‘Baking: from Cereal Crops to Oven-baked Goods’, with two additional Baking in a Beehive Oven Thomas Robinson’s patent range and oven, 1780.

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Frontispiece. ˜˚˛˝ advertisment for Henry Marriott™s patent jack. ˙is mechanism is set up here to run two horizontal spits and three dangle-spits. Despite its name, no patent exists for Marriott™s jack. Sarah Sophia Banks Collection, BM ˚ˆ.ˇˆ. Photograph courtesy of the British Museum. Sw.

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First published in by Prospect Books, Allaleigh House, Blackawton, Totnes, Devon TQ DL.Based on papers from the nineteenth and twentieth Leeds Symposia on Food History, April and April , ‚Open Hearth Cookery™ and ‚Baking: from Cereal Crops to Oven-baked Goods™, with two additional teenth volume in the series ‚Food and Society™. © as a collection, Prospect Books (but © in individual articles rests with the individual authors). e authors assert their right to be identied as the authors of their several pieces in accordance with the Copyright, Designs & Patents Act .No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo – copying, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holder. A catalogue entry for this book is available from the British Library. ISBN Typeset by Tom Jaine. Printed and bound by the Cromwell Press Group, Trowbridge, Wiltshire.

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˚˛˝˙ˆ˝˙ˇ Illustrations and Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors Foreword C. Anne Wilson Introduction Ivan Day Chapter Cast Iron Progrevelopment of the Kitchen Range David J. Eveleigh Chapter Ox Roasts Œ From Frost Fairs to Mops Ivan Day Chapter oast Beef of Windsor Castle Peter Brears Chapter k Cook Œ A Brief History of the English Spring-jack Ivan Day Chapter Barms and Leavens Œ Medieval to Modern Laura Mason Chapter Baking in a Beehive Oven Susan McLellan Plaisted Bibliography Index

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˙˘˛˝ˇ Frontispiece. advertisment for Henry Marriott™s patent jack (British Museum) . A typical eighteenth-century roasting range from Powell™s Complete Book of Cookery , c. . Kitchen grate with cast-iron uprights and adjustable cheeks from Heath eld Hall, Handsworth, Birmingham . A close-up view of the large roasting range dating from at Bucklebury Manor, Berkshire . In the kitchen at Betchworth House, Surrey Cast-iron oven made by the Benthall Foundry, Coalbrookdale, Shropshire . Trade card of Underwood & Co., furnishing ironmongers in Bristol from c.Œ . wing stove from Sir John Vanbrugh™s ‚Designs for Kings Weston™, Gloucestershire, (reproduction is courtesy of Bristol Record O†ce) . obinson™s patent range and oven, . An open range from an undated catalogue probably dating to the s of the Coalbrookdale Company, Shropshire (photograph by courtesy of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust Library) . William Nicholson™s ‚Newark Cottage Range™ of . ir John Soane™s house, Lincoln™s Inn Fields, London (photograph by courtesy of Sir John Soane™s Museum) An open range in a cottage near Congresbury, North Somerset supplied by Harris & Kingdom, Bristol ironmongers from to . Plan and elevation of the brick stove designed by Count Rumford and tted in the kitchen of the Baron de Lerchenfeld, Munich in about . A typical closed range with a single oven and boiler from a Coalbrookdale catalogue of ronbridge Gorge Museum Trust Library)

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. Detail from a broadside illustration of the / London frost fair (British Museum) . Detail from a broadside of the / London frost fair (British Museum) . Jan Gri†er the Elder, ˙e London Frost Fair of / (whereabouts unknown) . George Cruickshank, London Frost Fair , etching, (British Museum) . Nikolaus Hogenberg, Ox being roasted in the streets of Bologna during the coronation procession of Charles V , etching, (British Museum) . Detail from printed broadside, (British Museum) . Ox roast at Batley Carr, Yorkshire, celebrating the diamond jubilee of Queen Victoria in . Plate used at Batley Carr ox roast, June . Plate used at an ox roast to celebrate the royal assent for the Manchester Ship Canal Bill . Ox paraded on a cart on its way to being roasted in the town of Patricroft in (courtesy of Salford Library) . ldham miners™ strike medallion of (photograph courtesy of Mark Smith) . Ox roast in Tamworth at a town pageant in . Oxen roasting at a hospital thanksgiving day at Windsor in . Postcard of a bullock being roasted at a mop fair in Stratford-upon-Avon . Postcard of an early twentieth-century mop fair ox roast in Stratford-upon-Avon . A postcard illustration of an early twentieth-century mop fair pig roast in Stratford-upon-Avon . Detail of a postcard illustration of two butchers carving a roast ox at an early twentieth-century Stratford-upon- Avon mop fair . A three-hundredweight baron of beef and sixty fowls roasting in the London Guildhall kitchen for Lord Mayor™s Day, steel engraving from ˙e Illustrated London News , Nov.

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. on, steel engraving from ˙e Illustrated London News, Nov. . d Mayor™s baron is carved in ritual fashion, steel engraving from ˙e Illustrated London News , Nov. . A full baron of beef being roasted with a mechanical dangle-spit for the Christmas dinner at the Constitutional Club in London, Illustration, Paris, December . Roast goose day ( th September) at the Old Men™s Hospital in Norwich, steel engraving from ˙e Illustrated London News , Oct. . oasting ranges at Hampton Court, c., and Kew Palace, c.? (drawings by Peter Brears) . eat kitchen, Windsor Castle, from a watercolour by J. Stephano“, c. (drawing by Peter Brears) . Windsor Castle in , from the west . , from the west, with the roasting hearth on the east wall (drawing by Peter Brears) . A baron of beef in the western roasting hearth of Windsor Castle kitchen, after a painting by Frank Watkins, s (drawing by Peter Brears) . Illustration of roasting range in Windsor Castle kitchen from the Pictorial World , January . Windsor Castle kitchens in , from the east . estern roasting range with Christmas roasts, . estern roasting range, with its smoke hood and roasting screen, after a photograph of (drawing by Peter Brears) . Anatomy of a common weight-jack: (a) woodcut illustration from Joseph Moxon, Mechanick Exercises or the Doctrine of Handy-Works (London, ); (b) a two-spindle English iron weight-jack dating from the late eighteenth century (photograph courtesy of David Hansord) . Detail of an advertisement for John Joseph Merlin™s Rotisseur Royal of (Courtesy of Science Museum)

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. An early illustration of a weight-jack from John Wilkins, Mathematical Magic (London, ) . (a) An English weight-jack with a brass fore-side engraved ‚THO:/WILLS/ST AUSTLE™ (drawing by Peter Brears); (b) illustration of a French weight-jack, Antoine Gogué, Les Secrets de la cuisine Française (Paris, ); (c) pulley system for a common wWebster, An Encyclopaedia of Domestic Economy, New Edition (London, ); (d) a detail from the trade card of T. Ward, Ironmonger of Newgate St., London, c. (British Museum) . Roasting range formerly in the kitchen of Chatsworth House (© Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth. Reproduced by permission of Chatsworth Settlement Trustees) . Steam roasting-jack (photograph courtesy Intellectual Property O†ce) (a) Advertisment of Edmund Lloyd, ironmonger, (British Museum); (b) smoke-jack formerly in the kitchen of Lowther Castle (photograph Private Collection) . Handbill advertising Joseph Merlin™s inventions Œ (photograph courtesy of Science Museum) . Advertisement for Joseph Merlin™s Rotisseurs Royal c. (British Museum) (a) Joseph Merlin™s ‚ventilator movement™; (b) Joseph Merlin™s ‘ywheel with meat hooks; (c) a design for a smoke-jack by Joseph Braithwaite () (Intellectual Property O†ce) . Joseph Merlin™s Rotisseur movement (Intellectual Property O†ce) (a) Molinello con tre spedi, from Bartolomeo Scappi, Opera (Venezia, ); (b) a Dutch spring-jack; (c) a molinello in use in a Renaissance kitchen, from Bartolomeo Scappi, Opera (Venezia, ) . Anatomy of a Renaissance spring-jack: (a) Machina

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da voltar , from Pietro Zonca, Novo teatro di machine (Padova, ); (b) a late seventeenth-century Italian voltaspiédo with a mainspring/fusee movement . William Lane™s design for the movement for his improved spring-jack of (Intellectual Property O†ce) . John Pearse™s improved spring-jack of (a) Pearse™s original design (Intellectual Property O†ce); (b) in later versions of his jack, Pearse™s spit took this form (drawing by Peter Brears); (c) a version of Pearse™s jack with two spits, Elizabeth Hammond, Modern Domestic Cookery, sixth edition (London, ) . A horizontal spring-jack and screen, Eliza Acton, Modern Cookery (London, )

221 KB – 18 Pages