In other words, you may not take a furbearer in a unit or portion of a unit if your catch of that furbearer elsewhere in the state already equals or exceeds the bag limit

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2021-2022Alaska Trapping Regulations Effective: July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 No. 62 Before you start trapping:It is your responsibility to check with the landowner before you trap. Contact the U.S. Bureau of For information about trapping on Federal public lands, call 1-800-478-1456.

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2NOTICE: THESE REGULATIONS ARE NOT COMPLETE OR QUOTED VERBATIM FROM THE ALASKA STATUTES. For more information regarding trapping regulations, consult your local Anchorage .267-2257Bethel ..543-2839Cordova ..424-3215Craig 826-2561Delta Junction ..895-4484Dillingham ..842-2334Douglas ..465-4265Fairbanks 459-7206Galena .656-1345Glennallen .822-3461Homer ..235-8191Ketchikan 225-2475King Salmon .246-3340Kodiak ..486-1880Kotzebue 442-3420McGrath ..524-3323Nome 443-2271Palmer .746-6300Petersburg .772-3801Sitka ..747-5449Soldotna .262-9368Tok .883-2971Utqiagvik .852-3464ADF&GBoard of Game MembersVacant Stosh Hoffman Jr ..BethelJerry Burnett ..JuneauOrville Huntington ..HusliaAl Barrette ..FairbanksJacob FletcherTalkeetna Lynn Keogh Jr..Anchorage Governor of Alaska Mike DunleavyCommissioner of Fish and GameDoug Vincent-Lang DirectorDivision of Wildlife Conservation Eddie GrasserOn the cover: Trotting wolf tracks. Notice the change in snow pack windblown snow. Photo Credit: Mike Taras. This publication was released by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and was printed by Assets Printing. (AS 44.99.210). .

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3Trapping Regulation Changes .4General Information ..5Reporting Violations .6Know Who Owns the Land..6 Licenses and Fees ..7Resident Licenses and Fees ..7 Nonresident Licenses and Fees 8 Where Can I Get a Trapping License? 8How Long Is My Trapping License Valid? 9 What If I Lose My Trapping License? 9Fur Dealer License ..9Permits 10Permit for Taking Furbearers with Game .10Permit for Exporting Fur 10Permit for Capturing Wild Furbearers for Fur Farming. .10 Permit for Controlling Beavers .11 Discretionary Trapping Requirements. ..11Trapper Harassment Law ..11Bag Limits .12Methods and Means 12Bait for Trapping. 12Methods for Trapping 13Table of Contents Incidental Catch.. 14Use of Furbearers .14Salvage of Furbearers .14Marked or Tagged Game ..14 Sealing Furbearers 15Buying and Selling Furbearers 15Possession and Transportation. .16 .16for Active Management of Wolf Populations ..18Southeast Alaska: Units 1-5 .20Southcentral Alaska: Units 6-8, 14C and 15 .25Central/Southwest Alaska: Units 9-11, 13, 14A, 14B, 16 and 17 .30Interior/Northeast Alaska: Units 12, 19-21, 24, 25, 26B, and 26C 35Rabies Information ..40Arctic/Western Alaska: Units 18, 22, 23, and 26A ..41Temporary Furbearer 45Code of Ethics 48

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4Trapping Regulation Changes This is a summary of changes adopted by the Alaska Board of Game detailed changes. It is your responsibility to read the Alaska Trapping Regulations carefully for complete information. Wolf Unit 2: marked by the trapper, the trapper must call the ADF&G Ketchikan Attention Trappers: Remember to act responsibly by trapping in ways that

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General Information Much of the information in the front of this book is presented in ficommon sensefl language to help trappers understand requirements. It is not a legal document and is not quoted verbatim from state law. For further details, contact your local Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), Division of Wildlife Conservation representa-tive (phone numbers are listed on page 2).For the purposes of this booklet, trapping means the taking of furbearers under authority of a trapping license. As explained later, some individuals may trap furbear -ers without a license, but if a license is required, then you need to carry it with you when you are trapping.Most furbearers are taken with either traps (including foothold and killer-style or presented in the section titled fiMethods and Means.fl Restrictions that apply only to closed to trapping are found at the beginning of the seasons and bag limits section of each region. Furbearers that may be taken with a trapping license are beaver, coyote, Arctic marten, mink, muskrat, river otter, squirrel, weasel, wolf, and wolverine. fur animals beaver, coyote, Arctic fox, red fox, lynx, and squirrel. big game animals wolf and wolverine. license under trapping regulations. For example, if you want to shoot a marmot, furbearer and is only covered under trapping regulations. either with a trapping license under trapping regulations or with a hunting license under hunting regulations. For example, if you want to shoot a wolf, which is considered a furbearer and a big game animal, and you have a trapping license, then you would follow regulations in this booklet; if you have a hunting license, then you would follow regulations in the Alaska Hunting Regulations for the current regulatory year.

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ADF&G employee asks to see your license, locking-tags, harvest tickets, permits, show any or all of these items.If you trap near a highway, remember that it is against the law to leave any carcasses or entrails on a highway or the right-of-way. Please deposit these materials out of sight of roads or trails. between trapping and other users, for example, avoid high recreational use areas.Avoid situations where you might catch a domestic dog or cat, such as near homes or trails frequently used by hikers, skijorers, dog mushers, or other people.Reporting Violations If you observe a violation of Alaska™s Fish and Game laws, you can assist the Alaska Wildlife Troopers as well as be eligible for a reward by reporting the violation to the Safeguard Hotline at 1-800-478-3377. Why was the fox hunting snowshoe hares? Because it was in the mood for fast food!Know Who Owns the Land Where You Plan to Trap Although regulations presented in this booklet may show an open season on certain access permit. It is your responsibility as a trapper to check with the landowner before Public Information Center (Anchorage) at (907) 271-5960 or DNR Public Information Center (Anchorage) (907) 269-8400 or visit DNR™s website at .

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8Nonresident LicensesNonresidents who want to trap furbearers in Alaska need a hunting and trapping license. For the purposes of obtaining a trapping license,finonresidentfl means: anyone who is not a resident of Alaska, but is a U.S. citizen (AS 16.05.940). Nonresident License Fees Trapping and Hunting $405.00Fur Dealer (biennial) $500.00Where Can I Obtain a Trapping License? A trapping license can be obtained from any license vendor in the state or online at . To get your license you may be asked to show proof of your residency. It is against the law to falsify any required information such as how long you have been a resident of the state. In ad -dition, you may not alter a trapping license once it has been issued to you, nor may you loan or transfer it to someone else. Similarly, you may not use someone else™s trapping license. In addition to a state trapping license, a trapping permit may be required on some federal refuges, parks and monuments, private land, or military land. These permits can be obtained from the landowners.

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9How Long Is My Trapping License Valid? The resident trapping license is valid from the date of issue until Septem-ber 30 of the year following the date of purchase regardless of whether you purchase a resident hunting and trapping license on October 1, 2021, the hunting license part of it is only valid through December 31, 2021, but the trapping part is valid through September 30, 2022. Nonresident trapping licenses are valid from the date of issue through December 31 of the year in which they were purchased.What If I Lose My Trapping License? If you lose your license, you can obtain a duplicate from any license vendor for that you had previously purchased a trapping license during the same year. Fur Dealer LicenseA fur dealer license allows you to buy, barter, or resell animal skins. You do not need a fur dealer license to sell the raw fur you legally trapped nor do you need a trapping or fur dealer license to buy raw fur for your own use. However, if you want to buy or barter animal skins for the purpose of reselling them, you will need a fur dealer license. Applications for a fur dealer license are available online at . For additional information, please contact ADF&G™s Licensing Section at (907) 465-2376.

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10Permits In addition to a trapping license, permits may be necessary for taking furbearers under special conditions or for shipping fur out of the state. If you obtain one of the permits listed below, be aware it may have other requirements in addition to what is explained in this book.Permit for Taking Furbearers with Game The department may issue a permit to trap furbearers with the use of game furnished by the state. A person using game for bait under this permit shall post a notice at the trap site indicating the permit number. Permit for Exporting Fur There are federal licenses and permits needed to ship furs outside of the country. Please check with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) if you intend to ship fur out of Alaska to another country such as Canada. If you intend to ship a raw or tanned lynx, river otter, or wolf skin out of the country (for example from Alaska to a fur dealer in Canada) you must obtain a federal wildlife export permit (also called a Anchorage (907) 271-6198Fairbanks (907) 456-2335 Juneau (907) 586-7545Permit for Capturing Wild Furbearers for Fur Farming You may obtain a permit from the department to capture and possess, but not export from Alaska, furbearers for fur farming purposes. The department may limit the number, sex, and species of animals as well as the localities where those furbearers may be taken. The purpose of this permit is to allow existing resident fur farmers to improve their genetic stock; it is not intended to allow individuals to start new fur farms from wild stock. The annual permit fee for an Alaska resident to collect wild fur animals for fur farming purposes is the same as the fee for resident trapping.

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11Permit for Controlling BeaversIf beavers are causing property damage, and the regular trapping season is closed for that area, a permit may be obtained from the department to remove the animals Ł stop the problem, or that the problem has to be taken care of before the regular trapping season opens, a permit to take the beavers may be issued; Ł may be taken and the number of beavers that may be taken;Ł beaver taken under a permit in Units 1-11, 13-15, and 17 must be sealed by the department; Ł beaver taken under a permit in Units 12, 16, and 18-26 must be reported to the department;Ł all beavers taken under a permit are the property of the trapper, unless stated otherwise on the permit.Discretionary Trapping Requirements In special situations designated by the Board of Game, ADF&G may require the In addition to registering, the trapper may be required to demonstrate certain skills, the department. Please talk to your local department representative if you are considering trapping in an area designated as having special requirements, such as Douglas Island and Gustavus in Unit 1C, and Creamer™s Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge in Fairbanks. Trapper Harassment Law It is against state law to intentionally obstruct or hinder another person™s lawful hunting, positioning one™s self in a location where human presence may alter the behavior also illegal to create a sight, sound, smell, or physical stimulus to alter the behavior 30 days in jail.

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