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Many thanks to all players who playtested Lisboa for the last 4 years and sent so many suggestions. Main playtesters: Emanuel Diniz, Nuno Fonseca, Rafael Pires, Thomas Brygmann The Author wishes to warmly thank for playtesting and suggestions: Alexandre Bezerra, André Almeida, Brandon Kempf, Brian Frahm, Brian Tri, Carlos Paiva, Carolina Valença, Catarina Sarmento, Celine Gaudin, César Mendes, Clayton Ross, Chris Arnold, Chris Weiss, Cristina Antunes, Christophe Gaudin, Christopher Incao, David da Silva, Dave Moss, Derek Davis, Duarte Conceição, Eduardo Mendieta, Eisen Montalvo, Elsa Romão, Gary Perrin, Gonçalo Moura, Hugo Cabrita, Hugo Elias, Ian O™Toole, Jake Blomquist, Jason Grantz, João Monteiro, João Madeira, Jorge Blázquez, Jorge Deinos, Jorge Graça, Joze Reverente, Lars Helmersson, Luís Cóias, Luís Severino, Ori Avtalion, Patrick Morrison, Paulo Renato, Paulo Terça, Pedro Almeida, Pedro Branco, Pedro Freitas, Pedro Sampaio, Pedro Sequeira, Pete King, Piero Cabral, Mal King , Malte Frieg, Manny Rodriguez, Matthew Dennison, Matthew James Goodwin, Mitch Chiappalone, Nicola Bocchetta, Nikolas Co, Nicholas Hjelmberg, Rafael Duarte, Rafael Maia, Rafael Theunis, Ralph Anderson, Réjean Ducharme, Ricardo Almeida, Ricardo Gama, Ricardo Moita, Rob Arntz, Roel Vaneerdeweg, Rodrigo Levin, Ruben Rodrigues, Sandra Sarmento, Sandrina Fernandes, Sara Rodrigues, Sébastien Charbonneau, Shay Rickman, Sofia Passinhas, Stephen Roberts, Steve Raab, Tiago Ribeiro, The Dice Men Cometh (Mark, Garth & Leon), Vasco Almeida, Vitor Pires, Warren Adams .A very special thanks to Julián Pombo and Nils Urdahl for the infinite playtesting hours on Tabletopia, incredible ideas, great development and friendship. To Ian O™Toole for the amazing art and graphic ideas, to Nathan Morse, for all the support, ideas, and many working hours on the rulebook, Ori for his eagle eye on catching issues in the rules, all of the BGG community for their suggestions and support, and finaly to Paul Incao, who keeps following me on this adventure, with many great ideas, and for being available at every hour for developing. To Alex, Rick Soued, and the entire EGG team for believing in this game. Without all of these people this game would not have been possible. All my love to my beautiful daughters Catarina and Inês and to my muse and greatest friend, my wife Sandra, for their patience, support, inspiration, and many hours of discussion on this game. Credits: Game Design: Vital Lacerda Illustrations: Ian O´Toole Head of development: Paul Incao Lead developers: Julián Pombo and Nils Urdahl Graphic Design & 3D Illustrations: Ian O™Toole Rulebook & 3D Illustrations: Vital Lacerda English Rules Editing: Nathan Morse Official Rules Video: Paul Grogan, Gaming Rules! Proofreading: Ori Avtalion, Paul Grogan Project Managers: Rick Soued & Alex Soued A game by Vital Lacerda / 1_4 Players / 30 min per player / Ages 14+

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Components 4Setup 5Player board setup 5Board setup 6Card setup 7Simulate the earthquake 7Game Concept 8Gameplay 8Your turn 8Dock your Ships 8Get 1 Gold 8Take an Action 9Rubble Sets for Reconstruction 9Your Portfolio 9Playing a card into your Portfolio 9Portfolio and warehouse size 9Playing a Noble card into your Portfolio 10Playing a Treasury card into your Portfolio 10Influence 10Gaining Influence 10Spending Influence 11Spending Influence instead of Réis 11Action 1: Sell Goods 11Action 2: Trade with Nobles 12 The State Actions 12Recruit State Officials 12Acquire a Plan 12Build a Ship 13Produce goods 14Meet the Cardinal 14Cardinal movement 14Church Scoring 15Get a Royal Favor 15Action 3: Visit a Noble 16Follow a Visit 16Spending Influence to Visit a Noble 16The Noble Actions 17Build a Store 17Choosing a Wooden House 18Earning Wigs for Your New Store 18Take a Decree 19Open a Public Building 20Hiring State Officials 21Action 4: Sponsor an Event 21Take a Political Card 21End of Turn 22End of Period 22End of the Game 22Endgame Scoring 23On November 1st, 1755, on All Saints™ Day, Lisboa suffered an earthquake of an estimated magnitude of 8.5Œ9.0, followed by a tsunami, and 3 days of fires. The city was almost completely destroyed. The Marquis of Pombal, Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, was the prime minister at the time, and the king put him in charge of the reconstruction of Lisboa. The king and the prime minister immediately launched efforts to rebuild the city. On December 4th, 1755, little more than a month after the catastrophe, the chief engineer of the realm, Manuel da Maia, presented his plans to rebuild Lisboa. Maia presented five options, including abandoning Lisboa altogether, rebuilding with recycled ruins, widening the streets, and even building a completely new city. The chosen plan boldly proposed razing the entire Baixa quarter and filaying out new streets without restraintfl. Eugénio dos Santos and Carlos Mardel were the architects in charge of the rebuilding. In less than a year, the city was cleared of debris. Because the king wanted to have a new and perfectly ordered city, he commissioned the construction of big squares, straight, large avenues, and widened streets, with related types of businesses as if each street had its own motto: A Baixa de Lisboa. A game of Lisboa is set over a span of 22 years. You play the roles of influential nobles who survived the earthquake, tsunami, and fires, and who will help in the reconstruction and economic development of the new city to receive graces from the king and the marquis. You will work with the architects to build Lisboa anew in order to gain Influence, and the most important thing of all: Wigs. TABLE OF CONTENTSA game by Vital Lacerda / 1_4 Players / 30 min per player / Ages 14+

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4COMPONENTS1 Starting Player marker 63 Rubble cubes in 3 colors 12 Royal Favor tiles from 3 Nobles 20 Plans Š 4 of them are Starting Plans with a blue back. Gameboard Clergy Tile and Rubble bags 1 Treasury marker 37 Clergy tiles and 1 Cardinal meeple 16 double-sided Public Buildings Rulebook + Player aid book + Solo rules 4 Courtier meeples in player colors 4 Price markers in 4 colors 82 Political cards in 4 decks 22 City tiles 4 player boards 32 O˜cial meeples in player colors 8 Discs in 4 player colors 12 Ship cards in 4 colors 5 small City tiles 32 wooden houses in player colors 20 Rubble Set markers in player colors 70 Decree cards 4 Scoring tiles55 Real coins: 30 of 1 Real, 20 of 5 Réis, and 5 of 10 Réis 68 Goods tokens: 17 Gold, 17 Cloths, 17 Books, 17 Tools 1 Real 5 Réis Back 10 Réis Back Back Back Backs Back Back Manuel Marquis KingTools ClothGold BooksGreen Architect side Blue Architect side Entrance Entrance Fire Tsunami Earthquake Big meeples Smaller meeples

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5All the art Ian O™Toole created for Lisboa is based on murals of glazed Portuguese tiles, as the art form had evolved by the 17th Century. Even today, you can find these murals not only in many palaces, churches, and Noble houses, but also in middle- class homes. Mass production of these tiles began in the 18th Century, partly due to increased demand in Portugal, but also from large orders that started coming in from the Portuguese colony, Brazil. After the earthquake, they became trendy, and often depicted historical situations, framed by decorative patterns Š all of this done predominantly in blue and white.The Portuguese name for these tiles is Azulejos Portugueses. In this game, the gameboard, player boards, and cards all give homage to this art, which for many people epitomizes the look of Portugal. A more ubiquitous trendy commodity from that time was the wig. The following excerpt perfectly explains why wigs were chosen as the fivictory pointsfl in this game: fiWith wigs being the universal male consumer product of the 1700s, and everyone from shopkeeper to king wearing one, men were spoiled for choice. While a shop boy might only be able to afford one wig, and thus had to choose wisely and for durability, those of the one percent of the population, the Nobleman and the wealthy citizens, could afford to own dozens of wigs. If they considered themselves to be a leader of fashion, were eccentric, or merely had the money to indulge a whim, they could purchase wigs that others could only dream of owning (or not, as the case may be!).fl From ‚The Wig Business was Big Business in 18th Century‚ by Lucinda Brant Game Art, the Portuguese Azulejo, and the Wigs 291063718SETUPPut 1 Royal Favor tile of each character, per player, in the Rubble bag. Put all of the Clergy tiles in the Clergy Tile bag. Player Board Setup:Each player chooses a color and takes the following: 1. 1 player board. 2. 1 Player Aid book. 3. 5 Rubble Set markers (cubes). 4. 8 wooden houses.5. 8 Officials (meeples). 6. 1 Good tile of each type (gold, books, cloth, tools).7. 10 réis [HRA-ees] (sounds like firacefl; please note: singular form is firealfl [hree-ALL] Š e.g. 1 real, 2 réis). 8. 2 Clergy tiles from the Clergy Tile bag at random. Look at them and keep one; return the other to the bag. 9. 1 random Royal Favor tile drawn from the bag. 10. 1 random Starting Plan (the ones with the dark blue backs). Return the remaining Starting Plans to the box. (Each of the components above has a proper place, face-up on your player board. See the illustration to the right.)And on the Gameboard (see next page) 1 Courtier meeple, which goes in one of the Royal Court spaces. 1 Wigs marker, which goes on space 5 of the Wigs score track. The player who visited Lisboa most recently is the starting player, and takes the Starting Player marker. Play goes clockwise from this player. 1 Influence disc: Put the first player™s Influence disc on space 4 of the Influence Track; the second player™s goes on space 5; third player, space 6; fourth player, space 7. Place 1 of your Officials in the office of the Marquis, the middle character (does not matter which space).In a 2-player game, place 1 Official from an unused color in any space of each of the three Nobles™ offices. They will remain there all game and count as opponents™ meeples. 45Plaza

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6SETUP (CONT.)Board Setup:Public Buildings1. The Public Buildings are blue on one side, green on the other. Flip all 16 Public Buildings blue-side-up, then shuffle them. Split the stack into two stacks of 8, and flip one stack green-side-up. Place each stack just off the board beside the plan space of the same-color architect. 2. Move the top tile of each architect™s Public Building stack into the architect™s plan space. This way, players can always see both the current and the next Public Building available. Plans3. Separate the Plan tiles into two face-up stacks, based on which architect is depicted: green or blue. Sort each stack by the number of officials depicted, such that the fewest officials are on top, and the most are on bottom. Place each stack on the appropriate space. Stores4. Place the 4 Price markers in the spaces marked with the goods™ colors on the market track. 5. Place one City tile on each space (yellow, pink, brown, blue, small blue) on the board to form the City Building display. Leave the remaining tiles in stacks near the display. 6. Shuffle the 4 Scoring tiles depicting wigs, and place a random one in each space at the bottom of the downtown map. 7. In a 2-player game , cover row E with the 2-player overlay (see Variants and Add-ons sheet).Church8. Draw 6 Clergy tiles from the Clergy Tile bag, and place them face-up (wigs-side-down) on the dark spaces of the Church track. 9. Place the Cardinal meeple on the space of the Church track with the Influence symbol (envelope). Other Setup10. Dump the remaining Royal Favor tiles from the Rubble bag, and stack the tiles for each character on the space on that character™s portrait. 11. Place the big Treasury marker cube on space 3 of the Treasury track. 12. Place all the goods and all money next to the gameboard to form the general supply and the Royal Treasury. CB109811Noble™s offices GFDA933142

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8Political CardsThere are 2 types of Political Cards: Noble cards: Each Noble card depicts one of the 3 Nobles in the game, with an envelope at the top, representing Influence, and a reward / penalty on an arrow at the bottom. Noble cards represent a political event in which you engage with one of the Nobles. You can play this type of card in the Royal Court to visit the Noble, or into your Portfolio for the reward and for future Influence. Treasury cards: Each Treasury card has 2 treasury icons at the top. One with an arrow and another with a real with a plus sign. It also has an icon of an action/reward in the middle, and a money/sales benefit at the bottom. Treasury cards represent a subsidy from the Royal Treasury to you. You can play this type of card in the Royal Court for the action/reward, or you can play it into your Portfolio to take a subsidy from the Royal Treasury and gain a permanent money/ sales benefit.Dock Your ShipsIf you have any Ships in your Portfolio that are fiat seafl (i.e. the cargo hold is full, and thus the goods in the cargo hold are flipped face-down so they are all packed up in crates), return the goods from the cargo hold to the general supply. Your Ships at sea have returned from their voyage! Get 1 Gold As an act of desperation, you can Get 1 Gold instead of taking an action, by performing the following steps: 1. Discard a Political card from your hand. 2. Take 1 gold from the general supply. Note: Whenever a card is discarded, it is removed from the game. Example Green decides to Get 1 Gold. He chooses any one card from his hand, discards it, and takes a gold from the general supply in return. Then he takes one card from the display and finishes his turn. You will be working with the King, D. José I, with Manuel da Maia, the royal builder, and the Marquis de Pombal, the prime minister, to reconstruct a new Lisboa, and develop its economy. You need to build stores downtown to produce goods, and will earn wigs once appropriate Public Buildings are opened to drive tra˜c to your stores. In order to open Public Buildings, you will need Plans from one of the two architects, and enough state o˜cials to sta˚ the building. You will need In˛uence to convince the nobles to help you complete these tasks via Noble actions, but you could also trade with them, o˚ering goods in exchange for State actions. You can also meet with the Cardinal to acquire Clergy tiles, which give you permanent powers. Last, but by no means the least, you can persuade the Marquis to make decrees that favor you, granting you more wigs at the end of the game. GAME CONCEPTGAMEPLAYYOUR TURNOn your turn, you will first Dock Your Ships, then either Get 1 Gold or Take an Action , then Take a Political Card, and finally do some basic upkeep for your End of Turn. OverviewA game of Lisboa is divided into 2 time periods, each of which spans a variable number of rounds. On your turn, you will play one of the five Political cards in your hand to perform one of the four available actions or to get 1 gold; then you will take a new card into your hand from the Political card display. Finally, the turn passes to the player on your left. When a player manages to complete 2 sets (brown , red , blue) of rubble, or 3 decks of Political cards are exhausted (whichever comes first), the first time period ends at the end of that player™s turn .After the change of period is resolved, the game continues until the end of the game is triggered by a player having 4 complete sets of rubble, or by 3 decks of Political cards being exhausted again. At the end of the round in which that happens, players will take one more turn and then the final scoring occurs.The player with the most wigs wins the game. Influence Noble Portrait Event (flavor) Reward or Penalty Action/Reward Subsidy and Treasury modifier (down 1 step) Event (flavor) Money / Sales benefitIf the goods are face-down, the Ship is at sea.

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9Take an ActionPlay a card from your hand to take 1 of the 4 actions described below (you must be able to perform the action in order to take it). You play the card into your Portfolio in order to take action 1 or 2; you play the card into the Royal Court in order to take action 3 or 4.Play into Your Portfolio1. Any card to Sell Goods; 2. Any card to Trade with the Nobles; Play into the Royal Court3. A Noble card to Visit a Noble™s Office; 4. A Treasury card to Sponsor an Event. Your PortfolioAdding Political cards to your Portfolio grows your Business and though it, the power and Influence you have on the Crown. Your player board has 3 wide fislotsfl for cards at the top (docks), and 3 narrow slots at the bottom (your office). These 6 slots are called your Portfolio and each slot can hold only 1 card at a time. The top slots (docks) are reserved for Nobles and Ships , both of which give you cumulative Influence. The bottom slots (your office) are for Treasury cards , which give you money discounts or sales benefits. In the beginning of the game, you can only have 2 cards in your Portfolio; both could be in the top slots, both in the bottom slots, or you could have one in the top and one in the bottom. Playing a Card into Your PortfolioWhen you add a card to your Portfolio, you tuck the arrow end of the card under your player board. Any benefit or penalty depicted on the portion of the card that goes under your board must be resolved before it is hidden. Portfolio and Warehouse SizeThe number of goods of each type you are allowed to have is equal to your Portfolio size and limited by the number of Rubble sets you have collected (see sidebar).Your Warehouse can hold 2 goods of each kind. Each Rubble set you collect lets it hold 1 more good of each kind. (Excess goods are returned to the general stock.)Your Portfolio can have 2 cards +1 card for each Rubble set you have collected (see sidebar). If you want to play a card to your Portfolio when it is already at its capacity, you must first discard a card from your Portfolio. If you discard a Ship to make room for a Noble, discard the goods on the dock beneath the Ship. Example Green already has 3 cards in his Portfolio and only 1 set of Rubble. He wants to play another card into his Portfolio. He must first discard one of the cards already there. Note: If you don™t have a free space on your board to place a Rubble cube you take, just discard the cube. You can never have more than 5 Rubble cubes of one kind.Note: The gray arrow, with icon(s) on it, at the top or bottom of the cards shows you which end of the card you will tuck under your player board when you add it to your Portfolio. Rubble Sets for Reconstruction, or Gaiola PombalinaBy proportionate use of rubble from each of the three disasters, you can build new buildings from a wooden frame embedded in masonry, which is resistant to earthquake , fire , and tsunami.Building stores (page 17) or opening Public Buildings (page 20) will reward you with rubble cubes. Each set of 1 earthquake rubble, 1 fire rubble, and 1 tsunami rubble you complete immediately increases your Portfolio size and warehouse space. When you complete a set, take the Rubble Set marker from the +1 space above the set to indicate that your Portfolio can hold 1 more card, and you can store 1 more of each type of good. Move the Rubble Set marker onto Marquis de Pombal™s portrait on the gameboard. You will be able to discard it during the Take a Decree action to take another card. Decrees earn you wigs at the end of the game.ExampleAfter placing the rubble to complete the set, Green can store 4 goods of each type, and can have 4 cards in his Portfolio (2+1+1). He moves the Rubble Set marker onto the Marquis™ portrait. Later, he Takes a Decree, and opts to discard this marker to take a second Decree card (see Take a decree, page 19).Start ˜2( ) =+1() Designer™s Tip After you play a card to your Portfolio, you must either Sell Goods or Trade with the Nobles , both of which require at least one good . Make sure that after getting the reward at the bottom of the card, you will have at least one good, or you cannot play the card into your Portfolio. Resolve the reward Tuck the card under the board 1324Docks -> Noble and Ship cards Your office -> Treasury cards

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10Playing a Noble Card into Your Portfolio _ ExamplesReward Example: Purple plays a Manuel da Maia card into her Portfolio. She tucks the card into a top slot of her player board, which covers a Gold icon, and she is rewarded with a Gold good tile. This card also provides her 3 Influence whenever she gains Influence. She chooses to use her new Gold to Trade with the Nobles (action 2). Penalty Example: When Orange plays this powerful 5-Influence Marquis card into his Portfolio, he has to take one of his Officials from the Nobles, if he has any. He takes one Official from any office/plaza to pay the card™s penalty (if he had had no Officials in any offices/ plazas, he wouldn™t have had to take any at all!). He chooses to Sell Goods to increase his money (action 1). Playing a Treasury card into your Portfolio _ ExampleThe Treasury value is 3 réis. Green plays a Treasury card into his Portfolio, then takes 3 réis from the Royal Treasury, and moves the Treasury marker down one space. The lower part of this card depicts a real, which means that as long as this card is in his Portfolio, it is worth 1 real whenever he spends money for any reason. He then Trades with the Nobles (action 2). ˚e event leads to a penalty instead of a reward. Orange takes 1 O˜cial from the King™s o˜ce to tuck the card into his Portfolio. Green receives 3 coins from the treasury and ends up with a permanent discount of 1 coin in his Portfolio. ˚e treasury is now at 2 réis. Purple tucks the card into the top of her Portfolio and takes a gold. From now on, she will gain 3 In˛uence each time she gains In˛uence. Playing a Noble Card into Your Portfolio Noble cards must be played in the top slots of your Portfolio. To play a Noble card into your Portfolio, perform the following steps: 1. Receive the reward / pay the penalty depicted at the bottom of the card. If the icon has a over it, it is a penalty, and you must pay the depicted item instead of receiving it. If you cannot pay the penalty, you can still play the card. Cards with penalties provide you more Influence than the other cards from the same deck. (See Political Card descriptions, page 7 of Player Aid book.)2. Select an empty slot at the top of your player board (it doesn™t matter which one), or discard a card from one of the slots, then tuck the card under your player board, such that the reward/penalty icon on the bottom portion of the card is covered. 3. Then you must perform a Sell Goods action (action 1) or a Trade with the Nobles action (action 2).Playing a Treasury Card into Your Portfolio Treasury cards must be played in the bottom slots of your Portfolio. To play a Treasury card into your Portfolio, perform the following steps: 1. Immediately receive a quantity of réis from the Royal Treasury equal to the Treasury value. This amount is indicated to the right of the Treasury marker. 2. Move the Treasury marker down 1 space, because you have taken money from the Royal Treasury. The treasury marker cannot go beyond the confines of its track.3. Select an empty slot at the bottom of your player board (it doesn™t matter which one), or discard a card from one of the slots, then tuck the card under your player board, such that the treasury icons are covered. 4. Then you must perform a Sell Goods action (action 1) or a Trade with the Nobles action (action 2). Treasury cards also provide a money/sales benefit at the bottom of the card. This benefit remains active while the card is in your Portfolio, and it is cumulative with other Treasury cards you have in your Portfolio. (See Political Card descriptions, page 7 of Player Aid book.)Before continuing with the rules of the game, you need to understand the concept of Influence. Influence is required to take some very important actions, and has great impact on many steps of the game.INFLUENCEOne needs Influence in order to be accepted into the higher circles of the Crown. Influence is the best way, and sometimes the only way, to gain access to the Nobles and their benefits. Purple gained 2 In˛uence. Gaining InfluenceWhen you gain Influence, you always earn the total Influence depicted at the tops of the Noble and Ship cards in your Portfolio (i.e. on the cards in the top row). You indicate this by moving your Influence marker rightward on the Influence track. Important: Your Influence cannot exceed 10, and any excess beyond that goes to waste; however, each time you increase your Influence, if your Influence marker ends up on the Wig icon (the 10 space of the Influence track), you gain 1 wig Š even if your Influence was already 10 before the opportunity to gain Influence. Similarly, your Influence cannot go below 0; there is no penalty for having 0 Influence. Noble cards show the In˛uence the player may earn, and Treasury cards show a permanent money/sales bene˝t.

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11Ship CardsThere are 4 different Ship cards in the game. Ship cards are identified by their hull size and color. ACTION 1: Sell Goods _ ExampleBooks are worth 5 réis; cloth and gold, 4 réis; and tools, 3 réis. Green decides to sell 2 gold to his own Ship for 8 réis.The red Ship pays +1 real per good, so he gets 10 réis; this Ship is now full. Green also sells 2 books to Purple™s Ship. Purple™s Ship pays +2 réis per good, so Green gets a total of 14 réis for the 2 books; this Ship is not yet full. Green also has a tool in his warehouses that he was hoping to sell, but he decides not to, so Purple™s Ship does not set sail, giving her wigs. Green™s Ship sails away and he gets 2 wigs.Remember: Your Ships that are out to sea (i.e. the goods on the dock below them are face-down and thus packed up in crates) will return to dock with empty cargo holds at the beginning of your turn. Gaining Influence _ Example Yellow receives a total of 5 Influence from her Noble card and her Ship card. Yellow already had 7 Influence, and 7 + 5 = 12. So, Yellow only gains 3 Influence, but because her Influence marker ended up on the Wig icon in the 10 space, she gains 1 wig. The 2 main ways of gaining Influence are as follows: 1. When you Build a Ship (see Build Ship, page 13).2. When Church Scoring occurs (see Church Scoring, page 15).You can also gain Influence as a reward on a card or building space or a clergy tile. Spending InfluenceThere are only 2 ways of spending Influence in the game:1. Visiting a Noble (see Spending Influence to Visit a Noble, page 16).2. Choosing to spend Influence instead of réis (see below) .Spending Influence instead of RéisIf you need to spend réis, you may opt to generate any portion of the money you need by spending Influence. For each real you wish to provide by spending Influence, move your Influence marker leftward on the Influence track until it reaches the next space depicting a real. While your Influence is at 0, you cannot generate any more réis this way. ACTION 1: SELL GOODSOnly Portugal™s strong commerce with its colonies (especially Brazil) and Europe, made it possible to rebuild a completely wrecked city in a modern and enlightened way, and in such a short time. Orange just generated 3 réis by spending In˛uence. When you take the Sell Goods action, you can sell one or more goods. Perform the following steps for each good you sell: 1. Choose a docked Ship (a Ship card in any player™s Portfolio that still has space for goods).2. Move a Good (Gold, Books, Cloth, or Tools) token from your warehouses onto an empty dock space below the Ship. 3. Receive money from the Royal Treasury equal to the Good™s current market price, plus any modifier depicted on the Ship card. The goods™ market prices are indicated on the market track at the bottom of the board. If the number of goods on the dock spaces below the Ship is equal to the Ship™s hull size, the Ship immediately fisets sailfl, and the Ship™s owner does the following: 1. Flip the goods tokens on the dock spaces below the Ship card face-down to show them packed up in crates.2. Earn 1 wig per newly packed crate, as indicated on the crates.You can sell any number of goods to any Ships (up to their capacity, of course). The number of goods each Ship can carry is limited by the Ship™s hull size. Goods sold to a Ship remain face-up on the dock below the Ship until the Ship is full and sails away. Influence Price modifier Gain Influence Hull size Treasury modifier (up 1 step)

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