Pitch to Win gives you all the ingredients to deliver impactful pitches. Whether you are fundraising, giving a management team presentation or pitching your

59 KB – 31 Pages

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PITCH DAVID BECKETT THE TOOLS THAT HELP STARTUPS AND CORPORATE INNOVATION TEAMS SCRIPT, DESIGN, AND DELIVER WINNING PITCHES DAVID BECKETT PITCH TO WIN The big pitch is coming up. You™ve got just a few minutes to convince that investor or your Board, that your idea is worth in- vesting money, time and people in. What should you say? How should you say it? And how do you beat those nerves that are already building up inside? David Beckett has coached over 700 start- ups to raise over •170 million in investment. And he has trained thousands of profession- als in innovation teams at companies like Google, Unilever, Booking.com and PwC. He is also a TEDx speech coach. In Pitch to Win , David provides practical tools to help you Script , Design and Deliver pitch- es that are short, professional and persuasive. His methods and practices have been tested with hundreds of pitchers and reviewed by numerous investors and members of the Board. The focus is on actionable tools and real-life examples. With step-by-step exercises that will guide you to your best pitch ever. pitchtowin.com www.managementimpact.nl fiI™ve seen David transform ordinary presenters into fantastic pitchers. Follow the steps in Pitch to Win and you™ll have a great shot at pitch- ing successfully for the resources you need to make your innovation ideas a success.fl Œ Patrick de Zeeuw, cofounder of Startupbootcamp. fiHI, MY NAME IS DAVID BECKETT, I™M A PITCH COACH, AND I™M HERE TO ENSURE YOUR IDEAS HAVE A VOICEfl ˜˚˛˝˙ˆ ˇ˙ˆ˛ˆ˜˘˛˙˙˜˜ A SELECTION OF DAVID™S CLIENTS ACHMEA AMSTERDAM CENTRE FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP CITY OF AMSTERDAM BOOKING.COM VISIT BRUSSELS CARGILL WONDERFUL COPENHAGEN DOUWE EGBERTS DUTCH BASECAMP ENGIE GENEVA CONVENTION CENTRE GOOGLE THE GREEN CHALLENGE HEINEKEN HERE HEWLETT PACKARD ICCA GLOBAL IKEA THE IMPACT HUB ING ING INNOVATION STUDIO INNOLEAPS KPMG MARS MASSCHALLENGE MEETING PROFESSIONALS INTERNATIONAL MITSUBISHI VISIT OSLO OSRAM PHILIPS PRESENT YOUR STARTUP PWC RABOBANK ROCKSTART CITY OF ROTTERDAM STARTUPBOOTCAMP STARTUPDELTA STARTUPINRESIDENCE TEDX AMSTERDAM AWARD THINKACCELERATE TOMTOM UNILEVER Pitch to Win brings the best of his tools, experience and lessons learned, togeth- er in one practical and actionable book. Ilja Linnemeier, Head of Digital, PwC. A masterful how-to manual for engag- ing people in what you want them to do. Though I™ve done presentations for years, it™s given me some real gems I™ll use right away! David Allen, author of the interna tional bestseller, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. I am glad David put all his key points into this book, to help everyone get their story from good to great. Stefanie Turber, founder ComfyLight. This book is an excellent practical toolkit. Guaranteed success. Michael Dooijes, Managing Director Startupbootcamp FinTech & Cyber- Security, Amsterdam & Frankfurt. Pitch to Win gives you all the ingredients to deliver impactful pitches. Frank Appeldoorn, Venture Capital specialist, Arches Capital. David is quite simply the Pitch-Maestro. Martin Sirk, CEO ICCA, International Congress and Convention Association. TO TO WIN

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I have had the privilege to witness ˜rst-hand how David™s powerful coaching has helped numerous startups, professionals and innovation leaders improve their pitch. Pitch to Win brings the best of his tools, experience and lessons learned, together in one practical and actionable book. Š Ilja Linnemeier, Head of Digital, PwC. A masterful how-to manual for engaging people in what you want them to do. Beckett™s focus on high-intensity, high-payo˚ presentations, has produced a wealth of great coaching here for all who would like to in˛uence anyone else, about anything. Though I™ve done presentations for years, it™s given me some real gems I™ll use right away! Š David Allen, author of the international bestseller, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. It™s not only the big ideas that bene˜t from David™s work. You™ll learn valuable new ways of thinking and communicating for impact, and have fun along the way. Highly recommended. Š Arne-Cristian van der Tang, Chief HR O˜cer TomTom. David was a wonderful coach when I pitched my ˜rst startup ComfyLight. I am glad David put all his key points into this book, to help everyone get their story from good to great. Our pitch raised some million euros and David certainly had a part in that development. Š Stefanie Turber, founder ComfyLight. I™ve seen David transform ordinary presenters into fantastic pitchers. Follow the steps in Pitch to Win and you™ll have a great shot at pitching successfully for the resources you need to make your innovation ideas a success. Š Patrick de Zeeuw, cofounder Startupbootcamp.

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This book is an excellent practical toolkit. David is the best pitch coach in the world and provides you with tips and tricks to give your ideas the best possible voice and set yourself up for a winner. Guaranteed success. Š Michael Dooijes, Managing Director Startupbootcamp FinTech & CyberSecurity, Amsterdam & Frankfurt. Pitch to Win gives you all the ingredients to deliver impactful pitches. Whether you are fundraising, giving a management team presentation or pitching your product or service, this book will provide all practicalities needed to nail the pitch and walk away smiling. Š Frank Appeldoorn, Venture Capital specialist, Arches Capital. David is quite simply the Pitch-Maestro. We™ve worked with him on a wide variety of projects during our meetings, all of which involve culturally diverse audiences from dozens of countries. Whether he™s delivering inspirational keynotes, masterfully moderating interactive breakouts, designing innovative and experiential workshops, or delivering personalised training for ICCA™s young professionals, to competitively pitch their education session ideas for our next year™s Congress. He always delivers beyond expectations. And now he™s distilled all of his conceptual and practical knowledge into this one handy package! Of course it doesn™t beat the live experience, but if you want to boost your personal impact in front of any audience, it™s a great start. Š Martin Sirk, CEO ICCA, International Congress and Convention Association. Pitching is not just for startups. With sta˚ presenting our foundation™s story around the world, we need to make sure they can do so in the best way, and David Beckett™s training helped us immeasurably. Even if you™re an accomplished public speaker, you will improve with his insights. Š David Campbell, Director of Communications and Engagement, World Press Photo Foundation

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7TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword by Patrick de Zeeuw 15 It started with a pitch 19 0.1 Introduction 19 0.1.1 Why is pitching so di˝cult? 22 0.1.2 Who this book is for: Entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs 23 0.1.3 What kinds of pitches will this book prepare you for? 25 0.1.4 How I wrote this book: Learning by doing 25 0.1.5 Pitch or presentation? 27 0.1.6 Some people are born to do it– right? 27 0.1.7 Keep it real, read this book while preparing for an actual pitch 28 ˚˛˝˙ˆˇ˚˙˘ Prins Constantijn van Oranje-Nassau, Startup Envoy for the Netherlands 29 »

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PITCH TO WIN TABLE OF CON TEN TS91.1 Before you start 35 1.1.1 Stop! Don™t open PowerPoint! 35 1.1.2 Communication is what the listener does 36 1.1.3 You want them to do–what? Be clear on the objective 39 1.2 Scripting with the Pitch Canvas® 41 1.2.1 How to brainstorm your pitch using Post-its® 41 1.2.2 Your brainstorming tool: The Pitch Canvas© explained 44 1.2.3 Types of pitches 75 ˚˛˝˙ˆˇ˚˙˘ Ilja Linnemeijer, Corporate Innovation Leader 77 1.2.4 Putting the Pitch Canvas© into action 81 1.2.5 Review your brainstorm and select the important points 82 1.2.6 To script or not to script 84 1.3 Open, three and close 86 1.3.1 First impressions count or confuse. How to open your pitch 86 1.3.2 Think it through, write it down, say it out loud, get feedback 90 1.3.3 Make your message easy to absorb: The Power of Three 92 1.3.4 Mastering the art of asking questions in a pitch 96 1.3.5 Hear this! Make an announcement 97 1.3.6 How to close memorably and professionally 99 1.3.7 Finish on time 100 1.3.8 How to prepare for Demo Day or any other big pitch 102 ˚˛˝˙ˆˇ˚˙˘ Sean Percival, Silicon Valley Investor 106 »

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PITCH TO WIN TABLE OF CON TEN TS112.1 The power of visual storytelling 1112.1.1 Should you use slides? Why visual storytelling matters 1112.1.2 60,002 reasons why visuals work better than words 113 2.2 Why to avoid text-heavy slides and complexity 114 2.2.1 Why presenters make text-heavy slides 1. Fear of forgetting the story 114 2.2.2 Why presenters make text-heavy slides 2. They need to send the slides before or a˜er the pitch 117 2.2.3 Reducing complexity 118 2.2.4 How many slides should I use? 119 2.3 Images, icons, logos and fonts 120 2.3.1 How to use images to bring your story to life 121 2.3.2 What to avoid when using images 125 2.3.3 Use icons for concepts 130 2.3.4 Keep visuals in tune with your brand 132 2.3.5 How to use fonts to communicate your message 133 2.4 How to use numbers,animation and video, and avoid one thing 136 2.4.1 Bite the bullet! Why bullet points don™t work 136 2.4.2 How to present numbers: Keep data points to a maximum of three 138 2.4.3 Alignment: Put every thing straight in your audience™s minds 143 2.4.4 How animation can add value and take it away too! 143 2.4.5 When and how to use video 144 2.5 The technical stu 146 2.5.1 Slide so˙ware options 146 2.5.2 Pitchy: the magic alternative 148 2.5.3 Get the technical stu˚ right 149 2.5.4 The smartest way to deliver your presentation 150 2.5.5 And for the Big Ones– hire a designer! 151 ˚˛˝˙ˆˇ˚˙˘ Patrick de Zeeuw, Startup and Corporate Accelerator Founder 152 »

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PITCH TO WIN TABLE OF CON TEN TS14How to Manage your nerves 179 4.1 All about nerves 179 4.1.1 A universal problem and tools to solve it 179 4.1.2 Why do you get nervous? 180 4.2 Tips to beat the nerves 181 4.2.1 The 60-second nerve buster 181 4.2.2 Amy Cuddy™s science of body language to get rid of nerves 183 4.2.3 Just breathe 184 4.2.4 Get familiar with the location and equipment 185 4.2.5 Six more quick nerve-beating tips 186 ˚˛˝˙ˆˇ˚˙˘ Rob van den Heuvel, Startup Founder 188 Oh– one more thing 191 To wrap it up 193 Thank you 194 About the author 196

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15I ˜rst met David in Summer 2013 at an event we ran at Startupbootcamp called ‚Pitch for Co˚ee!™ It was one way to scout for startups in those days, and we gave entrepreneurs ˜ve minutes to pitch for us in exchange for a co˚ee. It worked pretty well, and we found a few great teams. David didn™t have a startup, but rath -er pitched himself as a mentor for the Startupbootcamp program. He gave an okay pitch! And he was clearly passion -ate about helping people get their story across. For me it was a no-brainer to bring David on board as lead coach, to help the startup teams in our programs create their stories in a clear and passionate way. As they grow their disruptive ideas into companies, both startups and corporate innovation teams pitch constantly. It doesn™t matter whether you want to raise money from investors, or convince the Board you need time and resources. A short, sharp and persuasive pitch is an essential tool in the team™s armoury. Pitching is an integral part of what en -trepreneurs learn at Startupbootcamp. Getting the message across profession -ally, with maximum impact and passion in a short time, is, I believe, one of the key skills of any startup founder. If you are not able to explain very clearly the problem you are solving, why this prob -lem really matters to you and why you are so passionate about solving it, then your chances of building a successful company decrease big time. You will not be able to attract the right team members to grow your team or inspire investors to have a conversation with you. Also, it will be harder to at -tract customers, who are naturally your lifeline. In the US, presenting and pitching is something you grow up with. In most other countries around the globe, the ma -jority need to be coached on how to pitch. Increasingly, pitching is becoming important at larger companies too, as FOREWORD BY PATRICK DE ZEEUW

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PITCH TO WIN FOREWORD BY PA TRI CK DE ZEEUW 16major corporates set up innovation teams to develop their future businesses. At Innoleaps, we help large companies implement lean startup tactics and help them grow innovations as well as develop new business models fast and furiously. The founders of these corporate startups have many of the same challenges as founders of startups: convincing their stakeholders to invest, attracting the right team members and bringing paying customers onboard. Over the last few years, David has worked with us and many other clients to build up his knowledge and expertise of pitching. He™s spent thousands of hours joining events, meeting investors and working with pitchers to identify what helps them grow their skills, as well as create exercises for them to test their stories. As a result, David gives entrepreneurs practical tools that are easy for them to put into practice, and I™ve seen him trans -form ordinary presenters into fantastic pitchers. Those tools are shared openly and generously in this book, and I know that he is totally driven to help his clients shine. Follow the steps of Pitch to Win and you™ll have a great shot at pitching successfully for the resources you need to make your innovation idea a success. Patrick de Zeeuw is a serial entrepreneur and co-founder of one of the world™s leading startup accelerators, Startupbootcamp. He is also co-founder of the Corporate Innovation and acceleration house Innoleaps and The Talent Institute, the accelerator for talent. Patrick is a shareholder in over 600 global startups.

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19 0.1 ˚˛˝ˆ˝˚ My ˜rst boss was Lance Miller. It was 1992, and I had just started working at Canon. Yes, this is me, back in those early days Œ and the photograph is in black and white because that tie was not a pretty sight–. Lance had worked in advertising for 20 years, and was the best pitcher I™d ever seen: creating a clear story, with immac -ulately designed slides, presented with utter certainty and passion. Lance could make a mangy mouse look like a well- groomed elephant (and still can today). In my ˜rst weeks in the company, Lance forced me to learn how to pitch persua -sively. Visitors to the o˛ce? ‚Go and tell the story, Beckett!™ Exhibition? ‚Tell that story one hundred times.™ I joined a series of presentation trainings, and watched every move Lance made in every pitch, learning which details made the di˚er -ence. IT STARTED WITH A PITCH

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