We pray that this book becomes a source of promoting a true understanding about Allah and helping many to attain His love and near- ness. Page 6. ZIKR-I-ILAHI.

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˜˚˛˚˛˝˙ˆˇ˘˚ An English rending of the Urdu book Dhikr-e-Il ahiA speech delivered during the Annual Con˜ention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on 28 December 1916 Hadrat Mirza Bashir-ud-D een Mah mood Ahmad, Khal ifatul-Mas ih II (may Allah be pleased with him)

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ISLAMINTERNATIONALPUBLICATIONS LTDRemembrance of Allah (Originally published in Urdu as Dhikr-e-Il ahi)A speech delivered by Hadrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Deen Mahmood Ahmad Khal ifatul-Mas ih II raduring the Annual Con˜ention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on 28 December 1916 © Islam International Publications Ltd. First published in Urdu in Rabwah, Pakistan, 1982 First English translation published in the UK, 1993 Second English edition published in the UK, 2003 ISBN: (1 85372 509 9) Present (third) edition published in the UK, 2021 Published by Islam International Publications Ltd. Unit 3, Bourne Mill Business Park, Guildford Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 9PS, UK Printed in UK at Raqeem Press, Farnham, Surrey For further information, please visit www.alislam.org. Cover design: Usman Nasir Choudhary ISBN: 978-1-84880-577-4 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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ˇ˚ˇ About the Author ..ixForeword xiRemembrance of Allah Introductory Remarks ..1Importance of the Subject ..7What is Dhikr-e-Il ahi 7Need of Greater Attention to Dhikr in Our Community ..12Misunderstandings about Dhikr ..19Misguided Forms of Dhikr 19Dhikr Versus Mesmerism 22Pleasure from Dhikr 23Di˜erence between Dhikr and Mere In˚uence of ˛oughts .24Reciting Dhikr Aloud 25Poetry as Dhikr? 27Characteristics of True Dhikr 29Five States of a Person Engaged in Dhikr-e-Il ahi .29True Dhikr Rules out Dancing and Shouting 31Unconsciousness is Not a True Result of Dhikr ..32

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viProhibitions Regarding Dhikr 35Four Kinds of Dhikr Enjoined by the Holy ˝uran35 Methods of Performing Dhikr ..41Obligatory and Voluntary Dhikr .41Other Forms of Remembrance of Allah .43Precautions & Proper Times for Dhikr .49Necessary Precautions for Dhikr ..49Proper Times for Dhikr ..53PrayerŠ˜e Most Important Form of Dhikr .59Salat as Dhikr ..59˛e Philosophy of Sunnah 59˛e Philosophy of Naw a˚l 60˜irteen Methods of Waking up for Tahajjud 63Twenty-two Methods of Concentration in Prayers .75Dhikr in Gatherings .103Bene˚ts of Dhikr ..107Endnotes 117Publisher™s Note .131Acknowledgements 134Glossary ..135Index 141

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˚ Hadrat al- Haj Mirza Bashir-ud-Deen Mahmood Ahmad ra (˙ˆˆˇŒ˙ˇ˘as the second Khal ifah of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. He was the son of the Promised Messiah and his birth was the fulnt of the Mu sleh Mau‚ ud (Promised Reformer) prophecy. ˛is prophecy was published by the Promised Messiah as as a Sign of the truth of Islam in reply to a challenge put forth by the Arya Samaj. From his early youth, he was ged with knowledgeŠboth, secular and spiritualŠand a deep love for the Holy ˝uran. He was nineteen years old when the Promised Messiah as passed away on ˘ May ˙ˆ, in Lahore. ˛e next day, on May ˙ˆ, he pledged allegiance to Hadrat Maul ana Hakeem Noor-ud-Deen, Khal ifatul-Mas ih I, trst Khal ifah of the Promised Messiah as. He visited Egypt and Arabia in September ˙ˇ˙during the course of which he performed the Hajj pilgrimage. In June ˙ˇ˙ he started a newspaper, titled Al-Fazl. In ˙ˇ˙, at the age he was elected as Khal ifatul-Mas ih II. During his almosy-two years of Khil afat, he led the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on an international level, expanding the Movement to forty-six countries, and building dozens of hospitals,

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xmosques, and schools. He consolidated and formalized the system nancial contributions of the Community, and initiated the annual campaigns of Tahrik-e-Jad id in ˙ Waqf-e-Jad id in ˙ˇ, considerably expanding Ahmadi missionary activity globally. He was an active politicaure especially in India prior to its independence. He was also one of the founding members and the rst president of the All-India Kashmir Committee set up for the establishment of the civil rights of Kashmiri Muslims. Hadrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Deen Mahmood Ahmad ra was an avid scholar and a proluthor, who spoke and wrote exten -sively in defence of Islam. A twenty-six volume compilation of his works called Anw arul-‚Ul um contains over ˆritings and lectures (excluding several thousand sermons). His Tafs ir-e- Kab irŠten-volume commentary of the Holy ˝uranŠis revered as a treasure trove to this very day. Likewise, he was an orator of unmatched eloquence, captivating his audiences for hours on end. Hadrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Deen Mahmood Ahmad ra gave the Jam a‚at its current organizational and administrative structure, for -mally establishing the Majlis ash-Shura (Consultative Council). He established the auxiliary organisations for men, women, and children. His many momentous achievements include the estab -lishment of the Electoral College for the election of Khal ifatul- Mas ih, and the establishment of the Community™s headquarters in Rabwah, Pakister the partition of British India in ˙ˇ. He passed away on ˆ November ˙ˇ˘n Rabwah, Pakistan, and was succeeded by Hadrat Mirza N asir A hmad as Khal ifatul- Mas ih III rta .

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˙˙ Dhikr-e-Il ahi (Remembrance of Allah ) is an English rendering of a speech delivered by Hadrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Deen Mahmood Ahmad, Khal ifatul-Mas ih II (may Allah be pleased with him) on ˆ December ˙ˇ˙˘. ˛is is a topic of vital importance, as Allah Himself explicitly states in the Holy ˝uran ‘˛, ‚And the remembrance of Allah indeed is the greatest virtue ™ (Surah al-‚Ankab ut,˘). ˛e revered speaker delivered a splendid presentation on the nature, importance, and bes of Dhikr-e-Il ahi. He explained that Dhikr-e-Il ahi is of four types: ˙) Prayerecitation of the Holy ˝uranarration of the attributes of Allah the Exalted in gatherings and acknowledging and making their verbarma -tioneliberating upon the attributes of Allah in solitude. He added the methods and timing of Dhikr-e-Il ahi for maximum bearticularly emphasised the value of Tahajjud prayer as a means of attaining Maq am-e-Ma hmudŠthe praiseworthy station of nearness to Allah. He also suggested twenty-two means of fostering concentration in Prayer. Sadly, people these days question the utility of reciting the name of God. ‚What™, they ask, ‚could be the bemeone

12 KB – 166 Pages