Apr 15, 2014 — Getting wine ready for bottling wine is bottled, and the bottling process can of filter that is to be used on the bottling line.

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4/15/2014 Blending & Bottling 1 Blending and Bottling Wine 3 Introduction to Enology 4/15/2014 1 2 Tonight™s Lecture What blending does for a wine Making bench blends Blending in the cellar Getting wine ready for bottling Final filtration and integrity testing Bottling procedures Labeling and packaging 2 3 Blending 3 Trying to make good wine taste better 4 What blending does Blending can make a good wine better by adding complexity & balance. Complexity by combining different flavor profiles, Ex. Zinfandel with a spicy – peppery aroma with a jammy – fruity Zin. Balance by blending wines that complement each other and fill in the gaps, a ripe low – acid wine with a tart wine. 4 5 What blending does The whole is often more than the sum of the parts. A wine blended from two wines will often be scored higher then the mean of the scores of the two base wines. 5 6 What blending won™t do Blending cannot make a bad wine good A small amount of a bad wine blended with a larger amount of good wine usually results in a large amount of mediocre wine. Wines that have viable spoilage microbes should never be used for blending. 6

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4/15/2014 Blending & Bottling 2 7 Blending Options Blending within or across varietals. Blend different vineyards. Blend younger and older wines. Blend wines with varying treatments, (oak and no oak). For home winemakers, use traded or store bought wine to complement your base blend. 7 8 Keep it Legal! Commercial wines have to be made within the boundaries of government regulations and market acceptance. More on this when we talk about labeling. Blending for composition (variety, vintage, etc.) or analysis (alcohol). Home winemakers make their own rules! 8 9 The Easiest Way to Start a Winery Négociants buy bulk wine from many growers and wineries to make a blend at a ficustom crushfl winery and then sell under their own name. This is by far the least expensive way to start a fiwineryfl. 9 10 Try it before you buy it Using lab blends and bench trials: Before you make the blend in the cellar make a small amount of the proposed blend in the same ratio in the lab. Like making a soup on the stove, taste you wine, think of what kind of flavors might improve it, and then see what you might have available in the cellar to make it better. 10 11 Tools for Blending Trials Graduated cylinder Graduated pipette Beaker or bottle Calculator or spread sheet When making a blend, be prepared to make a mess. 11 12 Making the Calculations Calculator , easy and fast for simple blends. Spread sheet , good for complex blends or to estimate chemical analysis or composition of a final blend. There is a excellent downloadable spreadsheet at winemakermag.com 12

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4/15/2014 Blending & Bottling 3 13 Home Winemaking Spreadsheet Component Gallons % Blend pH TA SO 2 RS Brix % Alc Wine 1 10.50 70.0% 3.300 7.50 40. 0.10 24.0 13.20 Wine 2 0.50 3.3% 3.500 7.00 40. 0.10 25.80 14.19 Wine 3 2.50 16.7% 3.720 5.50 55. 0.20 23.60 12.98 Wine 4 1.50 10.0% 3.810 5.30 55. 0.20 25.80 14.19 Wine 5 0.00 0.0% 0. 0.00 0. 0. 0. 0. Column 51.42 103.95 660.00 1.90 362.60 199.43 Weighted Ave. 15.0 3.39 6.93 44.00 0.13 24.17 13.30 From Winemaker Magazine 13 14 Making the Calculations Pearson square , a simple way to do the algebra needed to determine the ratio of two wines that needs to be blended together to hit a certain composition. 14 15 Pearson Square A D B E C A = Wine @ 15% B = Wine @ 10% C = Blend Target of 13% D = Ratio of wine A in final blend E = Ratio of wine B in final blend 15 16 Pearson Square 15 3 10 2 13 A = Wine @ 15% B = Wine @ 10% C = Target 13 % D = 13 – 10 = 3 E = 15 – 13 = 2 Ratio of wine 3/2 wine A/B makes a blend of 13% 16 17 When to Blend? Field blend , mixing different varieties in the vineyard and or crushing them together into the same fermentation tank. This gives the wine plenty of time to harmonize but you cannot make a trial blend. Not so bad if you know you will eventually blend the two vineyard blocks together. However both varieties usually do not ripen at the same time. 17 18 When to Blend? After fermentation but before ageing, you can taste the wine beforehand but you still are estimating what the taste will eventually be. Mid ageing , you can taste the wine and it has time to marry the flavors in the barrel. Before bottling , at then end of aging. Works great but the wine does not have a lot of time for flavors to harmonize. 18

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4/15/2014 Blending & Bottling 4 19 Blending Complementary Varieties Cabernet Sauvignon & Bordeaux blenders Zinfandel & Petite Sirah Pinot Noir & Syrah ( does not take much ) Chardonnay & Muscat ( does not take much ) Sauvignon Blanc & Sémillon Syrah & Grenache, Mourvèdre or Viognier Sangiovese & Merlot or Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot & Cabernet Sauvignon 19 Non – varietal blending If no grape variety in the blend is more than 75% of the composition it cannot be sold as a varietal wine. Non – varietal wines can be sold under a hyphenated name Cabernet – Merlot , or a proprietary name such as Red Truck 20 21 Blending examples Different treatments American oak & French oak Different levels of ripeness at harvest. A small amount of a young wine blended with an older wine can make it taste more youthful & fruity. 21 22 Things to be careful of Blending can spread spoilage. Blending is more successful when you are trying to tweak flavors rather than trying to hide flaws. Blending can affect stability ( protein, tartrate, microbial ), if all of the base wines are stable the blend usually is as well; but test again to be sure. 22 23 Final Thoughts on Blending There is no trick to blending, make bench blends first and then trust your taste. Remember , the primary objective of blending is to add balance and complexity to the final blend. 23 24 Bottling Œ The final step Bottling is the last step a winemaker takes when producing a wine. Bottling at a wine shop in Paris 24

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4/15/2014 Blending & Bottling 5 25 Bottling Œ The final step It is also one of the most risky steps because mistakes cannot be easily corrected after the wine is bottled, and the bottling process can be very rough on wines. Many of the topics we have covered so far in class are reprised in tonight™s lecture. 25 26 Prebottling Steps needed before a wine is ready to bottle: Clarification Stabilization Adjustments – SO 2 & temperature Adjustments – Oxygen & Carbon dioxide Filterability 26 27 Clarifying Clarifying by racking, filtering, or centrifuging, depends on microbial stability and the type and style of the wine being produced. The steps of filtration are: Rough Polish Sterile Bottle 27 28 Stabilization Stabilization Heat stabilization with bentonite (white wines). Cold stabilizing 5 days to 3 weeks at 28 ° F, can be expedited with addition of KHTa seed crystals. 28 29 Sulfur Dioxide SO 2 adjustment 0.5 PPM (molecular) for reds to protect from Brettanomyces 0.8 PPM (molecular) for whites at bottling. Remember SO 2 level decreases with bottle aging. 29 30 Temperature Temperature adjustment Wine should be warmed to 60 – 65 ° F to prevent condensation on bottles during filling. It is best to warm the wine before polish filtration, if the wine is filtered “warm” there less potential for oxygen pickup and protective colloids are easier to remove. 30

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4/15/2014 Blending & Bottling 6 31 Oxygen Oxygen , although oxygen is more soluble at lower temperatures, it is absorbed more slowly. Shoot for a dissolved oxygen (DO) level of <1.0 PPM in whites and <2.0PPM in reds. Remember: 1 gram/Liter = 1,000 parts per million (PPM) 31 32 Nitrogen Sparging Sparging with nitrogen gas lowers the dissolved oxygen level in wine. The gas can be introduced during a wine transfer or in the tank using a sparging stone to form small bubbles. Be careful because excess sparging will reduce a wines aroma. Sparging stones made of porous stainless steel 32 33 Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide level adjustment CO 2 is soluble in wine to 1.65 g/L at 1 ATM pressure; the threshold for taste is at 1.3 g/L CO 2 affects taste and can be desirable in young fruity wines (White Zin, Gewurtz) Dry red or white .5 to .9 g/L Off dry style 1.0 to 1.3 g/L 33 34 Carbon Dioxide Degassing usually not needed for reds due to long aging. Warm wine to 65 ° F and circulate or sparge with nitrogen to drive out CO 2. With young white wines there is a danger of foaming over the tank. This step can be done using a heat exchanger or with hot water dripped over the top of the tank or circulated through the jacket. 34 35 Filterability Testing Filterability Test Here a small amount of the wine is lab filtered through the same type of filter that is to be used on the bottling line. The flow rate is monitored over time and with the aid of a computer program it is determined if the wine is clean enough for membrane filtration. 35 36 Filterability Testing Filterability testing is not absolutely necessary, but if the wine is to be sterile filtered at bottling it insures that the wine is clean enough pass through membrane filters without clogging. Membrane filters are very expensive so you can pay for the cost of the lab equipment the first time you prevent a set of membrane filters from plugging. 36 PAGE - 8 ============ 4/15/2014 Blending & Bottling 8 43 Integrity testing 22 PSI for 0.45 m @ 20 ºC (68 ºF) with N 2 gas 13 PSI for 0.65 m @ 20 ºC (68 ºF) with N 2 gas 43 44 Integrity testing 44 Before starting purge system with water and then close inlet and outlet valves 45 Pressure hold test , similar to a bubble point test but the nitrogen pressure is brought to just below the bubble point and then the gas supply is turned off. The pressure is monitored for several minutes to see if it holds. This method takes more time but is more accurate. Integrity testing 45 46 Sterile bottling Using membranes the bottling line can be sterilized with hot water (180 ° F for 30 minutes, this is measured at the coldest part of the line and the timer starts when it is up to 180 ° F). After its sterilized the membranes keep microorganisms out as wine flows into filler so the wine is bottled sterile. 46 47 Sterile bottling Live steam for 15 minutes will also sterilize a filler. 47 48 Sterile bottling Bottling lines can also be sterilized with ozone. The filler is filled up with ozoneated water and soaked overnight. Draining it in the morning and you are ready to go. However, ozone degrades membrane filters so it cannot be used for sanitizing final filters. 48 PAGE - 9 ============ 4/15/2014 Blending & Bottling 9 49 Sterile bottling This is most important for sweet wine or wines that have not gone through malolactic fermentation, for dry reds that are finished with MLF it can be skipped. A 0.80 m is fine for wines that will not be aged for too long but be sure to use a 0.65 m when a red wine has a risk of Brettanomyces. 49 50 Sterile bottling If your membrane filters get plugged up quickly after starting on a new wine, do not just put in new ones and start again because they are likely to plug as well ( and you will be out another $300/filter! ) 50 51 Sterile bottling If you cannot sterile bottle and your wine is microbially unstable you can use additives to prevent microbial growth in the bottle. Sulfur dioxide Sorbic acid (yeast) Fumaric acid (malolactic bacteria) 51 52 Bottles Glass design is often based on tradition, shapes colors and punt etc. Champagne Green Claret Bordeaux Varieties Antique green Burgundy Burgundy Varieties Amber Hock German Varieties 52 53 Bottles Flint (Clear) Claret Sauv Blanc Dead Leaf Green Burgundy Chardonnay 53 Wine in Kegs Wine sold fion tapfl in restaurants. Usually sold in 3 to 7 gallon sizes. The kegs are pressurized with inert gas and preserve the wine for several weeks after the keg is tapped Reusable kegs lower packaging costs but is offset by increased transportation costs. 54 PAGE - 10 ============ 4/15/2014 Blending & Bottling 10 55 56 Bottles Bottles arrive in bulk or in cases, are loaded on to line and go through a bottle cleaner that blows or rinses out the cardboard dust and sparges with N 2 or CO 2™ before they are filled. 56 57 Bottle cleaner & sparger 57 58 Bottles New glass usually is clean of wine microbes but it can become contaminated in storage or transport. 58 59 Filler Wine comes from the bottling tank by gravity or a gentle pump, goes through the filters and into filler bowl, most wine fillers fill the bottles by gravity and pull out foam and overfill with vacuum. 59 60 Filler Fill height should be set to the volume listed on the bottle using weight & density. This is because volume can change with temperature. 10ºF change in temp can change fill height by about 1/8 inch. TTB regulations require that you measure for fill heights for accuracy and record the results at least every day. 60 PAGE - 11 ============ 4/15/2014 Blending & Bottling 11 61 Filler Valve Filler 61 62 Filler Operation 62 63 Hand Fillers 63 64 Corker The corker first pulls a vacuum on the bottle then jaws squeeze cork and plunger pushes cork into bottle, this reduces O 2 and eliminates wine leaking through cork. When hand (non - vacuum) filling it is necessary to leave the bottle cork up for about 10 days to equalize the pressure in the bottle and keep the bottle from leaking. 64 65 Corker Jaws Hand Corker 65 66 Bottle Closures Corks have been the most popular seal for fine wine for more than 300 years, but they are now being replaced by many wineries. Cork is a natural product made from the bark of the cork oak tree. Harvesting the bark does not kill the tree. 66 91 KB – 16 Pages