34 SMFO ________Single Mode Fiber Optic (Cable or Connector) 35 SSPC _________Society of Protective Coatings 36 SWG _________Steel Wire Gauge 37 STIP __________State Transportation Improvement Plan 38 TMP __________Traffic Manag ement Plan 39 TO ___________Transportation Operations Plan 40 TSR __________Tensile Strength Ratio 41 TTC __________Temporary Traffic Control Plan 42 TTF __________Temperature -Time Factor 43 UBWC ________Ultra -thin Bonded Wearing Course 44 UL ___________Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc. 45 UST __________Underground Storage Tank 46 UV ___________Ultraviolet 47 VEP __________Value Engineering Proposal 48 VMA _________Voids in Mineral Aggregate 49 VTM _________Voids in Total Mix 50 WBS _________Work Balance Sheet 51 WTAT ________Wet Track Abrasion Test 52 WMA _________Warm Mix Asphalt 53

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Section 101 1-3 TABLE 101-1 MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS Symbol Unit Name Symbol Unit Name ” Inch, Inches lb Pound, Pounds % Percent lbf Pound(s) Force ± Plus or Minus nm Nanometer(s) ° Degree , Degrees mcd/lux/m 2 Millicandellas per Lux per Square Meter > Greater Than mg-cm Milligram -Centimeter Greater Than or Equal to mm Millimeter, Millimeters < Less Than mph Mile (s) per Hour Less Than or Equal to oz Ounce, Ounces µ Micro pcf Pounds per Cubic Foot A, amp Ampere, Amperes ppm Parts per Million cf Cubic Foot, Cubic Feet psf Pounds per Squ are Foot cu.in. Cubic Inch, Cubic Inches psi Pounds per Square Inch cy Cubic Yard, Cubic Yards qt Quart, Quarts dB Decibel, Decibels rpm Rotations per Minute F Fahrenheit sec Second, Seconds ft Foot, Feet sf Square Foot, Square Feet ft-lb Foot -Pounds SFS Saybolt Furol Seconds gal Gallon, Gallons sq.in. Square Inch, Square Inches gpm Gallon(s) per Minute sy Square Yard, Square Yards Gmm@Nini Maximum Specific Gravity at Initial Number of Gyrations tsf Tons per Square Foot hr Hour, Hours V, VAC Volta ge, Voltage of Alternating Current Hz Hertz vpm Vibrations per Minute J Joule, Joules W Watt, Watts kbps Kilobit per Second Yd Yard, Yards ksi Kips per Square Inch 101-3 DEFINITIONS 1 ACT OF GOD: Events in nature so extraordinary that the history of climate variations and 2 other conditions in the particular locality affords no reasonable warning of them. 3 ADDITIONAL WORK: Additional work is that which results from a change or alteration to 4 the contract and for which there are existing contract unit prices. 5 ADVERTISEMENT: The public advertisement inviting bids for the construction of specific 6 projects. 7 AMOUNT BID: The amount bid for a particular item of work in a proposal. 8 ARTICLE: A primary numbered subdivision of a section of the Standard Specifications . 9 AWARD: The decision of the Department of Transportation to accept the bid of the lowest 10 responsible responsive bidder for work that is subject to the furnishing of paym ent and 11 performance bonds and such other conditions as may be otherwise provided by law, the 12 proposal and these specifications. 13 BASE COURSE: That portion of the pavement structure of planned thickness placed 14 immediately below the pavement or surface cours e. 15 BID (OR PROPOSAL): Paper Bid: The offer of a bidder on the proposal furnished by the 16 Department to perform the work and to furnish the labor and materials at the prices quoted. 17 45 KB – 829 Pages