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National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Π620 015. Synopsis Guidelines 1SYNOPSIS THE ARRANGEMENT OF PARTS OF THE SYNOPSIS OF A Ph.D. / M.S. Synopsis 1. Cover Page : A Sample sheet is enclosed (Annexure 1) 2. Title : Should be as short as possible and accurate 3. Introduction: Outline briefly the technological / en gineering / scientific / Socio Πeconomic relevance or significance of the research work is being reported. 4. Motivation: Trace to the pint, the developments in the area, to emphasize the current status and importance of the research problem identified. 5. Objective(s) and Scope: State clearly the questions for which answers are sought through this research. Define the conceptu al, analytical, experimental and / or methodological boundaries within the exercise has been carried out. 6. Description of the research work : Give brief, but sufficient, details regarding a. The research problems b. Solution methodologies, and c. Interpretation of the results / output 7. Conclusions / Limitations : Highlight major (and not all) Conclusions / Limitations 8. References: List them according to the given format. All these must have been referred to in the text of the synopsis. (Annexure 2) 9. Tables and figures: All these must be captioned, serially numbered and referred to in the text. 10. Proposed content of the Thesis: Include only chapter and section titles. (Annexure 3) 11. List of publications based on the research work. 12. The style of presentation (fonts, chapter No., margins, section and sub section no.,, equation number, figures, tables, etc.) must be same as in the thesis. 13. The synopsis must be presented within a maximum of 20 pages (10 sheets back to back), excluding the cover page.

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National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Œ 620 015. Synopsis Guidelines 2GUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION OF SYNOPSIS 1. TITLE PAGE The title of the synopsis should be as concise as possible. It must occur consistently in every respect, including punctuation, capitalization, and hyphenation, on the abstract and approval forms. On the title page, the identical title must appear in all capital letters with each line centered on the page. The month in which the synopsis is submitted, e.g., May, August, or January is to be printed at the bottom of the page. The title page is not numbered, but it is counted. 2. PAGE DIMENSIONS AND MARGIN The synopsis should be prepared on good quality white paper preferably not lower than 80 gsm. Standard A4 size (210 mm X 297 mm) pape r should be used for preparing the copies. The final synopsis should have the following page margins: Top edge : 1 inch (25 mm) Left side : 1 ½ inch (38 mm) Bottom edge : 1 inch (25 mm) Right side : 1 inch (25 mm) 3. TYPE-SETTING, TEXT PROCESSING AND PRINTING The text shall be printed employi ng Laserjet or Inkjet printer, the text having been processed using a standard text processor. The standard font shall be Times New Roman of 12 pts with 1.5 line spacing. The text must be 1.5 lines spaced and printed on back to back of each page. Text The text must be divided into a logical scheme that is followed consistently throughout the document. The larger divisions and more importa nt minor divisions are indicated by suitable, consistent headings. Chapter organization as practiced by the disciplin e should be followed. Specific requirements for text presentation follow. 1. Headings and Subheadings The scholar may use headings and subheadings to subdivide chapters or sections, but a consistent sequence of headings as identified in the style guide select ed must be followed. Once the sequence is chosen, it must be fo llowed consistently throughout the synopsis.

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National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Œ 620 015. Synopsis Guidelines 3Sections and sub-sections can be number ed using decimal points, e.g., 1.2, 1.2.1. Use only Arabic Numerals with decimals. Sectio n numbering should be left justified using large bold print. Sub section numbering should be left justified using large bold print. 2. Introduction shall justify and highlight the proble m poser and define the topic and the aim and scope of the work presented in the s ynopsis. It may also hi ghlight the significant contributions from the investigation. 3. Review of Literature shall present a critical appraisal of the previous work published in the literature pertaini ng to the topic of the investiga tion. The extent and emphasis of the Literature shall depend on the nature of the investigation. For Example, Several researchers attempted to develop mathematical models to simulate the activated sludge process. Some of these models simu late the organic removal mechanisms in wastewater treatment field, which were in cluded in Jorgensen and Gromiec (1985), Henze (1986), Henze et al. ( 1987a), Tang et al. (1987), and Van Niekerk et al. (1988). The oxygen transfer mechanism has an important place in the activated sludge process. An estimation technique for the oxygen transfer capacity is investigated by Stenstrom et al. (1989). 4. Tables, Figures and equations Format The term “table” refers to a columnar a rrangement of information, often data sets, organized to save space and convey relationships at a glance. The term “figure” refers to graphs, drawings, diagrams, charts, maps, or photographs. All such details should be inserted in the text near where they are fi rst mentioned. A table or figure may appear on the same page as the text that refers to it or on a separate page. Each figure or table must be numbered and have a caption. Captions are placed below figures and pictures and above tables. Captions may be single-or doub le-spaced. As far as possible tables and figures should be presented in portrait style. Small size table and figures (less than half of writing area of a page) should be incorporated within the text, while larger ones may be presented in separate page s. Table and figures shall be numbered. For example, Figure 1 or Fig.1 Table number and title will be placed a bove the table while the figure number and caption will be located below the figure. Reference for Table and Figures reproduced

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National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Π620 015. Synopsis Guidelines 4from elsewhere shall be cited in the last and separate line in the table and figure caption, e.g. (after McGregor [12]). All the equations should be typed in equation editor and should be properly numbered For Example, X Xt (1) 050100150200250300350400 4505000100200300400 t/q tTime min Cu RRH Cu RHA Pb RRH Pb RHA Fig. 1. Pseudo Second order plot for Copper and Lead on RRH and RHA Table 1. Desorption Study Copper Lead Cycle Metal/ Adsorbent RRH RHA RRH RHA Adsorption 73% 97.5% 81% 98% 1 Desorption 99% 99.5% 98.5% 99% Adsorption 40% 30% 80% 38% 2 Desorption 99% 99% 98% 99% 5. Results and Discussions: This shall form the penultimate the synopsis and shall include a thorough evaluation of the investigation carried out and bring out the contributions from Size 4fl X 5fl

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National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Œ 620 015. Synopsis Guidelines 5the study. The discussion shall logically lead to inferences and conclusions as well as scope for possible further future work. 6. Summary and Conclusions: A brief report of the work carried out shall form the first part of the Summary and Conclusions . Conclusions derived from the logical analysis presented in the Results and Discussions shal l be presented and clearly enumerated, each point stated separately. Scope fo r future work should be stated lucidly in the last part of the Summary and Conclusions. 7. Pagination Lower-case Roman numerals are used to num ber all pages preceding the text. Beginning with the first page of the text, all page s are to be numbered with Arabic numerals consecutively throughout the synopsis document, including the list of references. The Arabic numerals must be positioned at th e bottom of the page, centered between the margins. Page headers or running heads may not be used in the synopsis. 8. Binding The synopsis shall be soft cover bound in leather or rexin with the black edge soft binding 9. Front Covers The front cover shall cont ain the following details: Full title of synopsis in 14 point™s size font properly centered and positioned at the top. Full name of the candidate in 14 point™s si ze font properly centered at the middle of the page. A 1.25 inch X 1.25 inch size of the Instit ute emblem followed by the name of the Department, name of the Institute and the month and year of submission, each in a separate line and properly centered and located at the bottom of the page.

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National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Œ 620 015. Synopsis Guidelines 7References 1. For papers by Single Author, Bruce Rittmann, E. (1996) How input biomass affects sludge age and process stability. ASCE: Jour.Env.Engg, 122, 4-8. 2. For papers by Two Authors, Bliss, P. J. and D. Barnas (1986) Modeling Nitrification in Plant Scale Activated Sludge. Water Science and Technology, 18,139-148. 3. For papers by more than two Author, Capodaglio, A.G., H.V. Jones, V. Novotny and X. Feng (1991) Sludge bulking analysis and forecasting: application of system iden tification and artificial neural computing technologies. Water Res., 25, 1217Œ24. 4. For books APHA, AWWA and WPCF Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 17th Edition, Washington, D.C.: American Public Health Association, 1989. Annexure 2 (Sample)

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National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Π620 015. Synopsis Guidelines 8PROPOSED CONTENTS OF THE THESIS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General 1.2 Objectives CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Membrane 2.2 Membrane Separation Technology 2.3 Types of Membranes 2.4 Membrane Separation Process 2.5 Liquid Emulsion Membrane 2.6 Types of Extraction Mechanism CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Materials 3.1.1 Span 80 3.1.2 n- Hexane 3.1.3 Sodium hydroxide 3.2 Experimental Procedure 3.2.1 Emulsion preparation 3.2.2 Extraction process 3.3 Operating Conditions CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 General 4.2 Effect of Span 80 4.3 Effect of NaOH Concentration 4.4 Effect of n-Hexane 4.5 Effect of Stirring Speed During Extraction 4.6 Effect of Feed Concentration Annexure 3 (Sample)

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National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Π620 015. Synopsis Guidelines 10LIST OF PAPERS SUBMITTED ON THE BASIS OF THE THESIS The papers based on the res earch work reported in the sy nopsis could be listed under the broad headings fiJournalsfl and fiConferencesfl i ndicating their current status (published / accepted) within parenthesis at the end of each section. I REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Chen, J. and M.B. Beck (1993) Modeling control and offline estimation of Activated sludge bulking. Water Sci. Technology, 28, 249-256. 2. Anderson, J. S., H. Kim, T. J. Mc Avoy and O. J. Hao Control of an Alternating Aerobic-anoxic Activated Sludge System-I; Development of a Linearization-based Modeling Approach. Control Engineering Practice (Accepted) . II PRESENTATIONS IN CONFERENCES 1. Rosen, C. and J.A. Lennox (2001) Multivariate and multisca le monitoring of wastewater treatment operation. Interna tional Conference on Software Engineering, Cape Town, South Africa, May, 2008. Note: publications in any unrefereed journals, magazines, volumes etc. should not be listed) Annexure 4 (Sample)

54 KB – 12 Pages